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更新時間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):81



pm,即project manager(項目經(jīng)理),是負(fù)責(zé)引領(lǐng)項目從啟動到完成的關(guān)鍵角色。他們確保項目按時、按預(yù)算、按質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)達成目標(biāo),同時協(xié)調(diào)團隊成員,管理資源,解決可能出現(xiàn)的問題。


1. 戰(zhàn)略思維:pm需要具備清晰的策略規(guī)劃能力,理解公司的業(yè)務(wù)目標(biāo),并將這些目標(biāo)轉(zhuǎn)化為可行的項目計劃。

2. 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力:有效的團隊管理和激勵是pm的核心技能,他們應(yīng)能激發(fā)團隊潛力,推動項目進展。

3. 溝通能力:pm需擅長與各方溝通,包括團隊成員、客戶、管理層,以確保信息準(zhǔn)確無誤地傳遞。

4. 風(fēng)險管理:預(yù)見并管理項目風(fēng)險是pm的重要職責(zé),他們需要制定應(yīng)對策略,降低潛在影響。

5. 技術(shù)知識:對項目所涉及的技術(shù)或業(yè)務(wù)領(lǐng)域有一定的了解,能理解和評估項目的可行性。



1. 制定項目計劃:確定項目范圍、時間表、預(yù)算和資源需求,編寫詳細(xì)的項目計劃書。

2. 協(xié)調(diào)團隊:分配任務(wù),定期檢查進度,解決團隊成員間的問題,確保團隊高效運作。

3. 管理變更:當(dāng)項目需求、時間或資源發(fā)生變化時,調(diào)整計劃,確保項目方向不變。

4. 客戶關(guān)系管理:與客戶保持良好溝通,理解其需求,處理反饋,確??蛻魸M意度。

5. 風(fēng)險監(jiān)控:識別潛在問題,提前制定應(yīng)對措施,防止項目偏離軌道。

6. 質(zhì)量控制:確保項目產(chǎn)出符合預(yù)設(shè)的質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn),及時糾正偏差。


1. 項目啟動:定義項目目標(biāo),收集需求,組建團隊,制定初步計劃。

2. 項目執(zhí)行:監(jiān)督項目實施,跟蹤進度,進行必要的調(diào)整,確保團隊按計劃執(zhí)行。

3. 項目監(jiān)控:定期報告項目狀態(tài),分析關(guān)鍵性能指標(biāo),識別可能的風(fēng)險和問題。

4. 項目收尾:項目完成后,進行成果交付,評估項目績效,總結(jié)經(jīng)驗教訓(xùn)。

5. 持續(xù)改進:基于項目反饋,優(yōu)化項目管理流程,提升團隊效率。



第1篇 businessdevelopment崗位職責(zé)

business development manager this position is a sales development role:

his/her task is to win and grow b2b business with chinese enterprises in support of their overseas e_pansion.

he/she will be responsible for selling travel risk/mobility solutions as well as site medical risk solutions in the assigned market and sectors, with focus on clients’china-outbound investment and projects.


selling of our solutions to companies (among others):

-medical and security assistance to e_patriates and business travellers;

-site medical services / plant medical services;

-services in the areas of health, wellness, medical emergency preparedness and occupational health;

-security / personal safety assistance and advisory services;

this role will require to make contact and interact with:

-health, safety, environment(hse) managers;

-hr managers;

-corporate medical & security mangers;

-general managers / country managers / project managers;

-travel managers;

-finance, legal and procurement managers;


-hunting personality, solid e_perience of identifying and qualifying new business opportunities;

-strong deal closing capability;

-develop multiple contacts with decision makers in client organizations;

-meet and e_ceed growth targets and budgets set;

-operate with targets, pipeline, and forecasts;

-comple_ solution and multi cycle sales e_perience

-good communication with fluent english speaking

this position is a sales development role:

his/her task is to win and grow b2b business with chinese enterprises in support of their overseas e_pansion.

he/she will be responsible for selling travel risk/mobility solutions as well as site medical risk solutions in the assigned market and sectors, with focus on clients’china-outbound investment and projects.


selling of our solutions to companies (among others):

-medical and security assistance to e_patriates and business travellers;

-site medical services / plant medical services;

-services in the areas of health, wellness, medical emergency preparedness and occupational health;

-security / personal safety assistance and advisory services;

this role will require to make contact and interact with:

-health, safety, environment(hse) managers;

-hr managers;

-corporate medical & security mangers;

-general managers / country managers / project managers;

-travel managers;

-finance, legal and procurement managers;


-hunting personality, solid e_perience of identifying and qualifying new business opportunities;

-strong deal closing capability;

-develop multiple contacts with decision makers in client organizations;

-meet and e_ceed growth targets and budgets set;

-operate with targets, pipeline, and forecasts;

-comple_ solution and multi cycle sales e_perience

-good communication with fluent english speaking

第2篇 software development engineer (android)職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



build, implement, maintain android application software for naviagtion. end-to-end responsibility for the development process of the feature taking into account cost, quality and time. follow state of the art methods and quality assurance throughout the software development cycle; joint work with product owner, product management, hmi to understand business and use-case requirements and assess technical feasibility based on current system design;

major responsibilities

?developers are required to have both broad e_pertise (knowing many technologies) as well as deep technical proficiency in at least one specific topic

?design, development of android navigation software, such as visualization, user interfaces and features.

?collaborate with cross-functional teams to ship new features.

?responsible for the end-to-end development process of the specific software solutions from technical design to sop with respect to cost, quality and time

?create technical requirements, documentation for reference and reporting

?technical reporting to lead software development engineer.



?master in computer science, sw engineering or equivalent.

?proven e_perience as a software developer, software engineer, full stack engineer or similar role.

?rich e_perience of object oriented coding languages (e.g. java, c++, javascript, typescript, etc.)

?able to write well-crafted code (simple, maintainable, robust, reusable, well-tested)

?e_perienced with android and 3rd party sdks, third-party libraries and apis. e_perienced working with remote data via rest and json

?rich e_perience with agile software development processes (e.g. scrum) in a distributed environment and corresponding tooling (like jira, confluence).

?rich e_perience of source code management tools, e.g. git, svn .etc.

?knowledge of _ml/json and shell script.

?e_perience in automation testing and unit testing and continuous integration & deployment technologies.

?familiar with algorithm/design patterns/gerrit.

?communication skills in english.

?good teamwork skills

?e_perience in software development (android)

第3篇 pmc部主管崗位職責(zé)任職要求







第4篇 business development supervisor崗位職責(zé)要求



1. conduct industry and market researches; assist in building overall corporate strategy and long-range strategic planning

2. support deal sourcing and m&a pipeline building by analysing and evaluating m&a target companies

3. assist in organizing due diligence process; implement commercial due diligence

4. assist in deal valuation and deal negotiation;

5. implement the whole process of post-merger integration


1. 1-2 years e_perience in consulting firm or bd department of mncs

2. e_cellent communication and interpersonal skills, both internally and e_ternally;

3. result-oriented, disciplined and self-motivate;

4. solid project management e_perience, able to meet tight deadlines;

5. advanced user of microsoft office;

6. a plus with facility management industry e_perience.

第5篇 bpm高級技術(shù)經(jīng)理(java方向)職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求











3.精通java web開發(fā)相關(guān)技術(shù)及主流框架的使用(struts、spring、hibernate);


5.精通_ml、web service、html5、maven等技術(shù);





第6篇 business development manager-vehicle商務(wù)拓展經(jīng)理-整車方向崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



?managing a close observation of the market trends, competitors activities and customers requirements; initiating long term measures related to continuous improvement of sales volume and market share

?establish and maintain customer relationships

?clarify customer technical requirement

?prepare project proposal together with engineers of related bus

?negotiate price, payment terms and other commercial conditions with customer

?realize assigned annual sales volume

?regular report project acquisition status to ro-cn managers

?present fev engineering services portfolio by customer visiting or public events


?university degree in mechanical or vehicle engineering or related

education background.

?rich knowledge of vehicle (ev/hev), engine technology and development procedure

?more than 5 years working e_perience in one of the following areas:

?sales, business development or project management

?vehicle design (body in white, closures, interior/e_terior or chassis) and integration

?vehicle attributes development and validation (crash, nvh, vehicle dynamics…)

?deep understanding of typical purchasing procedure for engineering services

?business fluent english, can discuss comple_ technical and commercial topics

?ready for business trips (50% working time) in china and oversea

第7篇 pmp項目管理師崗位職責(zé)








第8篇 businessdevelopmentdirector崗位職責(zé)

business development manager this position is a sales development role:

his/her task is to win and grow b2b business with chinese enterprises in support of their overseas e_pansion.

he/she will be responsible for selling travel risk/mobility solutions as well as site medical risk solutions in the assigned market and sectors, with focus on clients’china-outbound investment and projects.


selling of our solutions to companies (among others):

-medical and security assistance to e_patriates and business travellers;

-site medical services / plant medical services;

-services in the areas of health, wellness, medical emergency preparedness and occupational health;

-security / personal safety assistance and advisory services;

this role will require to make contact and interact with:

-health, safety, environment(hse) managers;

-hr managers;

-corporate medical & security mangers;

-general managers / country managers / project managers;

-travel managers;

-finance, legal and procurement managers;


-hunting personality, solid e_perience of identifying and qualifying new business opportunities;

-strong deal closing capability;

-develop multiple contacts with decision makers in client organizations;

-meet and e_ceed growth targets and budgets set;

-operate with targets, pipeline, and forecasts;

-comple_ solution and multi cycle sales e_perience

-good communication with fluent english speaking

this position is a sales development role:

his/her task is to win and grow b2b business with chinese enterprises in support of their overseas e_pansion.

he/she will be responsible for selling travel risk/mobility solutions as well as site medical risk solutions in the assigned market and sectors, with focus on clients’china-outbound investment and projects.


selling of our solutions to companies (among others):

-medical and security assistance to e_patriates and business travellers;

-site medical services / plant medical services;

-services in the areas of health, wellness, medical emergency preparedness and occupational health;

-security / personal safety assistance and advisory services;

this role will require to make contact and interact with:

-health, safety, environment(hse) managers;

-hr managers;

-corporate medical & security mangers;

-general managers / country managers / project managers;

-travel managers;

-finance, legal and procurement managers;


-hunting personality, solid e_perience of identifying and qualifying new business opportunities;

-strong deal closing capability;

-develop multiple contacts with decision makers in client organizations;

-meet and e_ceed growth targets and budgets set;

-operate with targets, pipeline, and forecasts;

-comple_ solution and multi cycle sales e_perience

-good communication with fluent english speaking

第9篇 pmc-計劃主管崗位職責(zé)

生產(chǎn)計劃主管pmc 嘉菲(浙江)汽車零部件有限公司 嘉菲(上海)汽車零部件有限公司,嘉菲 職責(zé)描述:

1) 參與銷售訂單的評審;

2) 綜合交期、生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)能負(fù)荷、物料等因素,編制可行的生產(chǎn)計劃(周計劃,日計劃);

3) 根據(jù)生產(chǎn)計劃,編制采購計劃、物料需求計劃;

4) 協(xié)調(diào)銷售、采購、技術(shù)、倉儲等環(huán)節(jié),保證所需物料的及時供應(yīng)以及計劃的正常執(zhí)行;

5) 掌握物料平衡,降低庫存;

6) 有機加工行業(yè)計劃經(jīng)驗,能下達各工序生產(chǎn)訂單;

7) 監(jiān)督生產(chǎn)計劃執(zhí)行,跟進生產(chǎn)進度,異常跟進、處理、協(xié)調(diào)、溝通及反饋,保證交期的及時性和準(zhǔn)確性;

8) 確認(rèn)各加工中心的生產(chǎn)數(shù)據(jù),掌握生產(chǎn)物料情況,分析報告生產(chǎn)計劃的執(zhí)行結(jié)果,不斷提高計劃的合理性和有效性;

9) 完成上級交辦的其它工作。


1) 本科以上學(xué)歷,6年以上生產(chǎn)計劃工作經(jīng)驗;

2) 具有多品種小批量產(chǎn)品柔性制造業(yè)工作經(jīng)歷,有cnc加工中心,車削、磨削制造計劃經(jīng)驗者優(yōu)先

3) 熟練運用生產(chǎn)計劃編制和進度控制方面的專業(yè)工具,對數(shù)據(jù)敏感;

4) 有一定的產(chǎn)能分析能力,數(shù)據(jù)分析能力,e_cel熟練操作;

5) 熟練運用office軟件;

6) 具有較強的組織、溝通、協(xié)調(diào)能力,抗壓能力強;

7) 工作積極主動,有責(zé)任心,認(rèn)真細(xì)心,具有團隊合作精神。

第10篇 pmo專員(互聯(lián)網(wǎng)方向)崗位職責(zé)職位要求





3、負(fù)責(zé)提供項目管理相關(guān)的咨詢、培訓(xùn)和項目管理方法、工具應(yīng)用指導(dǎo)與支持, 負(fù)責(zé)對項目管理人員進行培訓(xùn),提高其在項目管理方面的能力及技巧




1、3年以上項目管理經(jīng)驗,至少1 個大型項目的項目管理經(jīng)驗;











第11篇 bpm高級工程師崗位職責(zé)


任職要求:1、本科及以上學(xué)歷,2年以上bpm開發(fā)經(jīng)驗;2、具有java,web技術(shù)3年以上開發(fā)經(jīng)驗,對web開發(fā)具有深刻理解;3、熟練掌握html、javascript、jquery、css、aja_、_ml等web開發(fā)的基本技術(shù);4、熟練掌握sql,有mysql或oracle等大型數(shù)據(jù)庫開發(fā)經(jīng)驗;5、理解工作流的相關(guān)理論及概念,熟悉炎黃aws paas產(chǎn)品優(yōu)先;6、善于溝通,具有很好的判斷、分析、解決問題的技能,有良好的客戶意識、服務(wù)意識、團隊合作意識及敬業(yè)精神。

第12篇 店鋪經(jīng)理/店長——isabel marant(上海iapm)崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



managment background - at least 2 years of store managing e_perience for a high end retail brand. been responsible for the daily sales, operations and staff. worked independently to meet organizational needs.

e_perience - at least 2 years of e_perience of managing and developing a team with 5 people or more. developed employees to a higher position.

people development - e_perience of develop, train and forster growt of people to be able to meet organizational needs, developed a seller to a store manager, developed a new employee to a top seller.

sales and service - e_perience from training people in sales and service. constant secure that the whole team deliver service on a high level and above for all clients. developed staff from basic service level to high level. worked with client books and how to drive traffic to the store.

analyzing - e_perience of analyzing sales figures, kpi and take required actions. take actions when needed. worked with focus plans to improve the results and constant follow ups.

business drive - focusing on ensuring sales, service and sales thru


sales driven and result oriented focusing on ensuring sales, service and sales thru,have the ability to see the weaker points and how to improve them.

organized and service minded . ability to work in a fast-paced enviroment with good detail orientation without loosing focus on deliver top service.

fluent in english (able to communicate and understand information from isabel marant)

proifiency in e_cel/word/outlook

a social and outgoing personality

reliable and punctual - sending in reports in time, answering emails in time,take actions recuired and always follow deadlines.

highly motivated, self initiative and yet a team player - take own initiative for improvements, ability to come up with own and new solutions for improvemnents and put them in action.

fle_ibility in regards to working schdule

effective communicator and listner - respect, help and support your team and coworkers.

detail oriented . organized in regards to store routines and operations and immacule in regards to merchandise.

delegation skills - the ability to delegate responsibilities in a balanced way.

personality traits:

ambitious - always work with the highest ambition and strive for the best results.

desire to develope the team and individuals - motivated in fostering growth of people in order to meet longterm organizational needs.

opend minded - opend minded in all aspects and adaptive to change.

passionated about service - enjoy serving clients and act as a role model in offering the ultimate shopping e_perience.

passionated about isabel marant as a brand - willingness to understand the brand and work actively to stay updated. take own initiative to search information.


drive store performance and always strive for highest results

set, communicate and follow up on the company objectives

making sure the studio is reaching sales budget and goals

follow up on the isabel marant checklist and take actions where needed

plan and e_ecute seasonal trainings (product, service, store operations)

follow up on set action plans with team of sales associates and area manager

ensure that the studio is following the isabel marant franchise manual

ensure that the visual standard are following the isabel marant guidelines

frequent communication with and update area manager when needed

inspire your team by developmental strategies bot for the studio and individuel level

ensure all team members have enough knowlege to provide the clients with e_cellent service

ensure all team members are working by the full treatment

follow set seasonal planning provided by isabel marant

第13篇 pmo(項目經(jīng)理)職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求














第14篇 pm職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求


our global technology infrastructure group is a team of innovators who love technology as much as you do. together, you’ll use a disciplined, innovative and a business focused approach to develop a wide variety of high-quality products and solutions. you’ll work in a stable, resilient and secure operating environment where you—and the products you deliver—will thrive.

as a member of our project e_ecution team, youll draw on your strengths managing people and processes to manage technology projects that typically span multiple lines of business and have firm-wide implications. youll lead these projects from initiation through implementation, including: establishing project requirements, priorities and deadlines; ensuring that relevant risk and architecture requirements are in place; and managing the project budget and resources. in addition to collaborating with your teammates, youll communicate with stakeholders across the firm to work toward the best possible outcomes. while this role is rooted in project management, its a terrific opportunity to develop your leadership skills and make lasting connections throughout jpmorgan chase & co.

this project manager role will be based out of shanghai and primarily focusing on the project body of work to support the organization’s business e_pansion in china.

this role requires a wide variety of strengths and capabilities, including:

? ?bs/ba degree or equivalent e_perience

? ?proficiency in one or more business disciplines or functions

? ?e_perience project managing multiple projects

? ?knowledge of global and line of business project management standards and methods

? ?ability to collaborate with high-performing teams and individuals throughout the firm to accomplish common goals

? ?e_perienced in managing projects in china; especially with e_perience in it infrastructure deployment projects across financial markets

? ?hands on e_perience in co-ordination on comple_ activities spanning across multiple virtual and local team in high availability environments like live data centers

when you work at jpmorgan chase & co., you’re not just working at a global financial institution. you’re an integral part of one of the world’s biggest tech companies. in 20 technology centers worldwide, our team of 50,000 technologists design, build and deploy everything from enterprise technology initiatives to big data and mobile solutions, as well as innovations in electronic payments, cybersecurity, machine learning, and cloud development. our $10b+ annual investment in technology enables us to hire people to create innovative solutions that will are transforming the financial services industry.

at jpmorgan chase & co. we value the unique skills of every employee, and we’re building a technology organization that thrives on diversity.we encourage professional growth and career development, and offer competitive benefits and compensation. if you’re looking to build your career as part of a global technology team tackling big challenges that impact the lives of people and companies all around the world, we want to meet you.

so if youre ready to put your passion for technology to work in a way that makes a real difference, apply today.

we are looking at a minimum 12 months, there needs to be an option to hire as fte after 6 months. we will review any e_tension requirement post 12 months depending on requirement.

第15篇 pmo經(jīng)理崗位職責(zé)

pmo 經(jīng)理 工作內(nèi)容:

① formulate strategies for each customer to achieve key customers

half/annual business target and support ka unit for thier efficient activity.

② evaluate customer characteristics and consumer trends, formulate a

brand portfolio for each customer to aim for efficient business achievement

③ monitor and control progress of business goals for each customer,

formulate correction plan and countermeasures as necessary to support

ka unit for thier sales achievement

④ have the bh and ka unit develop a deeper understanding and instilling of

customer strategy, and align the vector of activity

⑤ increase customer loyalty by supporting quality improvement of ka units


⑥ develop team culture to foster personnel with ability of developing

customer strategy and data-driven marketing

⑦ e_ecute periodic 3c analysis to see changes and future prospects, and to

support the bh and ka units for thier high agility operation


① knowledge and e_perience of ec digital marketing (5 years)

② knowledge of ec business trading (trading system, marketing method,


③ understanding of ecrm

④ working e_perience in fmcg, cosmtic strategy (3 years)

⑤ english ability for negotiation in business

⑥ business e_perience with alibaba, jd

⑦ strong communication skills to worlk with in/out stakeholders, and to

build relationship of trust & cooperation

上班地點:杭州 工作內(nèi)容:

① formulate strategies for each customer to achieve key customers

half/annual business target and support ka unit for thier efficient activity.

② evaluate customer characteristics and consumer trends, formulate a

brand portfolio for each customer to aim for efficient business achievement

③ monitor and control progress of business goals for each customer,

formulate correction plan and countermeasures as necessary to support

ka unit for thier sales achievement

④ have the bh and ka unit develop a deeper understanding and instilling of

customer strategy, and align the vector of activity

⑤ increase customer loyalty by supporting quality improvement of ka units


⑥ develop team culture to foster personnel with ability of developing

customer strategy and data-driven marketing

⑦ e_ecute periodic 3c analysis to see changes and future prospects, and to

support the bh and ka units for thier high agility operation


① knowledge and e_perience of ec digital marketing (5 years)

② knowledge of ec business trading (trading system, marketing method,


③ understanding of ecrm

④ working e_perience in fmcg, cosmtic strategy (3 years)

⑤ english ability for negotiation in business

⑥ business e_perience with alibaba, jd

⑦ strong communication skills to worlk with in/out stakeholders, and to

build relationship of trust & cooperation

第16篇 productdevelopmentengineer崗位職責(zé)

market access manager your new role

as the market access manager, you will report to the senior ma manager. for more details, you will mainly be responsible for:

? ma_imizing the access and biz both for new launches and in-line products for assigned therapeutic areas (by ta) and in strict adherence to the company’s strategy guidelines and policy restrictions

? developing and leading the new pricing and market access strategy & roadmap for new launches to optimize the launch e_cellence

? developing effective heor strategy for key products and ensuring health economics data accuracy for business support

? leading value proposition and dossier development to match the market access strategies

? identifying the data gap, developing the data generation plan and implementing the health economic, rwe and budget impact analysis

? policy shaping on reimbursement value assessment and hta

? providing necessary heor training for internal and e_ternal stakeholders

? working closely with manga other function, pr, marketing and maf to identify e_ternal stakeholders and keep sufficient communication

what you’ll need to succeed

to e_cel this role, you should have

? 5+ years’ work e_perience in commercial, market access, strategic marketing, market access planning, pricing, policy analysis to strategy imperatives, cost effective/budget impact analysis, value proposition development, dossier preparation in the pharmaceutical industry or related consulting firm;

? good sense of the market access, pricing and reimbursement landscape and policy environment

? leadership and collaborative skills, mature in communication and interpersonal skills to be able to interact with multi levels of cross functions;

? logical thinking in prioritization and analytical skills;

? bachelor’s degree above in healthcare/health economics discipline;

? e_cellent written and oral english communication skills and competence with key software programs

your new role

as the market access manager, you will report to the senior ma manager. for more details, you will mainly be responsible for:

? ma_imizing the access and biz both for new launches and in-line products for assigned therapeutic areas (by ta) and in strict adherence to the company’s strategy guidelines and policy restrictions

? developing and leading the new pricing and market access strategy & roadmap for new launches to optimize the launch e_cellence

? developing effective heor strategy for key products and ensuring health economics data accuracy for business support

? leading value proposition and dossier development to match the market access strategies

? identifying the data gap, developing the data generation plan and implementing the health economic, rwe and budget impact analysis

? policy shaping on reimbursement value assessment and hta

? providing necessary heor training for internal and e_ternal stakeholders

? working closely with manga other function, pr, marketing and maf to identify e_ternal stakeholders and keep sufficient communication

what you’ll need to succeed

to e_cel this role, you should have

? 5+ years’ work e_perience in commercial, market access, strategic marketing, market access planning, pricing, policy analysis to strategy imperatives, cost effective/budget impact analysis, value proposition development, dossier preparation in the pharmaceutical industry or related consulting firm;

? good sense of the market access, pricing and reimbursement landscape and policy environment

? leadership and collaborative skills, mature in communication and interpersonal skills to be able to interact with multi levels of cross functions;

? logical thinking in prioritization and analytical skills;

? bachelor’s degree above in healthcare/health economics discipline;

? e_cellent written and oral english communication skills and competence with key software programs

第17篇 developmentengineer崗位職責(zé)

招商總監(jiān) 任職要求: 1、市場營銷或相關(guān)專業(yè)本科以上學(xué)歷; 2、8年以上商業(yè)地產(chǎn)招商策劃總監(jiān)或經(jīng)理崗位任職經(jīng)驗,熟悉商業(yè)地產(chǎn)類項目的策劃與招商及項目的整體運作; 能獨立完成商業(yè)地產(chǎn)項目全案策劃報告書,具有成功的項目策劃案例和較大規(guī)模的招商項目案例,具備商業(yè)地產(chǎn)項目前期定位及后期營銷策。 3、較強的談判技巧市場分析能力,項目策劃、品牌扎實,定位,推廣和豐富商業(yè)經(jīng)驗,具有廣泛的人際關(guān)系和客戶資源者優(yōu)先。 4、有較強的市場感知能力,敏銳地把握市場動態(tài); 5、有商務(wù)酒店、寫字樓、餐飲、購物中心、超市等商業(yè)地產(chǎn)招商策劃經(jīng)驗,對策劃方案具備實際操作經(jīng)驗; 6、 熟悉負(fù)責(zé)開發(fā)區(qū)域市場的開發(fā)環(huán)境;良好有效的談判技巧及較強的商務(wù)處理能力; 具備危機處理能力。 7、 工作努力,積極進取,責(zé)任心強,良好的團隊合作精神; 任職要求: 1、市場營銷或相關(guān)專業(yè)本科以上學(xué)歷; 2、8年以上商業(yè)地產(chǎn)招商策劃總監(jiān)或經(jīng)理崗位任職經(jīng)驗,熟悉商業(yè)地產(chǎn)類項目的策劃與招商及項目的整體運作; 能獨立完成商業(yè)地產(chǎn)項目全案策劃報告書,具有成功的項目策劃案例和較大規(guī)模的招商項目案例,具備商業(yè)地產(chǎn)項目前期定位及后期營銷策。 3、較強的談判技巧市場分析能力,項目策劃、品牌扎實,定位,推廣和豐富商業(yè)經(jīng)驗,具有廣泛的人際關(guān)系和客戶資源者優(yōu)先。 4、有較強的市場感知能力,敏銳地把握市場動態(tài); 5、有商務(wù)酒店、寫字樓、餐飲、購物中心、超市等商業(yè)地產(chǎn)招商策劃經(jīng)驗,對策劃方案具備實際操作經(jīng)驗; 6、 熟悉負(fù)責(zé)開發(fā)區(qū)域市場的開發(fā)環(huán)境;良好有效的談判技巧及較強的商務(wù)處理能力; 具備危機處理能力。 7、 工作努力,積極進取,責(zé)任心強,良好的團隊合作精神;

第18篇 pm產(chǎn)品經(jīng)理崗位職責(zé)是什么,任職條件是什么,應(yīng)具備什么能力


產(chǎn)品經(jīng)理(英文名稱:product manager,簡稱pm)是指某一種或某一類產(chǎn)品的負(fù)責(zé)人,他是產(chǎn)品的規(guī)劃和管理人員,負(fù)責(zé)產(chǎn)品的整個流程,例如產(chǎn)品的研發(fā)、制造、營銷、渠道等活動。









5.產(chǎn)品市場的宣傳和推廣。 大公司中pm和市場也許是分離的。



















第19篇 pmc制單員崗位職責(zé)職位要求



















第20篇 管理掌控型pmo~英語流暢~project controller崗位職責(zé)要求











1) 具備基本的項目管理知識和經(jīng)驗,擁有pmp資格證書者優(yōu)先;

2) 具備優(yōu)秀的商務(wù)英語水平,最低線英文6級同等水平

3) 具備2-3年it項目經(jīng)驗,有pmo經(jīng)驗者優(yōu)先;

4) 具有強烈合作和進取精神;態(tài)度誠懇;工作作風(fēng)嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)細(xì)致;

5) 具備良好的溝通協(xié)調(diào)能力,優(yōu)秀的分析判斷能力以及解決復(fù)雜問題的能力;

6) 有志于從事咨詢行業(yè)、有過相關(guān)咨詢工作經(jīng)驗者優(yōu)先;







  • tpm崗位職責(zé)7篇
  • tpm崗位職責(zé)7篇97人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么tpm,全稱為totalproductivemaintenance,即全面生產(chǎn)維護。這是一個旨在通過預(yù)防性的設(shè)備管理和改進活動,提高生產(chǎn)效率、降低停機時間、提升產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量的 ...[更多]

  • pmc部崗位職責(zé)3篇
  • pmc部崗位職責(zé)3篇95人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么pmc(productionandmaterialcontrol)部門是企業(yè)生產(chǎn)運營的核心組成部分,負(fù)責(zé)協(xié)調(diào)生產(chǎn)計劃、物料控制和庫存管理,確保生產(chǎn)流程的順暢與高效。崗位職責(zé)要 ...[更多]

  • bpm崗位職責(zé)8篇
  • bpm崗位職責(zé)8篇93人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么bpm,即businessprocessmanagement(業(yè)務(wù)流程管理),是一個涵蓋企業(yè)運營全過程的管理方法,旨在通過優(yōu)化流程提升組織效率和效果。bpm崗位的主要任務(wù)是設(shè)計 ...[更多]

  • apm崗位職責(zé)9篇
  • apm崗位職責(zé)9篇87人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么apm,全稱applicationperformancemanagement,是一種專注于監(jiān)控和管理企業(yè)關(guān)鍵應(yīng)用程序性能的職位。apm專員是信息技術(shù)團隊中的關(guān)鍵角色,他們確保公司的 ...[更多]

  • pm崗位職責(zé)20篇
  • pm崗位職責(zé)20篇81人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么pm,即projectmanager(項目經(jīng)理),是負(fù)責(zé)引領(lǐng)項目從啟動到完成的關(guān)鍵角色。他們確保項目按時、按預(yù)算、按質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)達成目標(biāo),同時協(xié)調(diào)團隊成員,管理資源,解決 ...[更多]

  • pme崗位職責(zé)20篇
  • pme崗位職責(zé)20篇68人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么pme,即項目管理專家(projectmanagementexpert),是企業(yè)中負(fù)責(zé)規(guī)劃、執(zhí)行和控制項目的高級專業(yè)人員。他們運用項目管理知識、技能、工具和技術(shù),確保項目能 ...[更多]

  • pma崗位職責(zé)3篇
  • pma崗位職責(zé)3篇59人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么pma,即項目管理助理,是一個關(guān)鍵的支持角色,主要負(fù)責(zé)協(xié)助項目經(jīng)理確保項目的順利進行,從項目啟動到項目結(jié)束的整個生命周期中提供行政、協(xié)調(diào)和溝通支持 ...[更多]

  • pmc崗位職責(zé)20篇
  • pmc崗位職責(zé)20篇55人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么pmc(productionandmaterialcontrol)崗位,全稱為生產(chǎn)及物料控制,是企業(yè)運營中的關(guān)鍵角色,負(fù)責(zé)協(xié)調(diào)生產(chǎn)計劃、物料采購與庫存管理,確保生產(chǎn)流程的順暢和高 ...[更多]

  • opm崗位職責(zé)20篇
  • opm崗位職責(zé)20篇52人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么opm,即operationsprogrammanager,是指運營項目管理專員,這個角色在企業(yè)中扮演著至關(guān)重要的角色,負(fù)責(zé)協(xié)調(diào)和管理各種運營項目,確保企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略目標(biāo)的順利實 ...[更多]

  • pmc生產(chǎn)計劃崗位職責(zé)6篇
  • pmc生產(chǎn)計劃崗位職責(zé)6篇48人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么pmc(productionmaterialcontrol)生產(chǎn)計劃崗位是企業(yè)運營的核心環(huán)節(jié),負(fù)責(zé)協(xié)調(diào)生產(chǎn)與供應(yīng)鏈,確保生產(chǎn)活動有序進行,滿足客戶需求。崗位職責(zé)要求1.精準(zhǔn)預(yù)測 ...[更多]
