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【第1篇 新概念英語第二冊語法總結:主謂一致(上)



1、以單數名詞或代詞、不定式、動名詞短語或從句作主語時,謂語動詞要用單數形式。如: 1)the book is on the table. 2)he is reading english. 3)to work hard is necessary.(it is necessary to work hard.) 4)how you get there is a problem.

2、復數主語跟復數動詞。如:children like to play toys.

3、在倒裝句中,動詞的數應和它后面的主語的數一致。如以here,there開頭,be 動詞與后面第一個名詞一致。如: 1)there is a dog near the door. 2)there were no schools in this area before liberation. 4)on the wall were two famous paintings. 5)here is mr brown and his children.

4、and連接兩個或兩個以上的并列主語時,謂語動詞用復數。如果主語后跟有with, together with, e_cept, but, perhaps , like, including, as well as, no less than, more than, rather than等引起的短語,謂語動詞仍與短語前的主語的形式保持一致。如: 1)jane, mary and i are good friends. 2)he and my father work in the same factory. 3)his sister, no less than you, is wrong. 4)the father, rather than the brothers, is responsible for the accident. 5)he, like you and _iao liu is very diligent. 6)every picture e_cept these two has been sold. 7)alice with her parents often goes to the park on sundays. 8)alice as well as her friends was invited to the concert. 9)nobody but mary and i was in the classroom at that time.

5、并列主語如果指的是同一個人、同一事物或同一概念時,謂語動詞用單數,and后面的名詞沒有冠詞。如: 2)bread and butter is their daily food. 面包和黃油是他們每日的食品。 1)every boy and girl has been invited to the party. 所有的孩子都被邀請參加這次聚會。 2)no teacher and no student is absent today. 今天沒有老師和學生缺席。 3)many a student is busy with their lessons. 許許多多的學生都忙著復習他們的功課。

7、each, either, one, another, the other, neither作主語時,謂語動詞用單數形式。如: 1)each takes a cup of tea. 2)either is correct. 3)neither of them likes this picture.

8、由every, some, any, no構成的合成代詞作主語時,謂語動詞用單數形式。如: 1)is everyone here? 2)nothing is to be done. 沒有什么要干的事兒了。

9、關系代詞who, that, which等在定語從句中作主語時,其謂語動詞的數應與句中先行詞的數一致。如: 1)those who want to go please sign their names here. 2)anyone who is against this opinion may speak out. 3)he is one of the students who were praised at the meeting.

10、表示時間、距離、價格、度量衡等的復數名詞或短語作為一個整體看待時,其謂語動詞常用單數形式。如: 1)three years is not a long time. 2)ten dollars is what he needs. 3)five hundred miles is a long distance.

11、復數形式的專有名詞作為整體看待(如人名、地點、國家、組織、書籍、報刊等),動詞用單數形式。如: 1)the united states is in north america. 2)the united nations has passed a resolution(決議)。 3)“the arabian nights”(《天方夜譚》)is an interesting book.

【第2篇 新概念英語第二冊語法總結及模擬題:主謂一致(上)



1、以單數名詞或代詞、不定式、動名詞短語或從句作主語時,謂語動詞要用單數形式。如: 1)the book is on the table. 2)he is reading english. 3)to work hard is necessary.(it is necessary to work hard.) 4)how you get there is a problem.

2、復數主語跟復數動詞。如:children like to play toys.

3、在倒裝句中,動詞的數應和它后面的主語的數一致。如以here,there開頭,be 動詞與后面第一個名詞一致。如: 1)there is a dog near the door. 2)there were no schools in this area before liberation. 4)on the wall were two famous paintings. 5)here is mr brown and his children.

4、and連接兩個或兩個以上的并列主語時,謂語動詞用復數。如果主語后跟有with, together with, e_cept, but, perhaps , like, including, as well as, no less than, more than, rather than等引起的短語,謂語動詞仍與短語前的主語的形式保持一致。如: 1)jane, mary and i are good friends. 2)he and my father work in the same factory. 3)his sister, no less than you, is wrong. 4)the father, rather than the brothers, is responsible for the accident. 5)he, like you and _iao liu is very diligent. 6)every picture e_cept these two has been sold. 7)alice with her parents often goes to the park on sundays. 8)alice as well as her friends was invited to the concert. 9)nobody but mary and i was in the classroom at that time.

5、并列主語如果指的是同一個人、同一事物或同一概念時,謂語動詞用單數,and后面的名詞沒有冠詞。如: 2)bread and butter is their daily food. 面包和黃油是他們每日的食品。 1)every boy and girl has been invited to the party. 所有的孩子都被邀請參加這次聚會。 2)no teacher and no student is absent today. 今天沒有老師和學生缺席。 3)many a student is busy with their lessons. 許許多多的學生都忙著復習他們的功課。

7、each, either, one, another, the other, neither作主語時,謂語動詞用單數形式。如: 1)each takes a cup of tea. 2)either is correct. 3)neither of them likes this picture.

8、由every, some, any, no構成的合成代詞作主語時,謂語動詞用單數形式。如: 1)is everyone here? 2)nothing is to be done. 沒有什么要干的事兒了。

9、關系代詞who, that, which等在定語從句中作主語時,其謂語動詞的數應與句中先行詞的數一致。如: 1)those who want to go please sign their names here. 2)anyone who is against this opinion may speak out. 3)he is one of the students who were praised at the meeting.

10、表示時間、距離、價格、度量衡等的復數名詞或短語作為一個整體看待時,其謂語動詞常用單數形式。如: 1)three years is not a long time. 2)ten dollars is what he needs. 3)five hundred miles is a long distance.

11、復數形式的專有名詞作為整體看待(如人名、地點、國家、組織、書籍、報刊等),動詞用單數形式。如: 1)the united states is in north america. 2)the united nations has passed a resolution(決議)。 3)“the arabian nights”(《天方夜譚》)is an interesting book.

【第3篇 2023高考英語知識點總結:主謂一致

主謂一致是歷年高考試題中的測試重點之一。一般與其它知識綜合起來考察。近幾年語境綜合化程度越來越高。分數、百分數、不定式、動名詞、定語從句等場合下的主謂一致問題仍將會是今后高考命題的熱點。 主謂一致是指一個句子的主語和謂語動詞保持人稱與數的一致關系。有些句子不易直接看出主語的單復數,需仔細推敲。處理主謂一致要注意語法一致,意義上一致和就近一致。 高考重點要求: 1. 根據主謂一致的三個原則(語法一致,意義一致,就近一致), 判斷和確定句子的主語和謂語在人稱和數上保持一致 2. 掌握固定詞組作主語,謂語動詞的數與主語保持一致 考生在掌握主謂一致的基本原則的同時,也要特別注意語法一致的原則,而且分數、百分數、不定式、動名詞、定語從句等場合下的主謂一致問題仍將會是今后高考命題的熱點。 復習時需注意的要點 1、 集體名詞看作整體時,謂語動詞用單數,看作各個成員時,謂語用復數。 例如:his family isn’t large. his family are all fond of music. 2、 些名詞如news, maths, physics等雖然有詞尾“s”但意義上是單數,謂語動詞要用單數。 例如:the news is wonderful. physics is an interesting subject. 3、 由數詞+表示重量、里程、時間、金錢等名詞所構成的復數名詞主語,是當作一個整體看待的,后面用單數動詞。 例如:five minutes is too short. ten dollars is enough. 4、 主語后面跟有介詞with或together with 引導的短語時,謂語動詞一般與前面的主語的人稱和數一致。 例如:the teacher together with ten students is doing an e_periment in the lab. 5、 主語前有every或each修飾時,無論有幾個主語,謂語動詞用單數。 例如:every teacher and every student in our school has been to the century park. 精選試題 模擬題及其答案 1、he is the only one of the students who _______a winner of scholarship for three years. a. is b. are c. have been d. has been 2、professor smith, along with his assistants, ____ on the project day and night to meet the deadline. a. work b. working c. is working d. are working 3、not only ______interested in football but ______beginning to show an interest in it. a. the teacher himself is … all his students are b. the teacher himself is …are all his students c. is the teacher himself …are all his students d. is the teacher himself …all his students are 4、----“each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons, _____ to go to university.” ----“so do i.” a. hope b. hopes c. hoping d. hoped a. is playing b. have played c. are playing d. hoped 6、books of this kind ______ well. a. sell b. sells c. are sold d. is sold 7、every possible means ______ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. a. is used b. are used c. has been used d. have been used 8、when and where to go for the on-salary holiday ______ yet. a. are not decided b. have not been decided c. is not being decided d. has not been decided 9、the number of people invited ______ fifty, but a number of them _____ absent for different reasons. a. were, was b. was, was c. was, were d. were, were 10、______ of the land in that district ______ covered with trees and grass. a. two fifth…is b. two fifth…are c. two fifths…is d. two fifths…are 11. nowadays,a large number of women,especially those who conicfromthe countryside, inthe clothing industry'. a .is working b.works c.work d worked 12._ of the land in that district covered withtrees and grass. a.two-fifth;is b.two-fifth;are c two-fifths;is d two-fifths;are 13.about 90 percent of the equipment presented by the administration,as well as the facilities of our own, made good use of in teaching. a.have b.has c.have been d.has been a was;were b were;was c.were;were d.w;was 15.a large of money is spent on the hope project and a good inany schools setp. a amount:has been b amount:have been c.number;has been d deal;have been 16.large quantities ofinformafion,as well as methnely help, since the organization was built. a has offered b.had been omred c.have been offered d.is offered 17. your brother or you to blame for the broken tv set? a.be b.are c is d were 18. changed,and whatever men can do,woltllen call do,too a age had b ages have c.times have d time has 19.to play table tennis and to go swimming good for character training a is b.are c was d were 20.she is the only one of the students who a winner of the match. a.1s b are c.have been d.had been 21. more than one high official by the police since the mayor war shot dead. a.has been questioned b. have been questioned c. was questioned d.were questioned 22.half of the food in the bag bad.you’d better throw it away. a. has b.have c .are d. ls 23.what we want good te_tbooks. a .have b.has c. is d .are 24.he no less than i eager goto the great wall. a. am b. is c.are d.were 25.the construction of the two new railway lines by now. 26.the famous writer as well as his wife and daughter said to our party,but so far they . a .are;have attended;don’t turn up b.is;have attended;haven’t turnedp c.is;attend;haven’t turned up d. are;attend;don’t turn up 27.today chinese by more and more people around the world a.was spoken b. speak c.spoke d. is spoken 28. what you said quite to the point but what we need e_perienced technical workers. a. is;ale b. is;is c.are;are d.are;is a. have played b.are playing c. is playing d.has been played 30.一cydia,what did you hear our teacher said just now? 一every boy and every girl as well as the teacher who to lead the group asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning a.is;is b. are;ate c.are;is d. is;are 答案與解析 1、解析答案為d。 這是一個定語從句。在one前是否有定冠詞決定定語從句中的謂語動詞的單復數形式:one of the students中的先行詞是the students,定語從句中的謂語動詞要用復數形式。the only one of the students中的先行詞是the only one,定語從句中的謂語動詞要用單數形式。又因“for three years”是完成時的標志。 2、解析答案:cprofessor smith決定謂語動詞的數;his assistants和謂語動詞的數無關。 3、解析答案為d not only …but (also )連結兩個句子,用部分倒裝。 4、解析 答案為b。“each of +名詞復數”謂語用單數。 5、解析 本題考察主謂一致,當主語后面跟有as well as短語時,其后的謂語動詞不受as well as之后的名詞影響,仍然和主語在人稱和數上保持一致。 6、解析答案為a。 “kind(s) of + 名詞”作主語時,謂語動詞的數依kind 單復數而定;“復數名詞 + of this/that kind ”作主語時,謂語動詞的數依of 前面的名詞而定。本題中sell 用作不及物動詞表示“銷售”。 7、解析答案為c。 mean單數復數一個形式。在本題中代表單數。 8、解析答案為d。 不定式作主語,謂語動詞用單數。 9、解析答案為c?!皌he number of” 表示“……的數量”,謂語用單數;“a number of”表示“許多”,謂語用復數。 10、解析 答案為c。考察數詞和主謂一致。分數詞在句中作主語時,謂語動詞必須跟分數詞所修飾的名詞保持數的一致。 11c。解析句子的主語是a large number of women,謂語動詞應用復數形式。其中speciallythose who conicfromthe countryside是插入成分,作womell的同位語。因此正確答案是c。 12.c。解析第一空考查分數的構成,當分子大于l時,分母應用復數形式。又因主語two-fifths the land中l(wèi)and是不可數名詞,謂語動詞應用單數形式。所以答案選c。 13 d。解析本句的主語是about 90 percent of the equipment,所以謂語動詞應該用單數形式。又因為謂語動詞和主語之間是動賓關系,所要用被動語態(tài)。 14 a。解析the nunther of +可數名詞復數作主語時,謂語動詞用單數形式;a nunther of可數名詞復數作主語時,謂語動詞用復數形式,所吼答案選a。 15.b。解析money是不可數名詞,應用a large amount of修飾;謂語動詞用復數形式。 16 c。解析解答本韙時應注意as well as連接兩個名詞詞組作主語時主謂一致的問題。large quantities of十名詞作主語時,謂語動詞用復數形式;再結合語境可知,此處應該用現在完成時。 17.c。解析考查主謂一致的就近原則。因為離謂語動詞最近的是your brother,所以謂語動詞應該用單數形式。 18.c。解析time在本句中意為時代,是可數名詞,通常用復數,因此謂語動詞用復數形式。 19.b。解析此處兩個動詞不定式短語作主語,表示的不是同一個概念,謂語動詞要用復數形式,且句中沒有明顯的表示過去的時間狀語,故要用一般現在時。 20.a解析句中關系代詞who指代的是only one of,所以從句的謂語動詞應用單數形式。 2l a。解析考查主謂一致和時態(tài)。more than one+單數名詞作主語時,謂語動詞用單數形式,又由since引導的從句的時態(tài)可知主句時態(tài)應為現在完成時。故答案選a。 22 d。解析分析句子結構可知,句子的主語是half of the food,謂語動詞應用單數形式,且bad為形容詞,故答案選d。 23 d。解析當what引導的從句作主語時,謂語的單復數形式由句子意思來確定。te_tbooks為復數形式,故句子的謂語動詞也應為復數形式。 24 b。解析本句的主語是he,句子的謂語動詞要用單數形式,所以答案選b。 25 a。解析句子的主語是the construction,謂語動詞應該用單數形式,且由句意可知,此處應用被動語態(tài),故答案選a。 26c。解析as well as連接兩個名詞詞組作主語時,謂語動詞的數要與as weⅱas前的名詞保持一致,所以第一空謂語動詞用單數形式;第二空應該用動詞原形,不定式表示將來的動作;第三空由so far可知應用現在完成時,所以答案選c。 27 d解析主語是chinese漢語,所以句子的謂語動詞用單數形式。speak和chinese之間是動賓關系,此處應用被動語態(tài)。且由today可知,此處應用—般現在時。故答案選d。 28 a。解析由what引導的名詞性從句作主語,謂語動詞一般用單數形式,但如果其表示復數意義,謂語動詞要用復數形式。故答案選a。 29 c。解析as well as連接兩個名詞作主語時,謂語動詞的數和as well as前面的名詞保持一致。d項是被動語態(tài),不正確,所答案選c。 30c。解析every boy and every girl作主語時,謂語動詞用單數形式,所以第二空應該用is;who引導的是一個定語從句,修飾前面的先行詞teacher,所以第一空應該用are。故答案選c。




  • 主謂一致總結(三篇)
  • 主謂一致總結(三篇)38人關注

    知識要點:在英語的句子中,謂語動詞的形式應與主語的人稱和數保持一致。如何判定,則要看句子的意思。多數情況下,根據句子的主語形式就能判定,但有的則要看整句的意思,及 ...[更多]