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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-18 查看人數(shù):10





1. 熟悉菜單上的各類菜品,了解其制作工藝和食材搭配。

2. 具備良好的衛(wèi)生習(xí)慣,遵守食品安全法規(guī)和餐廳衛(wèi)生標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

3. 有良好的時(shí)間管理能力,能在繁忙時(shí)段高效工作。

4. 具備基礎(chǔ)的數(shù)學(xué)技能,用于計(jì)算份量和賬單。

5. 有良好的人際交往能力,能與同事及顧客保持友好溝通。

6. 能適應(yīng)快節(jié)奏的工作環(huán)境,愿意在必要時(shí)加班。

7. 熱情友好,始終以顧客為中心,提供優(yōu)質(zhì)服務(wù)。



1. 根據(jù)顧客訂單,準(zhǔn)確無誤地從廚房取出相應(yīng)的菜品。

2. 確保食物的溫度和外觀都達(dá)到餐廳的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),提升顧客的用餐體驗(yàn)。

3. 保持配餐區(qū)的整潔,及時(shí)清理桌面和餐具,為下一位顧客做好準(zhǔn)備。

4. 與廚房團(tuán)隊(duì)緊密合作,確保菜品的及時(shí)供應(yīng),避免延誤。

5. 在需要時(shí)協(xié)助服務(wù)員,如傳遞額外的餐具或飲料。

6. 處理簡(jiǎn)單的顧客疑問,如菜品成分、烹飪方式等。

7. 在特殊飲食要求(如過敏、素食等)的情況下,確保菜品符合顧客需求。



1. 餐前準(zhǔn)備:設(shè)置餐桌,準(zhǔn)備餐具,檢查食物展示區(qū)的整潔和充足。

2. 配餐服務(wù):根據(jù)點(diǎn)單系統(tǒng)或服務(wù)員指示,迅速準(zhǔn)確地將食物送至顧客桌上。

3. 食品安全:遵循食品儲(chǔ)存和處理的最佳實(shí)踐,防止交叉污染。

4. 協(xié)作溝通:與廚師、服務(wù)員和其他配餐員保持良好的溝通,確保團(tuán)隊(duì)協(xié)作順暢。

5. 清潔維護(hù):在空閑時(shí)間進(jìn)行區(qū)域清潔,包括擦拭桌面、清理地面和整理餐具。

6. 客戶服務(wù):對(duì)顧客的反饋和請(qǐng)求保持耐心,提供解決方案,提高顧客滿意度。

7. 結(jié)賬協(xié)助:在需要時(shí)幫助顧客結(jié)算賬單,處理找零和支付問題。

8. 庫存管理:監(jiān)控食物和餐具的庫存,及時(shí)報(bào)告補(bǔ)貨需求。



第1篇 配餐員崗位職責(zé)

醫(yī)療供餐系統(tǒng)營(yíng)養(yǎng)師主管 essential tasks:


provide patients with high quality nutrition treatment, establish standard and therapeutic menus on a regular basis with nutrition and cost analysis, and monitor system generated therapeutic diet menu daily.


visit wards everyday to comprehend the feeding situation of critical and special patients, update menu timely to update individualized food choices.


cooperate with chef to fulfill the nutrition requirement of patients’ needs and diet order while ensuring high quality of food.


control the implementation of standardized recipe and food production, and make pre-meal service check (food temperature, taste, appearance, quantity, etc) with record for food production and recipe adjustment


responsible for supervision of food portioning, delivery, distribution and making corrective action when non-conformance


provide regular in-service training to food service staff in patient meal service, essential nutrition knowledge on various diets and food production, nutrition software and departmental sops


conduct inspection on key control points of food quality and hygiene condition


supervise and coordinate food service staff’s operation process, strictly e_ecute company’s operating regulations to guarantee service quality


ensure sanitary and safety of meal delivery equipment


meet productivity standards and performance indicators in the various nutrition services


perform other related duties incidental to the work described herein

knowledge, skills, and abilities:

●電腦操作- 微軟辦公套件、廚房管理和營(yíng)養(yǎng)供餐軟件

computer literacy – microsoft office suite, kitchen management and food processing software


cultural sensitivity – be familiar with chinese and western foods


strong communication skills both written and oral in both english and chinese (putonghua).


e_cellent coordination and organizational skills


possess self-motivational work ethics


basic cooking skills preferred

education, e_perience, and licenses/certifications:


a baccalaureate degree in a food/nutrition-related discipline, such as dietetics, food science, or equivalent


licensed clinical dietitian with at least 2 years of clinical e_perience


qualifies for dietitian certification issued by china health bureau


e_perience in communicating a diverse team of various health disciplines


demonstrate understanding of local shanghai food culture


e_perience in hospital food service operation preferred essential tasks:


provide patients with high quality nutrition treatment, establish standard and therapeutic menus on a regular basis with nutrition and cost analysis, and monitor system generated therapeutic diet menu daily.


visit wards everyday to comprehend the feeding situation of critical and special patients, update menu timely to update individualized food choices.


cooperate with chef to fulfill the nutrition requirement of patients’ needs and diet order while ensuring high quality of food.


control the implementation of standardized recipe and food production, and make pre-meal service check (food temperature, taste, appearance, quantity, etc) with record for food production and recipe adjustment


responsible for supervision of food portioning, delivery, distribution and making corrective action when non-conformance


provide regular in-service training to food service staff in patient meal service, essential nutrition knowledge on various diets and food production, nutrition software and departmental sops


conduct inspection on key control points of food quality and hygiene condition


supervise and coordinate food service staff’s operation process, strictly e_ecute company’s operating regulations to guarantee service quality


ensure sanitary and safety of meal delivery equipment


meet productivity standards and performance indicators in the various nutrition services


perform other related duties incidental to the work described herein

knowledge, skills, and abilities:

●電腦操作- 微軟辦公套件、廚房管理和營(yíng)養(yǎng)供餐軟件

computer literacy – microsoft office suite, kitchen management and food processing software


cultural sensitivity – be familiar with chinese and western foods


strong communication skills both written and oral in both english and chinese (putonghua).


e_cellent coordination and organizational skills


possess self-motivational work ethics


basic cooking skills preferred

education, e_perience, and licenses/certifications:


a baccalaureate degree in a food/nutrition-related discipline, such as dietetics, food science, or equivalent


licensed clinical dietitian with at least 2 years of clinical e_perience


qualifies for dietitian certification issued by china health bureau


e_perience in communicating a diverse team of various health disciplines


demonstrate understanding of local shanghai food culture


e_perience in hospital food service operation preferred




  • 配餐員崗位職責(zé)3篇
  • 配餐員崗位職責(zé)3篇61人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么配餐員是餐飲服務(wù)團(tuán)隊(duì)的重要一環(huán),主要負(fù)責(zé)準(zhǔn)備和分發(fā)食物,確保顧客能及時(shí)、準(zhǔn)確地享用到美味佳肴。崗位職責(zé)要求1.熟悉菜單上的各類菜品,了解其制作工 ...[更多]

  • 配餐員崗位職責(zé)
  • 配餐員崗位職責(zé)10人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么配餐員是餐飲服務(wù)團(tuán)隊(duì)的重要一環(huán),主要負(fù)責(zé)準(zhǔn)備和分發(fā)食物,確保顧客能及時(shí)、準(zhǔn)確地享用到美味佳肴。崗位職責(zé)要求1.熟悉菜單上的各類菜品,了解其制作工 ...[更多]
