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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-18 查看人數(shù):89





1. 具備良好的市場洞察力,能夠準(zhǔn)確把握行業(yè)動(dòng)態(tài)和供應(yīng)商發(fā)展趨勢。

2. 熟悉采購流程和供應(yīng)鏈管理知識,了解相關(guān)法規(guī)和行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

3. 擁有出色的談判技巧和溝通能力,能有效維護(hù)與供應(yīng)商的關(guān)系。

4. 具備數(shù)據(jù)分析能力,能通過數(shù)據(jù)分析找到降低成本、提高效率的途徑。

5. 嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)墓ぷ鲬B(tài)度,注重細(xì)節(jié),能在壓力下保持高效工作。





1. 市場調(diào)研:定期進(jìn)行供應(yīng)商市場的研究,收集和分析供應(yīng)商信息。

2. 供應(yīng)商評估:制定并執(zhí)行供應(yīng)商資質(zhì)評估體系,包括質(zhì)量、價(jià)格、交付、服務(wù)等方面的考核。

3. 合同管理:起草、談判和管理供應(yīng)商合同,確保合同條款的公平合理。

4. 關(guān)系維護(hù):建立和維護(hù)與供應(yīng)商的良好關(guān)系,定期進(jìn)行溝通和拜訪,解決合作中的問題。

5. 供應(yīng)商績效管理:設(shè)定績效指標(biāo),定期評估供應(yīng)商表現(xiàn),推動(dòng)其提升服務(wù)質(zhì)量。

6. 風(fēng)險(xiǎn)管理:識別和評估供應(yīng)鏈風(fēng)險(xiǎn),制定應(yīng)急預(yù)案,降低供應(yīng)中斷的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。

7. 成本控制:通過談判和優(yōu)化采購策略,降低采購成本,提高供應(yīng)鏈效率。

8. 內(nèi)部協(xié)作:與采購、生產(chǎn)、質(zhì)量等部門緊密合作,確保供應(yīng)商選擇與公司整體運(yùn)營策略一致。



第1篇 采購供應(yīng)商開發(fā)崗位職責(zé)

供應(yīng)商開發(fā)采購經(jīng)理 職位描述:

1. overall management and development of local direct sourcing team, purchasing team enhancement of sourcing function, policy making fully compliant, talent education and training, ensure direct sourcing function working properly and efficiently.

2. responsible for evaluating all materials, with an emphasis on botanicals, to determine the best strategy to buy: e.g. direct from farmers, coops or large volume traders, while maintaining full tracebility. the goal is to lower the raw material costs for changsha wherever possible.

3. responsible for sourcing, substitution of raw materials and packaging materials for e_isting products, ensure consistent and persistent production.

4. vendor, supplier and strategic partner audit, selection, development and management. ensure the sustainability and reliability of supply.

5. contract terms and agreement negotiation with selected suppliers to ensure benefit of company and avoid potential risks.

6. set up goals of cost saving through localization and substitution, and implement the cost saving plan to make profit to the company.


1. collaboration with new products department, quality ,planning departments to ensure the target materials satisfactory

2. provide marketing, internal customers with direction, vision of potential or substitute products of good quality, including raw, packaging.

3. develop and maintain long-term, strategic cooperation partnership with vendors; negotiate contract terms with vendors in the drive of best cost saving.

4. ensure all the raw materials supplied by new suppliers should be audited and approved by the qa department. coordinate with qa to perform supplier audit.

5. set up selection and audit system for vendors, propose improvement suggestion to disqualified vendors in time or change unqualified vendors.

7. maintain vendor master list, items master list in oracle system, keep these parameter accurate

8. responsible for support so_ audit and internal audit and have no main issues regarding sourcing side.

9. responsible for purchasing all the direct materials and indirect materials (e_pense materials and equipment). manage purchasing activity to ensure on-time delivery for all materials, arrange payment properly. make sure the delivery from vendor in compliance with the po / contract requirements.


1. university or above degree and major in food and pharmaceutical is preferred.

2. at least 7 years’ relevant working e_perience for purchasing botanicals to produce e_tracts and powders, working in a food or a pharmaceutical company is preferred.

3. 2 years management e_perience at least

4. familiar with mrp & ms office ____年, have oracle system knowledge is a plus.

5. good english in oral, reading & writing

6. ability to work well with little supervision.

7. good communication with other departments.

8. ability to solve practical problems and carry out responsibilities under general supervision.


1. overall management and development of local direct sourcing team, purchasing team enhancement of sourcing function, policy making fully compliant, talent education and training, ensure direct sourcing function working properly and efficiently.

2. responsible for evaluating all materials, with an emphasis on botanicals, to determine the best strategy to buy: e.g. direct from farmers, coops or large volume traders, while maintaining full tracebility. the goal is to lower the raw material costs for changsha wherever possible.

3. responsible for sourcing, substitution of raw materials and packaging materials for e_isting products, ensure consistent and persistent production.

4. vendor, supplier and strategic partner audit, selection, development and management. ensure the sustainability and reliability of supply.

5. contract terms and agreement negotiation with selected suppliers to ensure benefit of company and avoid potential risks.

6. set up goals of cost saving through localization and substitution, and implement the cost saving plan to make profit to the company.


1. collaboration with new products department, quality ,planning departments to ensure the target materials satisfactory

2. provide marketing, internal customers with direction, vision of potential or substitute products of good quality, including raw, packaging.

3. develop and maintain long-term, strategic cooperation partnership with vendors; negotiate contract terms with vendors in the drive of best cost saving.

4. ensure all the raw materials supplied by new suppliers should be audited and approved by the qa department. coordinate with qa to perform supplier audit.

5. set up selection and audit system for vendors, propose improvement suggestion to disqualified vendors in time or change unqualified vendors.

7. maintain vendor master list, items master list in oracle system, keep these parameter accurate

8. responsible for support so_ audit and internal audit and have no main issues regarding sourcing side.

9. responsible for purchasing all the direct materials and indirect materials (e_pense materials and equipment). manage purchasing activity to ensure on-time delivery for all materials, arrange payment properly. make sure the delivery from vendor in compliance with the po / contract requirements.


1. university or above degree and major in food and pharmaceutical is preferred.

2. at least 7 years’ relevant working e_perience for purchasing botanicals to produce e_tracts and powders, working in a food or a pharmaceutical company is preferred.

3. 2 years management e_perience at least

4. familiar with mrp & ms office ____年, have oracle system knowledge is a plus.

5. good english in oral, reading & writing

6. ability to work well with little supervision.

7. good communication with other departments.

8. ability to solve practical problems and carry out responsibilities under general supervision.

第2篇 供應(yīng)商開發(fā)總監(jiān)崗位職責(zé)

供應(yīng)商開發(fā)總監(jiān) 武漢貓人電子商務(wù)有限公司 武漢貓人電子商務(wù)有限公司 職責(zé)描述:












第3篇 采購供應(yīng)商開發(fā)經(jīng)理崗位職責(zé)

供應(yīng)商開發(fā)采購經(jīng)理 職位描述:

1. overall management and development of local direct sourcing team, purchasing team enhancement of sourcing function, policy making fully compliant, talent education and training, ensure direct sourcing function working properly and efficiently.

2. responsible for evaluating all materials, with an emphasis on botanicals, to determine the best strategy to buy: e.g. direct from farmers, coops or large volume traders, while maintaining full tracebility. the goal is to lower the raw material costs for changsha wherever possible.

3. responsible for sourcing, substitution of raw materials and packaging materials for e_isting products, ensure consistent and persistent production.

4. vendor, supplier and strategic partner audit, selection, development and management. ensure the sustainability and reliability of supply.

5. contract terms and agreement negotiation with selected suppliers to ensure benefit of company and avoid potential risks.

6. set up goals of cost saving through localization and substitution, and implement the cost saving plan to make profit to the company.


1. collaboration with new products department, quality ,planning departments to ensure the target materials satisfactory

2. provide marketing, internal customers with direction, vision of potential or substitute products of good quality, including raw, packaging.

3. develop and maintain long-term, strategic cooperation partnership with vendors; negotiate contract terms with vendors in the drive of best cost saving.

4. ensure all the raw materials supplied by new suppliers should be audited and approved by the qa department. coordinate with qa to perform supplier audit.

5. set up selection and audit system for vendors, propose improvement suggestion to disqualified vendors in time or change unqualified vendors.

7. maintain vendor master list, items master list in oracle system, keep these parameter accurate

8. responsible for support so_ audit and internal audit and have no main issues regarding sourcing side.

9. responsible for purchasing all the direct materials and indirect materials (e_pense materials and equipment). manage purchasing activity to ensure on-time delivery for all materials, arrange payment properly. make sure the delivery from vendor in compliance with the po / contract requirements.


1. university or above degree and major in food and pharmaceutical is preferred.

2. at least 7 years’ relevant working e_perience for purchasing botanicals to produce e_tracts and powders, working in a food or a pharmaceutical company is preferred.

3. 2 years management e_perience at least

4. familiar with mrp & ms office ____年, have oracle system knowledge is a plus.

5. good english in oral, reading & writing

6. ability to work well with little supervision.

7. good communication with other departments.

8. ability to solve practical problems and carry out responsibilities under general supervision.


1. overall management and development of local direct sourcing team, purchasing team enhancement of sourcing function, policy making fully compliant, talent education and training, ensure direct sourcing function working properly and efficiently.

2. responsible for evaluating all materials, with an emphasis on botanicals, to determine the best strategy to buy: e.g. direct from farmers, coops or large volume traders, while maintaining full tracebility. the goal is to lower the raw material costs for changsha wherever possible.

3. responsible for sourcing, substitution of raw materials and packaging materials for e_isting products, ensure consistent and persistent production.

4. vendor, supplier and strategic partner audit, selection, development and management. ensure the sustainability and reliability of supply.

5. contract terms and agreement negotiation with selected suppliers to ensure benefit of company and avoid potential risks.

6. set up goals of cost saving through localization and substitution, and implement the cost saving plan to make profit to the company.


1. collaboration with new products department, quality ,planning departments to ensure the target materials satisfactory

2. provide marketing, internal customers with direction, vision of potential or substitute products of good quality, including raw, packaging.

3. develop and maintain long-term, strategic cooperation partnership with vendors; negotiate contract terms with vendors in the drive of best cost saving.

4. ensure all the raw materials supplied by new suppliers should be audited and approved by the qa department. coordinate with qa to perform supplier audit.

5. set up selection and audit system for vendors, propose improvement suggestion to disqualified vendors in time or change unqualified vendors.

7. maintain vendor master list, items master list in oracle system, keep these parameter accurate

8. responsible for support so_ audit and internal audit and have no main issues regarding sourcing side.

9. responsible for purchasing all the direct materials and indirect materials (e_pense materials and equipment). manage purchasing activity to ensure on-time delivery for all materials, arrange payment properly. make sure the delivery from vendor in compliance with the po / contract requirements.


1. university or above degree and major in food and pharmaceutical is preferred.

2. at least 7 years’ relevant working e_perience for purchasing botanicals to produce e_tracts and powders, working in a food or a pharmaceutical company is preferred.

3. 2 years management e_perience at least

4. familiar with mrp & ms office ____年, have oracle system knowledge is a plus.

5. good english in oral, reading & writing

6. ability to work well with little supervision.

7. good communication with other departments.

8. ability to solve practical problems and carry out responsibilities under general supervision.

第4篇 采購供應(yīng)商開發(fā)專員崗位職責(zé)

采購專員/供應(yīng)商開發(fā)(電子商務(wù)) 鼎信網(wǎng)絡(luò) 山東鼎信網(wǎng)絡(luò)科技有限公司,decent鼎信,鼎信網(wǎng)絡(luò),鼎信 崗位職責(zé):

















第5篇 供應(yīng)商開發(fā)工程師崗位職責(zé)

供應(yīng)商開發(fā)工程師 兆龍線纜 浙江兆龍互連科技股份有限公司,兆龍互連科技,兆龍線纜,兆龍 崗位職責(zé):











第6篇 外貿(mào)供應(yīng)商開發(fā)崗位職責(zé)















第7篇 供應(yīng)商開發(fā)員崗位職責(zé)







第8篇 供應(yīng)商開發(fā)質(zhì)量工程師崗位職責(zé)

供應(yīng)商質(zhì)量開發(fā)工程師(sqe) 高蓓珥派珀管理咨詢(上海)有限公司 高蓓珥派珀管理咨詢(上海)有限公司,gpqm,高蓓珥派珀管理咨詢(上海)有限公司,高蓓珥派珀 in a global comprehensive approach to procurement, the supplier quality & development engineer has for main objective to:

? support commodity supplier evaluation and management in the region (level 1),

? lead supplier quality assurance processes deployment with regional suppliers for products/parts development based on the apqp process –main responsibility (level 2),

? manage camso supplier quality assurance activities in the region(level 3);

? support design & deployment of camso supplier quality assurance and management process in the region.

responsibilities (e_. sales targets, budget responsibility, # accounts, credit/purchasing limits, scope & impact, autonomy, comple_ity, impact of the role, etc.)

? support commodity supplier evaluation and management in the region (level 1);

? support the selection & qualification process the quality sub-process,

? participate in supplier selection & qualification process for suppliers located in the region,

? support suppliers audit in accordance with the supplier selection process when required

? propose suppliers from quality aspects for the region,

? support a supplier development program with key suppliers,

? lead supplier quality assurance processes deployment with regional suppliers for products/parts development based on the apqp process (level 2);

? deploy the cs products/parts development process for all projects in the region,

? act as spqd to coordinate products/parts development projects for selected projects in the region,

? lead ppap approval as per agreed process and policy for selected projects in the region.

? participate in pre-dpar(select for project, feasibility analysis)

? lead quality activities within dpar

? lead quality deliverable &milestone

? follow up & support on ots approval

? lead process audit (before ppap)

? lead ppap

? quality requirement transfer(quality documents)

? for suppliers in the region, deploy tactics for production inspection at source & at cs factories and perform source inspection as per agreed quality plan in specific countries.

? manage camso supplier quality assurance activities in the region(level 3);

? support supplier to handle non-conformance, find root cause, make sure corrective action effectiveness. case re-open 0%.

? manage supplier incident impacting oems,

? deploy, monitor and improve supplier performance kpis,

? systematize supplier improvement action plan with key suppliers,

? contribute to the quality maturity development of camso by performing in-house training,

? ensure that the quality risks of any purchased products delivered from suppliers in the region are identified and managed by the camso supplier quality assurance processes,

? develop and manage quality of assigned suppliers in the region.

? support design & deployment of camso supplier quality assurance and management process in the region.

第9篇 供應(yīng)商開發(fā)質(zhì)量崗位職責(zé)

供應(yīng)商開發(fā)質(zhì)量supplier quality development engineer 武漢彼歐英瑞杰汽車系統(tǒng)有限公司 武漢彼歐英瑞杰汽車系統(tǒng)有限公司,彼歐英瑞杰 tasks & responsabilities

product development phase

-lead and facilitate development of suppliers to meet po automotive systems requirements manuals to improve quality, cost, and delivery performance of suppliers through po apqp -responsible of quality and process supplier evaluation for all suppliers and supplier onsite process approval (sopa) on key suppliers as required

-responsible for the timeliness approval of ppap per project requirements.

-management of supplier rating system in conjunction with purchasing department and necessary systems to include monthly reporting of supplier ppm scores.

-to lead supplier quality management reviews (smqr) level ii at division level and support at plant level as needed.

-management of level ii containment procedures and implementation.

product production phase

-responsible of transfer from supplier quality development to plant supplier quality at the beginning of each program production phase plus 6 months or as necessary

-lead and facilitate suppliers to meet po automotive systems requirements manual to improve quality, cost, and delivery performance of suppliers.

-monitor of supplier performance quality rating on a monthly basis and schedule follow up audits and reviews for assigned suppliers.

-champion supplier ppm reductions including read across of common commodity issue (i.e. focus on poor performing suppliers, high ppm, sncr’s, and critical issues for their assigned suppliers.)

-lead supplier improvement audits and supplier onsite process approval (sopa) on suppliers assigned until closure of all the actions.

-train and mentor plant supplier quality engineers assigned

第10篇 供應(yīng)商開發(fā)管理經(jīng)理崗位職責(zé)

供應(yīng)商管理(開發(fā))經(jīng)理 奧咨達(dá)醫(yī)療器械服務(wù)集團(tuán) 廣州奧咨達(dá)醫(yī)療器械技術(shù)股份有限公司,奧咨達(dá),奧咨達(dá)醫(yī)療器械服務(wù)集團(tuán),奧咨達(dá) 職責(zé)描述:













第11篇 供應(yīng)商開發(fā)管理崗位職責(zé)

供應(yīng)商管理(開發(fā))經(jīng)理 奧咨達(dá)醫(yī)療器械服務(wù)集團(tuán) 廣州奧咨達(dá)醫(yī)療器械技術(shù)股份有限公司,奧咨達(dá),奧咨達(dá)醫(yī)療器械服務(wù)集團(tuán),奧咨達(dá) 職責(zé)描述:













第12篇 供應(yīng)商開發(fā)采購工程師崗位職責(zé)

供應(yīng)商開發(fā)/高級采購專員/資深采購工程師 聯(lián)泰科技 上海聯(lián)泰科技股份有限公司,聯(lián)泰科技,聯(lián)泰 為新產(chǎn)品項(xiàng)目尋找、開發(fā),鑒定供應(yīng)商






負(fù)責(zé)公司年度cost down計(jì)劃的實(shí)施和達(dá)成












  • 供應(yīng)商開發(fā)崗位職責(zé)匯編(12篇)
  • 供應(yīng)商開發(fā)崗位職責(zé)匯編(12篇)89人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么供應(yīng)商開發(fā)崗位是企業(yè)供應(yīng)鏈管理的重要組成部分,主要負(fù)責(zé)尋找、評估、管理和優(yōu)化企業(yè)的外部供應(yīng)商資源,以確保公司能獲取優(yōu)質(zhì)、高效且成本合理的原材 ...[更多]

  • 采購供應(yīng)商開發(fā)崗位職責(zé)4篇
  • 采購供應(yīng)商開發(fā)崗位職責(zé)4篇33人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么采購供應(yīng)商開發(fā)崗位是企業(yè)供應(yīng)鏈管理的重要組成部分,主要負(fù)責(zé)尋找、評估和管理新的及現(xiàn)有的供應(yīng)商資源,以確保公司能夠獲取優(yōu)質(zhì)、高效且成本合理的原 ...[更多]

  • 供應(yīng)商開發(fā)采購崗位職責(zé)6篇
  • 供應(yīng)商開發(fā)采購崗位職責(zé)6篇12人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么供應(yīng)商開發(fā)采購崗位是企業(yè)供應(yīng)鏈管理中的關(guān)鍵角色,負(fù)責(zé)尋找、評估、管理和優(yōu)化企業(yè)的供應(yīng)商網(wǎng)絡(luò),以確保公司的生產(chǎn)或服務(wù)活動(dòng)得以順利進(jìn)行。崗位職責(zé) ...[更多]
