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更新時間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):16





1. 具備優(yōu)秀的聆聽技巧,能夠理解并準確把握客戶的問題核心。

2. 擁有良好的情緒管理能力,面對各種復雜情況能保持冷靜和專業(yè)。

3. 熟悉公司產(chǎn)品和服務(wù),能夠迅速定位問題所在,并提出有效的解決方案。

4. 具備一定的決策能力,能夠在權(quán)限范圍內(nèi)快速做出公正的判斷。

5. 了解客戶服務(wù)標準和法律法規(guī),確保處理投訴過程合規(guī)合法。

6. 具備團隊協(xié)作精神,能夠與各部門有效溝通,協(xié)調(diào)資源解決問題。






1. 投訴接收與記錄:及時響應客戶的投訴,詳細記錄投訴內(nèi)容,包括時間、地點、事件經(jīng)過等。

2. 問題分析與解決:深入探究問題的本質(zhì),制定并執(zhí)行解決方案,確??蛻魸M意。

3. 內(nèi)部溝通與協(xié)調(diào):與銷售、技術(shù)、售后等部門合作,共同解決客戶問題。

4. 客戶滿意度追蹤:跟進投訴處理結(jié)果,確保客戶滿意度,必要時進行二次溝通。

5. 數(shù)據(jù)分析與報告:定期整理投訴數(shù)據(jù),形成分析報告,提出改進建議。

6. 政策與流程更新:根據(jù)投訴情況,參與修訂和完善公司的客戶服務(wù)政策和流程。

7. 培訓與發(fā)展:參加相關(guān)培訓,提升自身技能,分享經(jīng)驗,提高團隊整體處理投訴的能力。



第1篇 客戶投訴處理專員崗位職責

客戶服務(wù)/投訴處理/客服專員 驛舒達酒店預訂服務(wù)(上海)有限公司 驛舒達酒店預訂服務(wù)(上海)有限公司,hrs,驛舒達 we are looking for a shanghai based 2nd level agent china (m/f) that provides contribution to the continuous improvement of services for hrs customers.

at hrs group “we love to make it happen”: we are the world’s leading hotel solutions provider and enable business and leisure travelers to search, book and stay in control of their hotel accommodation. it is our goal to make the booking e_perience simple and smart. our booking portals combine more than 850,000 accommodations worldwide and form the basis for our innovative end-to-end solutions we are offering to global corporations. the hrs group continues to e_pand and employs more than 1,500 people in 27 offices across the world – including cologne, shanghai, london, mumbai and sydney.

to fuel our international growth we are looking for entrepreneurial minds, who are passionate and result-driven, have a strong team-spirit and will take on the challenge to pioneer the ever changing travel industry. do you also want to make it happen at hrs

the challenge you are up for.

- take end-to-end responsibility of dealing with complaints from hrs customers with e_cellent quality and service standards

- clarify the causes of customer complaints with internal and e_ternal contacts

- process the customer complaints with optimal solution

- maintain and manage the customer data in the system

- participate in process optimization project

the commitment you bring

- bachelor’s degree or above

- 3 years of working e_perience in complaint management, ideally in the hospitality or tourism industry

- good knowledge in pc application, with proficiency in using call-centre-systems or other related specified software

- a structured, independent and service oriented working style

- fluency in english, spoken and written

the reward you get

- a high impact quality specialist role with high degrees of responsibility and autonomy

- plenty of room for personal growth and professional development

- a highly talented, passionate and international team that revolutionizes the travel industry

- strong team performance and a transparent results focus towards one shared direction

- a modern working environment

第2篇 客戶投訴處理崗位職責

客戶服務(wù)/投訴處理/客服專員 驛舒達酒店預訂服務(wù)(上海)有限公司 驛舒達酒店預訂服務(wù)(上海)有限公司,hrs,驛舒達 we are looking for a shanghai based 2nd level agent china (m/f) that provides contribution to the continuous improvement of services for hrs customers.

at hrs group “we love to make it happen”: we are the world’s leading hotel solutions provider and enable business and leisure travelers to search, book and stay in control of their hotel accommodation. it is our goal to make the booking e_perience simple and smart. our booking portals combine more than 850,000 accommodations worldwide and form the basis for our innovative end-to-end solutions we are offering to global corporations. the hrs group continues to e_pand and employs more than 1,500 people in 27 offices across the world – including cologne, shanghai, london, mumbai and sydney.

to fuel our international growth we are looking for entrepreneurial minds, who are passionate and result-driven, have a strong team-spirit and will take on the challenge to pioneer the ever changing travel industry. do you also want to make it happen at hrs

the challenge you are up for.

- take end-to-end responsibility of dealing with complaints from hrs customers with e_cellent quality and service standards

- clarify the causes of customer complaints with internal and e_ternal contacts

- process the customer complaints with optimal solution

- maintain and manage the customer data in the system

- participate in process optimization project

the commitment you bring

- bachelor’s degree or above

- 3 years of working e_perience in complaint management, ideally in the hospitality or tourism industry

- good knowledge in pc application, with proficiency in using call-centre-systems or other related specified software

- a structured, independent and service oriented working style

- fluency in english, spoken and written

the reward you get

- a high impact quality specialist role with high degrees of responsibility and autonomy

- plenty of room for personal growth and professional development

- a highly talented, passionate and international team that revolutionizes the travel industry

- strong team performance and a transparent results focus towards one shared direction

- a modern working environment

第3篇 客戶投訴處理專員崗位職責任職要求


客戶服務(wù)/投訴處理/客服專員 驛舒達酒店預訂服務(wù)(上海)有限公司 驛舒達酒店預訂服務(wù)(上海)有限公司,驛舒達 at hrs “we love to make it happen”: we are the global market leader when it comes to tech- and data driven business travel solutions. our enterprise business offers end-to-end hotel management solutions to more than 7,000 corporate businesses globally to simplify their business travel. state of the art service solutions like strategic consulting & hotel procurement, travel payment and e_pense solutions or efficient tools to manage corporate meetings and group booking facilitate the travel processes and guarantee savings along the value chain.

today we work globally with the fortune 500, such as google, china mobile, amazon, siemens, hitachi, alibaba, volkswagen, worldbank.

we are looking for a shanghai based 2nd level agent china (m/f/d) that provides contribution to the continuous improvement of services for hrs customers.

your challenges

? take end-to-end responsibility of dealing with complaints from hrs customers with e_cellent quality and service standards

? clarify the causes of customer complaints with internal and e_ternal contacts

? process the customer complaints with optimal solution

? maintain and manage the customer data in the system

? participate in process optimization project

your commitment

? bachelor’s degree or above

? several years of working e_perience in complaint management, ideally in the hospitality or tourism industry

? good knowledge in pc application, with proficiency in using call-centre-systems or other related specified software

? a structured, independent and service oriented working style

? fluency in english, spoken and written

your rewards

at hrs we feel globally united and mutually responsible, a belief that is rooted in our company history and values: thinking and acting like an entrepreneur, with everyone across the whole company being given the opportunity to take full ownership to deliver on our shared vision every single day.

you will work in a modern working environment with fle_ible working hours and the option to work from home. our training and further education offers give you plenty of room for your personal growth and individual development.




  • 客戶投訴處理崗位職責3篇
  • 客戶投訴處理崗位職責3篇16人關(guān)注

    崗位職責是什么客戶投訴處理崗位是一個專注于解決客戶問題、維護客戶滿意度的關(guān)鍵角色。這個崗位的工作人員需要具備出色的溝通技巧和問題解決能力,以確保每個投訴 ...[更多]
