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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):77



total cost of ownership (tco) 崗位,也稱為總擁有成本分析員,是一個(gè)專注于評(píng)估和管理企業(yè)資產(chǎn)、項(xiàng)目或服務(wù)全生命周期成本的角色。此崗位的核心任務(wù)是理解和計(jì)算從購(gòu)買到退役的全部成本,以幫助管理層做出更明智的決策。


1. 深厚的成本分析技能:tco崗位需要具備深入的成本計(jì)算和分析能力,能夠準(zhǔn)確預(yù)測(cè)和量化短期及長(zhǎng)期的經(jīng)濟(jì)影響。

2. 財(cái)務(wù)知識(shí):熟悉財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)告、預(yù)算編制和財(cái)務(wù)規(guī)劃,能理解和應(yīng)用財(cái)務(wù)比率和指標(biāo)。

3. 項(xiàng)目管理:具備項(xiàng)目協(xié)調(diào)和管理經(jīng)驗(yàn),能夠跟蹤和控制成本,并確保項(xiàng)目按預(yù)算進(jìn)行。

4. 技術(shù)理解:對(duì)所關(guān)注領(lǐng)域的技術(shù)有深入理解,如it設(shè)備、設(shè)施維護(hù)或供應(yīng)鏈管理。

5. 溝通能力:擅長(zhǎng)與各部門合作,能夠清晰地傳達(dá)復(fù)雜的成本分析結(jié)果。

6. 戰(zhàn)略思維:能夠從全局視角評(píng)估成本,為公司的戰(zhàn)略決策提供依據(jù)。



1. 成本建模:構(gòu)建和維護(hù)詳細(xì)的成本模型,以反映各種假設(shè)場(chǎng)景和潛在風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。

2. 報(bào)告制作:定期準(zhǔn)備和呈現(xiàn)tco報(bào)告,以供管理層決策參考。

3. 預(yù)算監(jiān)控:對(duì)比實(shí)際支出與預(yù)算,識(shí)別偏差并提出改進(jìn)措施。

4. 合同談判:參與供應(yīng)商合同談判,確保條款有利于降低總成本。

5. 風(fēng)險(xiǎn)評(píng)估:識(shí)別和評(píng)估可能影響成本的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)因素,制定應(yīng)對(duì)策略。

6. 流程優(yōu)化:通過(guò)流程改進(jìn)和技術(shù)創(chuàng)新,降低運(yùn)營(yíng)成本。


1. 成本數(shù)據(jù)收集:收集來(lái)自各個(gè)業(yè)務(wù)單元的詳細(xì)成本數(shù)據(jù),包括直接和間接成本。

2. 成本分類:將成本劃分為固定、變動(dòng)、一次性等類別,以便于理解和管理。

3. 生命周期分析:考慮資產(chǎn)或服務(wù)的整個(gè)生命周期,包括購(gòu)買、安裝、運(yùn)行、維護(hù)、升級(jí)和處置階段的成本。

4. 經(jīng)濟(jì)效益評(píng)估:評(píng)估投資回報(bào)率(roi)和其他經(jīng)濟(jì)效益指標(biāo),以證明成本優(yōu)化措施的合理性。

5. 跨部門協(xié)作:與it、財(cái)務(wù)、采購(gòu)等部門緊密合作,確保成本信息的準(zhǔn)確性和完整性。

6. 持續(xù)改進(jìn):定期回顧和更新tco模型,以反映業(yè)務(wù)變化和市場(chǎng)動(dòng)態(tài)。



第1篇 documentcontrolengineer/文控工程師崗位職責(zé)職位要求


1. responsible for the checking and control of artwork documents for product.


2. assistant hq to prepare the artwork of product;


3. review and collate the artwork after receiving it from hq and feedback the variance to hq for revising;


4. ensure to distribute all the artwork and requirements which has been finished and confirm to factory timely;


5. collect any nonconformity of artwork from factory and feedback to hq for revising;


6. ensure archiving all the artwork document timely;


7. others as assigned by department head.



1.bachelor degree or above. more than 2 years e_perience relate to document making and controlling preferred.


2. e_cellent working knowledge of microsoft software packages


3. good teamwork and cooperation


4. high anti-pressure ability, suitable for ot


5. good communication skills in english both written and reading;







第2篇 fabricsourcing/productdevelopmentcoordinator崗位職責(zé)職位要求


leading active wear and performance sportswear trading company

minimum 5 years e_perience in performance fabric development (knit and woven) or active sportswear and outerwear development

rapid advancement for the highly skilled applicant

pls note, we will consider properly qualified candidates only

must be proficient in understanding us importers sample development requests

must be clear headed and proficient in written and spoken english

office in minhang district, near qibao station, jiuting station. bus stops at office address






第3篇 documentcontrol崗位職責(zé)

亞太區(qū)物流分銷經(jīng)理 the asia-pacific (“apac”) region logistics & distribution manager will have responsibility for regional processes and programs to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of materials and finished goods for the business. this role will ensure that processes and programs enable the business to ma_imize customer service performance while minimizing costs and working capital.


? develop, implement and monitor the performance of regional programs & processes to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of raw materials, work in-process and finished goods

? develop programs and manage relationships with transportation and third-party logistics suppliers to optimize the movement of finished goods to warehouses and distribution networks

? develop transportation and distribution policies, business practices, and programs to support the short term and long-range business needs

? align with regional operations and business leaders to optimize transportation and distribution needs to support various operations, replenishment, and customer delivery models

? align with global materials, logistics & distribution organizations to drive overall cost savings and on-time metrics through optimizing logistics programs

? ensure the development and e_ecution of trade compliant processes for e_port and import shipments, incorporating steps to drive cost effective and timely delivery to regional customers

? ensure compliance with regulatory and company standards for cost control, ehs and e_ternal agencies inventory policies and initiatives

? negotiate transportation, distribution and services agreements and monitor trends in shipping patterns and to minimize overall net freight costs

? process claims with freight carriers as required for damaged goods

? develop a logistics & distribution annual operating plan (aop)

? monitor actual e_pense, trends and impacts vs aop, and take the appropriate action(s) to mitigate unfavorable trends vs plan

? ensure proper invoicing allocation across each plant in the region

? collaborate with each plant’s materials management to improve the inbound flow and space optimization.

? collaborate with plant quality departments to manage reverse logistics

the asia-pacific (“apac”) region logistics & distribution manager will have responsibility for regional processes and programs to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of materials and finished goods for the business. this role will ensure that processes and programs enable the business to ma_imize customer service performance while minimizing costs and working capital.


? develop, implement and monitor the performance of regional programs & processes to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of raw materials, work in-process and finished goods

? develop programs and manage relationships with transportation and third-party logistics suppliers to optimize the movement of finished goods to warehouses and distribution networks

? develop transportation and distribution policies, business practices, and programs to support the short term and long-range business needs

? align with regional operations and business leaders to optimize transportation and distribution needs to support various operations, replenishment, and customer delivery models

? align with global materials, logistics & distribution organizations to drive overall cost savings and on-time metrics through optimizing logistics programs

? ensure the development and e_ecution of trade compliant processes for e_port and import shipments, incorporating steps to drive cost effective and timely delivery to regional customers

? ensure compliance with regulatory and company standards for cost control, ehs and e_ternal agencies inventory policies and initiatives

? negotiate transportation, distribution and services agreements and monitor trends in shipping patterns and to minimize overall net freight costs

? process claims with freight carriers as required for damaged goods

? develop a logistics & distribution annual operating plan (aop)

? monitor actual e_pense, trends and impacts vs aop, and take the appropriate action(s) to mitigate unfavorable trends vs plan

? ensure proper invoicing allocation across each plant in the region

? collaborate with each plant’s materials management to improve the inbound flow and space optimization.

? collaborate with plant quality departments to manage reverse logistics

第4篇 costcontroller崗位職責(zé)

亞太區(qū)物流分銷經(jīng)理 the asia-pacific (“apac”) region logistics & distribution manager will have responsibility for regional processes and programs to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of materials and finished goods for the business. this role will ensure that processes and programs enable the business to ma_imize customer service performance while minimizing costs and working capital.


? develop, implement and monitor the performance of regional programs & processes to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of raw materials, work in-process and finished goods

? develop programs and manage relationships with transportation and third-party logistics suppliers to optimize the movement of finished goods to warehouses and distribution networks

? develop transportation and distribution policies, business practices, and programs to support the short term and long-range business needs

? align with regional operations and business leaders to optimize transportation and distribution needs to support various operations, replenishment, and customer delivery models

? align with global materials, logistics & distribution organizations to drive overall cost savings and on-time metrics through optimizing logistics programs

? ensure the development and e_ecution of trade compliant processes for e_port and import shipments, incorporating steps to drive cost effective and timely delivery to regional customers

? ensure compliance with regulatory and company standards for cost control, ehs and e_ternal agencies inventory policies and initiatives

? negotiate transportation, distribution and services agreements and monitor trends in shipping patterns and to minimize overall net freight costs

? process claims with freight carriers as required for damaged goods

? develop a logistics & distribution annual operating plan (aop)

? monitor actual e_pense, trends and impacts vs aop, and take the appropriate action(s) to mitigate unfavorable trends vs plan

? ensure proper invoicing allocation across each plant in the region

? collaborate with each plant’s materials management to improve the inbound flow and space optimization.

? collaborate with plant quality departments to manage reverse logistics

the asia-pacific (“apac”) region logistics & distribution manager will have responsibility for regional processes and programs to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of materials and finished goods for the business. this role will ensure that processes and programs enable the business to ma_imize customer service performance while minimizing costs and working capital.


? develop, implement and monitor the performance of regional programs & processes to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of raw materials, work in-process and finished goods

? develop programs and manage relationships with transportation and third-party logistics suppliers to optimize the movement of finished goods to warehouses and distribution networks

? develop transportation and distribution policies, business practices, and programs to support the short term and long-range business needs

? align with regional operations and business leaders to optimize transportation and distribution needs to support various operations, replenishment, and customer delivery models

? align with global materials, logistics & distribution organizations to drive overall cost savings and on-time metrics through optimizing logistics programs

? ensure the development and e_ecution of trade compliant processes for e_port and import shipments, incorporating steps to drive cost effective and timely delivery to regional customers

? ensure compliance with regulatory and company standards for cost control, ehs and e_ternal agencies inventory policies and initiatives

? negotiate transportation, distribution and services agreements and monitor trends in shipping patterns and to minimize overall net freight costs

? process claims with freight carriers as required for damaged goods

? develop a logistics & distribution annual operating plan (aop)

? monitor actual e_pense, trends and impacts vs aop, and take the appropriate action(s) to mitigate unfavorable trends vs plan

? ensure proper invoicing allocation across each plant in the region

? collaborate with each plant’s materials management to improve the inbound flow and space optimization.

? collaborate with plant quality departments to manage reverse logistics

第5篇 creditcontroller崗位職責(zé)

亞太區(qū)物流分銷經(jīng)理 the asia-pacific (“apac”) region logistics & distribution manager will have responsibility for regional processes and programs to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of materials and finished goods for the business. this role will ensure that processes and programs enable the business to ma_imize customer service performance while minimizing costs and working capital.


? develop, implement and monitor the performance of regional programs & processes to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of raw materials, work in-process and finished goods

? develop programs and manage relationships with transportation and third-party logistics suppliers to optimize the movement of finished goods to warehouses and distribution networks

? develop transportation and distribution policies, business practices, and programs to support the short term and long-range business needs

? align with regional operations and business leaders to optimize transportation and distribution needs to support various operations, replenishment, and customer delivery models

? align with global materials, logistics & distribution organizations to drive overall cost savings and on-time metrics through optimizing logistics programs

? ensure the development and e_ecution of trade compliant processes for e_port and import shipments, incorporating steps to drive cost effective and timely delivery to regional customers

? ensure compliance with regulatory and company standards for cost control, ehs and e_ternal agencies inventory policies and initiatives

? negotiate transportation, distribution and services agreements and monitor trends in shipping patterns and to minimize overall net freight costs

? process claims with freight carriers as required for damaged goods

? develop a logistics & distribution annual operating plan (aop)

? monitor actual e_pense, trends and impacts vs aop, and take the appropriate action(s) to mitigate unfavorable trends vs plan

? ensure proper invoicing allocation across each plant in the region

? collaborate with each plant’s materials management to improve the inbound flow and space optimization.

? collaborate with plant quality departments to manage reverse logistics

the asia-pacific (“apac”) region logistics & distribution manager will have responsibility for regional processes and programs to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of materials and finished goods for the business. this role will ensure that processes and programs enable the business to ma_imize customer service performance while minimizing costs and working capital.


? develop, implement and monitor the performance of regional programs & processes to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of raw materials, work in-process and finished goods

? develop programs and manage relationships with transportation and third-party logistics suppliers to optimize the movement of finished goods to warehouses and distribution networks

? develop transportation and distribution policies, business practices, and programs to support the short term and long-range business needs

? align with regional operations and business leaders to optimize transportation and distribution needs to support various operations, replenishment, and customer delivery models

? align with global materials, logistics & distribution organizations to drive overall cost savings and on-time metrics through optimizing logistics programs

? ensure the development and e_ecution of trade compliant processes for e_port and import shipments, incorporating steps to drive cost effective and timely delivery to regional customers

? ensure compliance with regulatory and company standards for cost control, ehs and e_ternal agencies inventory policies and initiatives

? negotiate transportation, distribution and services agreements and monitor trends in shipping patterns and to minimize overall net freight costs

? process claims with freight carriers as required for damaged goods

? develop a logistics & distribution annual operating plan (aop)

? monitor actual e_pense, trends and impacts vs aop, and take the appropriate action(s) to mitigate unfavorable trends vs plan

? ensure proper invoicing allocation across each plant in the region

? collaborate with each plant’s materials management to improve the inbound flow and space optimization.

? collaborate with plant quality departments to manage reverse logistics

第6篇 documentcontroller崗位職責(zé)

亞太區(qū)物流分銷經(jīng)理 the asia-pacific (“apac”) region logistics & distribution manager will have responsibility for regional processes and programs to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of materials and finished goods for the business. this role will ensure that processes and programs enable the business to ma_imize customer service performance while minimizing costs and working capital.


? develop, implement and monitor the performance of regional programs & processes to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of raw materials, work in-process and finished goods

? develop programs and manage relationships with transportation and third-party logistics suppliers to optimize the movement of finished goods to warehouses and distribution networks

? develop transportation and distribution policies, business practices, and programs to support the short term and long-range business needs

? align with regional operations and business leaders to optimize transportation and distribution needs to support various operations, replenishment, and customer delivery models

? align with global materials, logistics & distribution organizations to drive overall cost savings and on-time metrics through optimizing logistics programs

? ensure the development and e_ecution of trade compliant processes for e_port and import shipments, incorporating steps to drive cost effective and timely delivery to regional customers

? ensure compliance with regulatory and company standards for cost control, ehs and e_ternal agencies inventory policies and initiatives

? negotiate transportation, distribution and services agreements and monitor trends in shipping patterns and to minimize overall net freight costs

? process claims with freight carriers as required for damaged goods

? develop a logistics & distribution annual operating plan (aop)

? monitor actual e_pense, trends and impacts vs aop, and take the appropriate action(s) to mitigate unfavorable trends vs plan

? ensure proper invoicing allocation across each plant in the region

? collaborate with each plant’s materials management to improve the inbound flow and space optimization.

? collaborate with plant quality departments to manage reverse logistics

the asia-pacific (“apac”) region logistics & distribution manager will have responsibility for regional processes and programs to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of materials and finished goods for the business. this role will ensure that processes and programs enable the business to ma_imize customer service performance while minimizing costs and working capital.


? develop, implement and monitor the performance of regional programs & processes to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of raw materials, work in-process and finished goods

? develop programs and manage relationships with transportation and third-party logistics suppliers to optimize the movement of finished goods to warehouses and distribution networks

? develop transportation and distribution policies, business practices, and programs to support the short term and long-range business needs

? align with regional operations and business leaders to optimize transportation and distribution needs to support various operations, replenishment, and customer delivery models

? align with global materials, logistics & distribution organizations to drive overall cost savings and on-time metrics through optimizing logistics programs

? ensure the development and e_ecution of trade compliant processes for e_port and import shipments, incorporating steps to drive cost effective and timely delivery to regional customers

? ensure compliance with regulatory and company standards for cost control, ehs and e_ternal agencies inventory policies and initiatives

? negotiate transportation, distribution and services agreements and monitor trends in shipping patterns and to minimize overall net freight costs

? process claims with freight carriers as required for damaged goods

? develop a logistics & distribution annual operating plan (aop)

? monitor actual e_pense, trends and impacts vs aop, and take the appropriate action(s) to mitigate unfavorable trends vs plan

? ensure proper invoicing allocation across each plant in the region

? collaborate with each plant’s materials management to improve the inbound flow and space optimization.

? collaborate with plant quality departments to manage reverse logistics

第7篇 costcontroller崗位職責(zé)costcontroller職責(zé)任職要求


反欺詐小組組長(zhǎng) - fraud and risk team leader teledirect telecommerce sdn bhd teledirect telecommerce sdn bhd responsibilities:

? manage, direct, lead, coach, develop, motivate and inspire a team of fraud & risk analysts to be the best they can be, making sure team members are equipped and enabled to detect and prevent fraud accurately.

? foster employee happiness by being a human leader, creating team connections, communicating direction and goals, and providing regular performance feedback that fosters positive employee career growth.

? use data for investigation and improvement actions, identify patterns in fraudulent activities, evaluating current fraud detection and prevention systems and formulating strategies and technologies for improvements.

? work with payment fraud team in creating and implementing new guidelines and workflow to eliminate chargeback.

? comprehensively documents investigations and maintain high levels of confidentiality while performing investigation.

? work cross-functionally with risk engineering to report trends and system loopholes affecting our risk products to develop and enhance internal tools for facilitating online safety initiatives

? actively take part in the decision-making process related to any new fraud and risk management policies.

? create and document workflows and knowledge base for agents to ensure accuracy and consistency and elevate team efficiency and productivity.


? language proficiency in english & chinese (verbal & written), possess strong networking abilities and communication skills.

? in-depth knowledge on fraud prevention, e_cellent analytical skills, attentive to details, 2-3 years’ e_perience in fraud, risk and banking.

? willing to work in malaysia, at least for 1 year

第8篇 projectcontroller崗位職責(zé)

生產(chǎn)經(jīng)理 rema tip top(tianjin) rubber technology co.,ltd 蒂普拓普(天津)橡膠技術(shù)有限公司,ltd,rema tip top(tianjin) rubber technology co.,ltd,rema tip top(tianjin) rubber technology co.,蒂普拓普,蒂普拓普 職責(zé)描述:

1. 本部門的運(yùn)營(yíng)體系的完善與改進(jìn);

2. 本部門的安全管理;

3. 本部門的人員管理、團(tuán)隊(duì)建設(shè)、績(jī)效考核;

4. 接訂單后的生產(chǎn)組織、計(jì)劃安排、材料跟催、生產(chǎn)平衡、及時(shí)足量供貨;

5. 按工藝、質(zhì)量要求組織生產(chǎn);參與工藝、質(zhì)量改善工作,質(zhì)量問(wèn)題能從生產(chǎn)角度,配合工藝試驗(yàn),找到解決辦法,并有效預(yù)防;

6. 確保生產(chǎn)員工按設(shè)備安全作業(yè)規(guī)程操作設(shè)備,參與設(shè)備和模具的日常管理;參與設(shè)備的改進(jìn)、改善工作;

7. 進(jìn)行有效的生產(chǎn)數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)計(jì)與分析,為管理活動(dòng)提供依據(jù);

8. 本部門各項(xiàng)成本控制。


1. 教育背景:機(jī)械,化工,高分子類相關(guān)專業(yè)本科學(xué)歷;

2. 具備汽車產(chǎn)品,精密加工等制造行業(yè)5年以上生產(chǎn)主管,或3年以上生產(chǎn)經(jīng)理工作經(jīng)驗(yàn);

3. 熟悉iso9001或iso16949體系;熟悉供應(yīng)鏈知識(shí),精通制造、精密加工行業(yè)的生產(chǎn)管理;擅長(zhǎng) 精益生產(chǎn)管理;

4. 具備較強(qiáng)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力及問(wèn)題解決能力。

5. 英語(yǔ)能作為工作語(yǔ)言優(yōu)先。

第9篇 documentcontroller崗位職責(zé)documentcontroller職責(zé)任職要求


銷售經(jīng)理 main responsibility:

1. 建立并完善整個(gè)營(yíng)銷管理體系,制定相關(guān)銷售管理制度,規(guī)范管理流程。

2. 參與制定公司營(yíng)銷戰(zhàn)略,根據(jù)營(yíng)銷戰(zhàn)略制定公司年度營(yíng)銷計(jì)劃及實(shí)施方案。

3. 根據(jù)營(yíng)銷戰(zhàn)略制定部門月度營(yíng)銷計(jì)劃、考核標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及實(shí)施方案。

4. 負(fù)責(zé)協(xié)調(diào)銷售合同履行,促進(jìn)貨款回收;

5. 負(fù)責(zé)參與質(zhì)量問(wèn)題分析,協(xié)調(diào)并解決客戶投訴及異常;

6. 負(fù)責(zé)定期拜訪客戶,了解市場(chǎng)及競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手等信息及市場(chǎng)信息收集;

7. 負(fù)責(zé)新客戶開(kāi)發(fā),尋找多重渠道,獲得銷售市場(chǎng)相關(guān)信息;

8. 負(fù)責(zé)客戶接待的組織協(xié)調(diào)工作;

main requirement:

a. 所學(xué)專業(yè)要求: 機(jī)械/模具、營(yíng)銷類專業(yè)

b. 學(xué)歷要求: 專科及以上

c. 經(jīng)驗(yàn)要求: 5年及以上塑膠、硅膠類制品銷售經(jīng)驗(yàn)

d. 主要能力和素質(zhì)要求

1、掌握一定的市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷、心理學(xué)、合同法及財(cái)務(wù)知識(shí) ;



e. 公文寫作、外語(yǔ)要求: 熟悉

f. 工作所需用到的設(shè)備、機(jī)器、工具以及使用之熟練程度要求: 熟練使用辦公軟件、駕駛證c照

main responsibility:

1. 建立并完善整個(gè)營(yíng)銷管理體系,制定相關(guān)銷售管理制度,規(guī)范管理流程。

2. 參與制定公司營(yíng)銷戰(zhàn)略,根據(jù)營(yíng)銷戰(zhàn)略制定公司年度營(yíng)銷計(jì)劃及實(shí)施方案。

3. 根據(jù)營(yíng)銷戰(zhàn)略制定部門月度營(yíng)銷計(jì)劃、考核標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及實(shí)施方案。

4. 負(fù)責(zé)協(xié)調(diào)銷售合同履行,促進(jìn)貨款回收;

5. 負(fù)責(zé)參與質(zhì)量問(wèn)題分析,協(xié)調(diào)并解決客戶投訴及異常;

6. 負(fù)責(zé)定期拜訪客戶,了解市場(chǎng)及競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手等信息及市場(chǎng)信息收集;

7. 負(fù)責(zé)新客戶開(kāi)發(fā),尋找多重渠道,獲得銷售市場(chǎng)相關(guān)信息;

8. 負(fù)責(zé)客戶接待的組織協(xié)調(diào)工作;

main requirement:

a. 所學(xué)專業(yè)要求: 機(jī)械/模具、營(yíng)銷類專業(yè)

b. 學(xué)歷要求: ??萍耙陨?/p>

c. 經(jīng)驗(yàn)要求: 5年及以上塑膠、硅膠類制品銷售經(jīng)驗(yàn)

d. 主要能力和素質(zhì)要求

1、掌握一定的市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷、心理學(xué)、合同法及財(cái)務(wù)知識(shí) ;



e. 公文寫作、外語(yǔ)要求: 熟悉

f. 工作所需用到的設(shè)備、機(jī)器、工具以及使用之熟練程度要求: 熟練使用辦公軟件、駕駛證c照

第10篇 documentcontrol崗位職責(zé)documentcontrol職責(zé)任職要求


apac senior accountant(外高橋) duties & responsibilities:

1. being independently responsible functional accounting work like freight & duty accrual, ar reserves and rebate, e_pat / adp payroll, general accruals, gl monthly reconciliation package, vat reconciliation, china entity prc reports associated with quarterly review on deferred ta_, etc; meanwhile, prepares and documents journal entries for the monthly general ledger close, operating load and consolidating the financial results into bpc for 1 entity.

2. reviews and reconciles the general ledger; prepare quarterly financial packages and provide commentary as required.

3. provides limited fp&a support to the divisions on an as need basis (for e_ample, we have certain areas of e_pertise such as the accounting for freight & duty accrual, ar reserves and rebate, corporate ta_ review and reconciliation, operation related ta_ matters like vat reconciliation, e_pat / adp payroll, and general accruals, etc.)

4. play as a focal to support projects related in accounting process with the goal to drive improvements in efficiency and effectiveness.

5. train, coach, and guide junior staff level team members in the above functional work assignments.

6. heads- up and support accounting manager on both of technical and procedure problems related to accounting work.

7. support accounting manager on team measurement and accounting performance related analysis work

8. assist the accounting manager with internal and e_ternal audit requests. interact with internal and e_ternal auditors; provide clarification on those items requiring additional support.

9. understand, support and contribute to current total quality management (tqm), si_ sigma, international standards organization (iso) and environmental, and/or health and safety (eh&s) management systems by following stated policies and procedures.

10. perform other related duties as assigned by management. duties & responsibilities:

1. being independently responsible functional accounting work like freight & duty accrual, ar reserves and rebate, e_pat / adp payroll, general accruals, gl monthly reconciliation package, vat reconciliation, china entity prc reports associated with quarterly review on deferred ta_, etc; meanwhile, prepares and documents journal entries for the monthly general ledger close, operating load and consolidating the financial results into bpc for 1 entity.

2. reviews and reconciles the general ledger; prepare quarterly financial packages and provide commentary as required.

3. provides limited fp&a support to the divisions on an as need basis (for e_ample, we have certain areas of e_pertise such as the accounting for freight & duty accrual, ar reserves and rebate, corporate ta_ review and reconciliation, operation related ta_ matters like vat reconciliation, e_pat / adp payroll, and general accruals, etc.)

4. play as a focal to support projects related in accounting process with the goal to drive improvements in efficiency and effectiveness.

5. train, coach, and guide junior staff level team members in the above functional work assignments.

6. heads- up and support accounting manager on both of technical and procedure problems related to accounting work.

7. support accounting manager on team measurement and accounting performance related analysis work

8. assist the accounting manager with internal and e_ternal audit requests. interact with internal and e_ternal auditors; provide clarification on those items requiring additional support.

9. understand, support and contribute to current total quality management (tqm), si_ sigma, international standards organization (iso) and environmental, and/or health and safety (eh&s) management systems by following stated policies and procedures.

10. perform other related duties as assigned by management.

第11篇 projectcontroller崗位職責(zé)projectcontroller職責(zé)任職要求


項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理 rema tip top(tianjin) rubber technology co.,ltd 蒂普拓普(天津)橡膠技術(shù)有限公司,蒂普拓普 主要職責(zé)









1、 大專以上學(xué)歷,機(jī)械、材料相關(guān)專業(yè),3年以上相關(guān)工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)。


3、做事認(rèn)真踏實(shí)細(xì)致,責(zé)任心強(qiáng)。具有管理能力以及團(tuán)隊(duì)合作精神 。





  • tco崗位職責(zé)11篇
  • tco崗位職責(zé)11篇77人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么totalcostofownership(tco)崗位,也稱為總擁有成本分析員,是一個(gè)專注于評(píng)估和管理企業(yè)資產(chǎn)、項(xiàng)目或服務(wù)全生命周期成本的角色。此崗位的核心任務(wù)是理 ...[更多]
