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第1篇 2023年教師職業(yè)培訓(xùn)英語培訓(xùn)工作總結(jié)

there are two foreigner teachers teaching for us, their names are christine defty and keith o’ hare.

(一)day one, first it’s a introduction with zhu jia. then it’s a introduction and warmers/leadins /breakers/coolers.

for e_ample:what’s the ice-breaker? what’s the simple past?

the simple past is that you think of an age between two and ten. then think of three things that happened to you at that age .tell your partner and let him or her guess that age.

(二)after that, it’s the main contests about teaching techniques. dr. split teachers into 2 small groups. i’m in group a.

1using chinese or english in the classroom

he tell us, if the students don’t understand the meaning, how can we help them? with chinese or english? of course, most of the time, we should and must use english in order to set a real intercommunicate environment. sometimes we might use chinese. to translate abstract words like ‘brave’. to give an e_ample to clarify the meaning. to e_plain a grammer or rules .to e_plain the cultural references.

2organising activities

if you want to organise activities successful, what can we do before staring pair, group or individual work?

_plan carefully before the lesson.

_set a clear goal.

_ give an e_ample and demonstrate how the activity works.

_check that children understand by asking them to e_plain to you.

what can we do during pair, group or individual work?

_walk around the class ,look and listen.

_make a few notes no strengths and weaknesses of the class.

_only help if children seem very confused.

_stop the activity when most of children have finished even if it is before the set time limit.

3giving instructions

we should give clear classroom instructions, make eye contact, with hand gestures, facial e_pressions, and intonation. pictures or real objects can be used. write key points on the blackboard. check the instructions with them.

4giving feedback

don’t correct or assess everything . this may demotivate children and take too much time. encourage the child to correct ,only mistakes which make communication difficult.

(三) the contests is the teaching , testing activities and teaching pronunciation for primary school in the afternoon .dr. defty gives us many e_amples, like class survey, dictation , dialogues, kim’s game, memory games, i spy , simon says, matching games, word snake, storying. here are two web addresses: www.teachersrcool.com.cn www.kidsrcool.com.cn

dr. defty planned the four pronunciation problems with chinese leaner. there are final consonant, vowel sounds, weak forms, rhythm and sentence stress.

(四)day two, first it’s the plenary with chris who tells us to introduce and practice language with using stories at primary school. she takes many picture books ,like little red riding hood ,and tells us the stories herself. we touch the book when she told. .it’s interesting. i learned how to teach grammar using stories. first, dr. chris tells it using the general tense, second, she tells it using the past tense with the same parts. we learned the past tense words easily with this method. this is the discovery method for grammar teaching at primary school. it spends one morning.

(五)we mainly learn methods using our pep course-books.,the similarities and differences in primary classroom teaching in the uk and china in the afternoon. we do some practices. of course , we yearn for that methods using our pep course-books. teachers should teach the knowledge , skills and understanding in ways that suit our pupils abilities. a taught curriculum may be broad, balanced and relevant, but this has little meaning unless these are also feature of what is learnt. we can be done with displays. for e_ample, banners and hanging displays can adjust the height of your room to a child’s scale. we should set the community and belonging in the classroom and so on .

thanks for christine defty and keith o’ hare. they are hard-working. we learned plenty.

第2篇 小學(xué)英語教師職業(yè)培訓(xùn)學(xué)習(xí)總結(jié)

記得一位教授說過:“培訓(xùn)是一種福利”。的確,學(xué)習(xí)是緊張而忙碌的,但又是充實而快樂的,我的確在享受“學(xué)習(xí)”這種福利。聆聽英語教學(xué)專家keith o’hare的談話,與教育博士christine defty近距離的對話,與學(xué)員之間的相互交流、切磋,使自己對小學(xué)英語教師這個職業(yè)進行了重新的認識,在課堂熱身環(huán)節(jié)、教育技巧、課堂活動、小學(xué)語音教學(xué)、通過講故事學(xué)習(xí)英語和發(fā)現(xiàn)法語法教學(xué)方面都獲益匪淺,下面談?wù)勛约菏斋@最大的幾點。

一、 warmers and coolers

類似于我們的課堂,兩位外教在培訓(xùn)開始之前做了許多的warmers,既活躍了整個會場的氣氛,也給我們帶來了更多的例子。其中給我印象最深刻的游戲是clapping rounds,在節(jié)拍的帶動下(手拍2次,腿拍2次),教師說一個單詞(如國家),學(xué)生接另一個(如首都),這個活動很適合中高年級的學(xué)生,既能鍛煉思維又可以活躍氣氛也培養(yǎng)了學(xué)生的節(jié)奏感,一舉多得。而關(guān)于cooler這個概念我還是第一次聽到,可能課堂里都有在做的,只是沒有一個具體的名稱。cooler就是讓原來興奮激動的學(xué)生安靜下來,專心聽講。方法有許多,比如lip reading(讓學(xué)生讀嘴型說單詞或句子),silent reading(默讀課文)或者在課堂快結(jié)束時讓學(xué)生聽一段輕音樂再讓學(xué)生今天課堂中所學(xué)的單詞或句子,留給學(xué)生一段時間安靜地思考。

二、 teaching techniques

teaching techniques包括using chinese or english in the classroom(課堂中英文的使用),organising activities(活動組織),giving instructions(教學(xué)要求), giving feedback(教學(xué)反饋)。在課堂中英文的使用方面,keith提到了在英語課堂中使用中文的幾種特殊情況,例如解釋一些抽象的單詞(brave, spirit等),解釋一些語法知識,一些cultural references也能用中文表達等。當(dāng)然中文解釋應(yīng)該只是很偶然地出現(xiàn),英語課堂中使用最多的還是英語。首先,教師要以身作則,學(xué)生耳濡目染,才會有更多的理由和機會說英語。其次,當(dāng)教師說英語時,對于學(xué)生而言,其實也是聽力的鍛煉。一些常規(guī)的指令都要用英語,而且要是短句,簡潔易懂。真的有學(xué)生不懂的話,教師還可用一些身體語言或面部表情來解釋。在活動組織方面,英語教學(xué)過程中的活動組織包括了pair, group and individual work.在活動進行之前,教師需要在課前做好充分的準備,設(shè)立一個清楚的目標和時間限制,給學(xué)生一個清晰的演示,還要檢查學(xué)生是否理解(可以問學(xué)生幾個問題)。在活動進行中,教師要在教室中邊走邊聽邊看,幫助一些比較困惑的學(xué)生然后適當(dāng)?shù)赜涗浺恍W(xué)生的強項或弱點?;顒油瓿珊螅處熆梢哉垈€別學(xué)生上臺展示,讓學(xué)生回答自己的提問或者評價學(xué)生的活動展開情況。在教學(xué)要求方面,建議教師用英語表達自己的教學(xué)要求。如何才能使自己的要求清晰明確呢?首先要確保每個學(xué)生的注意力都集中在教師身上,其次教師要試著用簡短的語句,清晰而緩慢地表達自己的意思,利用手勢、面部表情、語調(diào),或者圖片、實物等來加強學(xué)生的理解,最后如果學(xué)生還是不懂,可以把自己的意思寫下來。而在教學(xué)反饋方面,它是教師對學(xué)生的語言或活動表現(xiàn)的評價,是為了促使學(xué)生有所進步,這是非常重要的一點,教師在必要的情況下應(yīng)該多用。

三、 teaching pronunciation in primary school


小學(xué)生在學(xué)習(xí)英語之前已經(jīng)形成了完整的漢語語音體系,而英語語音與漢語語音有很多差異,小學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語語音往往要受到他們已經(jīng)獲得的漢語語音的嚴重影響,經(jīng)常會出現(xiàn)這些問題:首先,英語元音不正確。受漢語語音影響,學(xué)習(xí)英語元音是容易出現(xiàn)單元音不飽滿、不到位,雙元音被單元音化,因為現(xiàn)代漢語的雙元音基本已經(jīng)被單元音化,而沒有真正的雙元音。在朗讀單詞時,許多學(xué)生的元音發(fā)音口型不到位。如把雙元音發(fā)成單元音:把time [taim]讀成[tem],brown [braun]讀成 [bra:n ]等。其次,英語詞尾輔音后附加元音。漢語沒有真正的詞尾輔音,幾乎都是以元音(韻母)結(jié)尾,而英語的大多數(shù)單詞是以輔音結(jié)尾。很多小朋友經(jīng)常會出現(xiàn)在英語詞尾輔音后附加元音的錯誤,這些現(xiàn)象主要發(fā)生在以[p]、[b]、[t]、[d]、[g]、[k]等音素結(jié)尾的單詞上,學(xué)生容易在這些單詞的尾音后面加上一個音素如把jacket 讀成jacketer,把red 讀成reder,jeep讀成jeeper,把friend讀成friender的音等,如果不仔細聽,是聽不出來的。這種情況在小學(xué)英語單詞讀音中比較普遍,也最容易被忽視,因此我們應(yīng)當(dāng)采用既可行又失趣味性的方式來解決這個問題。然后,英語詞尾遺漏輔音。在英語教學(xué)當(dāng)中,這種情況出現(xiàn)的頻率也比較高。例如,在教授pep教材四年級上冊 unit4 part a 部分的重點單詞 bathroom , bedroom和living room的時候,很多學(xué)生在發(fā)音的時候遺漏了詞尾的[m]。這種現(xiàn)象在單詞教學(xué)中也是比較常見的。最后,節(jié)奏錯誤。在英語口語中,是以一個重讀音節(jié)與其前后的非重讀音節(jié)構(gòu)成一個完成的節(jié)奏群,而在操練口語的過程中,學(xué)生經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)非重讀音節(jié)被拉長,導(dǎo)致語句失去節(jié)奏。節(jié)奏群直接制約著學(xué)生在口頭表達中運用節(jié)奏群進行表達的能力,以及學(xué)生在聽力理解中把握節(jié)奏群提高理解效果的能力。

四、 using stories in primary school


五、discovery method for teaching grammar

語法教學(xué)方法分為2項:telling grammar and discovery grammar.告訴語法教學(xué)是直接告訴學(xué)生這個句子的語法特征,然后讓學(xué)生學(xué)會運用,比較機械枯燥乏味,是屬于顯性教學(xué)方法。發(fā)現(xiàn)語法教學(xué)是讓學(xué)生在句子當(dāng)中自己去發(fā)現(xiàn)語法特征,再讓教師進行適當(dāng)?shù)刂笇?dǎo),然后學(xué)會,學(xué)生體會到了發(fā)現(xiàn)的樂趣,是枯燥的語法教學(xué)不再乏味單調(diào),這屬于隱性教學(xué)方法。相比較而言,更多的學(xué)生會喜歡發(fā)現(xiàn)語法教學(xué)法,也更適合教師的使用。

實驗小學(xué) 張才

第3篇 《教師職業(yè)道德修養(yǎng)》培訓(xùn)總結(jié)















there are two foreigner teachers teaching for us, their names are christine defty and keith o’ hare.(一)day one, first it’s a introduction with zhu jia. the…


