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更新時間:2024-11-12 查看人數(shù):7


第1篇 英國副首相克萊格2022年復活節(jié)英語演講稿

as one of the most significant christian festivals, easter is a time of reflection and renewal. what it celebrates is the moving and powerful story of jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection.

as the poet spenser wrote, “love is the lesson which the lord us taught.”

and the values that jesus lived his life by – compassion, humility and forgiveness – resonatewith people of all faiths and none.

it’s why so many people, both christian and not, use the weeks before easter – the forty daysof lent – to take stock of what is truly important to them and their families. whether that isthrough giving their time to volunteer or going without something in their own lives to helpthose most in need. it all makes a difference.

easter is also a time that many people spend with their families, rela_ing and enjoying thebreak in their different ways.

so, whatever you’re up to this weekend, i hope you have a very happy easter.

第2篇 美國總統(tǒng)在白宮復活節(jié)祈禱早餐會英語演講稿

good morning, everybody. (applause.) thank you, thank you, thank you very much. please,please have a seat. thank you so much. well, good morning, everybody.

welcome to the white house andwelcome to our annual easter prayer breakfast. as always,we are blessed to be joined by so many good friends fromaround the country. we'vegotdistinguished guests. we've got faithleaders, members of my administration who are here.and i will once again resist the temptationto preach to preachers. (laughter.) it never worksout well. i am reminded of the admonition from the bookof romans -- “do not claim to bewiser than you are.” (laughter.) so this morning, i want to offer some very brief reflections aswe startthis easter season.

but as i was preparing myremarks, something intervened yesterday. and so i want to justdevote a few words about yesterday's tragedy inkansas. this morning our prayers are withthepeople of overland park. and we'restill learning the details, but this much we know. a gunmanopened fire at two jewish facilities-- a community center and a retirement home. innocentpeople were killed. their families were devastated. and this violence has struck the heart ofthe jewish community in kansascity.

two of the victims -- agrandfather and his teenage [grand] son -- attended the unitedmethodist churchof the resurrection, which is led by our friend reverend adam hamilton.some of you may know that during myinauguration, reverend hamilton delivered the sermonat the prayer service atthe national cathedral. and i wasgrateful for his presence and hiswords. he joined us at our breakfast last year. and at the easter service for palm sunday lastnight, he had to breakthis terrible news to his congregation.

that this occurred now -- as jewswere preparing to celebrate passover, as christians wereobserving palm sunday--makes this tragedy all the more painful. and today, as passoverbegins, we're seeing a number of synagogues andjewish community centers take addedsecurity precautions. nobody should have to worry about theirsecurity when gathering withtheir fellow believers. no one should ever have to fear for theirsafety when they go to pray.

and as a government, we're goingto provide whatever assistance is needed to support theinvestigation. as americans, we not only need to open ourhearts to the families of the victims,we've got to stand united against thiskind of terrible violence, which has no place in oursociety. and we have to keep coming together acrossfaiths to combat the ignorance andintolerance, including anti-semitism thatcan lead to hatred and to violence, because we'reall children of god. we're all made in his image, all worthy ofhis love and dignity. and we seewhathappens around the world when this kind of religious-based or tinged violencecan rear itsugly head. it's got no placein our society.

so this easter week, of course werecognize that there's a lot of pain and a lot of sin and alot of tragedy inthis world, but we're also overwhelmed by the grace of an awesome god. we'rereminded how he loves us, so deeply,that he gave his only begotten son so that we might livethrough him. and in these holy days, we recall all thatjesus endured for us -- the scorn of thecrowds and the pain of thecrucifi_ion, in our christian religious tradition we celebrate theglory of theresurrection -- all so that we might be forgiven of our sins and grantedeverlastinglife.

and more than 2,000 years later,it inspires us still. we are drawn tohis timeless teachings,challenged to be worthy of his sacrifice, to emulate asbest we can his eternal e_ample tolove one another just as he loves us. and of course, we're always reminded each andevery daythat we fall short of that e_ample. and none of us are free from sin, but we look to his life andstrive,knowing that “if we love one another, god lives in us, and his love isperfected in us.”

i'll tell you, i felt this spiritwhen i had the great honor of meeting his holiness, popefrancis,recently. i think it's fair to say thatthose of us of the christian faith, regardless of ourdenomination, have beentouched and moved by pope francis. now,some of it is his words --his message of justice and inclusion, especially forthe poor and the outcast. he implores ustosee the inherent dignity in each human being. but it's also his deeds, simple yet profound--hugging the homeless man, and washing the feet of somebody who normallyordinary folkswould just pass by on the street. he reminds us that all of us, no matter whatour station, havean obligation to live righteously, and that we all have anobligation to live humbly.becausethat's, in fact, the e_ample that we profess to follow.

so i had a wonderful conversationwith pope francis, mostly about the imperatives ofaddressing poverty andinequality. and i invited him to come tothe united states, and isincerely hope he will. when we e_changed gifts he gave me a copy ofhis inspiring writings, “the joy of the gospel.” and there is a passage that speaks to ustoday: “christ's resurrection,”hewrites, “is not an event of the past; it contains a vital power which haspermeated this world.”and he adds,“jesus did not rise in vain. may wenever remain on the sidelines of this march ofliving hope!”

so this morning, my main messageis just to say thank you to all of you, because you don'tremain on thesidelines. i want to thank you for yourministries, for your good works, for themarching you do for justice anddignity and inclusion, for the ministries that all of you attendto and havehelped organize throughout your communities each and every day to feedthehungry and house the homeless and educate children who so desperately need aneducation.you have made a difference inso many different ways, not only here in the united states butoverseas aswell. and that includes a cause close tomy heart, my brother's keeper, an initiativethat we recently launched to makesure that more boys and young men of color can overcomethe odds and achievetheir dreams.

and we're joined by several faithleaders who are doing outstanding work in this areamentoring and helping youngmen in tough neighborhoods. we're alsojoined by some of theseyoung men who are working hard and trying to be goodstudents and good sons and goodcitizens. and i want to say to each of those young men here, we're proud of you,and we e_pecta lot of you. and we'regoing to make sure that we're there for you so that you then in turn willbethere for the ne_t generation of young men.

and i mention all this because ofall of our many partners for my brother's keeper, it's clergylike you and yourcongregations that can play a special role to be that spiritual andethicalfoundation, that rock that so many young men need in their lives.

so i want to thank all of you whoare already involved. i invite those whoare not to get moreinformation, see if you can join in this effort as brothersand sisters in christ who “never tire ofdoing good.”

in closing, i'll just recall thatold prayer that i think more than one preacher has invoked atthe pulpit: “l(fā)ord, fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff,and nudge me when i've said enough.” (laughter.) the almighty isnudging me. i thank you for joining usthis morning of prayer. iwish you all ablessed holy week and easter, and i'd like to invite my friend joel huntertodeliver the opening prayer. come on up,joel. (applause.)

第3篇 英國首相卡梅倫2022年復活節(jié)英語演講稿

easter is a time for christians to celebrate the ultimate triumph of life over death in the resurrection of jesus. and for all of us it’s a time to reflect on the part that christianity plays in our national life – that church is not just a collection of beautiful old buildings, it’s a living active force doing great works right across our country. when people are homeless, the church is there with hot meals and shelter; when people are addicted or in debt, when people are suffering or grieving, the church is there. i know from the most difficult times in my own life that the kindness of the church can be a huge comfort.

across britain, christians don’t just talk about ‘loving thy neighbour,’ they live it out ... in faithschools, in prisons, in community groups. and it’s for all these reasons that we should feelproud to say: this is a christian country. yes, we are a nation that embraces, welcomes andaccepts all faiths and none, but we are still a christian country.

that’s why the government i lead has done some important things, from investing tens ofmillions of pounds to repair churches and cathedrals to passing a law that reaffirms the right ofcouncils to say prayers in their townhood.

and as a christian country, our responsibilities don’t end there. we have a duty to speak outabout the persecution of christians around the world, too.

it is truly shocking that in 2022 there are still christians being threatened, tortured even killedbecause of their faith, from egypt to nigeria, libya to north korea. across the middle east,christians have been hounded out of their homes, forced to flee from village to village, many ofthem forced to renounce their faith or brutally murdered.

to all those brave christians in iraq and syria who are practising their faith, or shelteringothers, we must say, ‘we stand with you’.

this government has put those words into action – whether getting humanitarian aid to thosestranded on mount sinjar or funding grassroot reconciliation in iraq.

in the coming months, we must continue to speak as one voice for freedom of belief. so thiseaster, we should keep in our thoughts all those christians facing persecution abroad and givethanks for all those christians who are making a real difference here at home. on which note,i’d like to wish you and your family a very happy easter.

第4篇 關(guān)于復活節(jié)的由來公眾演講

《 新 約全 書 》記 載 ,耶穌被釘死在十字架上,第三天復活節(jié)日因此得名 。 復活節(jié)宗教起源與節(jié)期在歐美各國,復活節(jié)是僅次于圣誕節(jié)的重大節(jié)日。按《圣經(jīng)·馬太福音》的說法,耶穌基督在十字架上受刑死后三天復活,因而設立此節(jié)。根據(jù)西方教會的傳統(tǒng),在春分節(jié)(3月21日)當日見到滿月或過了春分見到第一個滿月之后,遇到的第一個星期日即為復活節(jié)。東方教會則規(guī)定,如果滿月恰好出現(xiàn)在這第一個星期日,則復活節(jié)再推遲一周。因此,節(jié)期大致在3月22日至4月25日之間。


英國大部分節(jié)日都起源于宗教。復活節(jié)發(fā)生在過了春分月圓后的第一個星期日,原是紀念耶穌復活的日子。而現(xiàn)在對大多數(shù)人來說,復活節(jié)只是一個人們享受美好春光的普通節(jié)日。對于孩子們來說,沒有比復活節(jié)彩蛋或巧克力蛋更重要的了。 復活節(jié)早上,有的家里把早餐用的蛋分放在幾個盛有不同顏色的植物染料的鍋里煮,這樣端上來的蛋不再是白色或淺棕色的,而是黃色或粉紅色,藍色或綠色的。當然,染料是不會滲透到蛋殼里去的。

圣誕節(jié)一過,復活節(jié)巧克力蛋便在糖果店里擺出來了。那些最小和花樣最簡單的很便宜,孩子們用自己的零花錢就可以買下來。這段時期上市的彩蛋有兩種。小的一種叫方旦糖,長一英寸多一點,外面是一層薄薄的巧克力,里面是又甜又軟的面團,然后再用彩色的錫箔紙包裝成各種形狀。另外一種是空蛋,稍為大一點,一般比鴨蛋還大一點。里面什么也沒有,只是包著一個巧克力外殼。只需打碎外殼,吃巧克力片。 復活節(jié)臨近時,糖果店的櫥窗里會擺滿比這些更精美的彩蛋。同時還有各種各樣的用來吸引孩子們的小禮物出售。上面裝飾有毛絨絨的羊毛做的小雞,小雞的嘴和腳都粘在卡片上。幸運的孩子可能從親友那兒得到好幾種這樣的禮物。


過去,在多數(shù)西方國家里,復活節(jié)一般要舉行盛大的宗教游行。游行者身穿長袍,手持十字架,赤足前進。他們打扮成基督教歷史人物,唱著頌歌歡慶耶穌復活。如今節(jié)日游行已失去往日濃厚的宗教色彩。節(jié)日游行洋溢著喜慶的氣氛,具有濃烈的民間特色和地方特色。在美國,游行隊伍中即有身穿牛仔服踩高蹺的小丑,也有活潑可愛的卡通人物米老鼠( micky )。在英國,游行多以介紹當?shù)氐臍v史( history )和風土人情為主,游行者化裝成為蘇格蘭風笛樂隊以及皇宮衛(wèi)士,吸引了眾多的游客( tourist )。復活節(jié)的到來還使人們紛紛換上新衣。過去基督教教徒會在節(jié)前去教堂行洗禮,然后穿上自己的新袍,慶?;降男律?。穿戴一新的習俗保留至今,因為人們認為節(jié)日里不穿新衣是要倒運的。復活節(jié)期間,人們還喜歡徹底打掃自己的住處,表示新生活從此開始。

第5篇 復活節(jié)由來的公眾演講


《 新 約全 書 》記 載 ,耶穌被釘死在十字架上,第三天復活節(jié)日因此得名 。 復活節(jié)宗教起源與節(jié)期在歐美各國,復活節(jié)是僅次于圣誕節(jié)的重大節(jié)日。按《圣經(jīng)·馬太福音》的說法,耶穌基督在十字架上受刑死后三天復活,因而設立此節(jié)。根據(jù)西方教會的傳統(tǒng),在春分節(jié)(3月21日)當日見到滿月或過了春分見到第一個滿月之后,遇到的第一個星期日即為復活節(jié)。東方教會則規(guī)定,如果滿月恰好出現(xiàn)在這第一個星期日,則復活節(jié)再推遲一周。因此,節(jié)期大致在3月22日至4月25日之間。


英國大部分節(jié)日都起源于宗教。復活節(jié)發(fā)生在過了春分月圓后的第一個星期日,原是紀念耶穌復活的日子。而現(xiàn)在對大多數(shù)人來說,復活節(jié)只是一個人們享受美好春光的普通節(jié)日。對于孩子們來說,沒有比復活節(jié)彩蛋或巧克力蛋更重要的了。 復活節(jié)早上,有的家里把早餐用的蛋分放在幾個盛有不同顏色的植物染料的鍋里煮,這樣端上來的蛋不再是白色或淺棕色的,而是黃色或粉紅色,藍色或綠色的。當然,染料是不會滲透到蛋殼里去的。

圣誕節(jié)一過,復活節(jié)巧克力蛋便在糖果店里擺出來了。那些最小和花樣最簡單的很便宜,孩子們用自己的零花錢就可以買下來。這段時期上市的彩蛋有兩種。小的一種叫方旦糖,長一英寸多一點,外面是一層薄薄的'巧克力,里面是又甜又軟的面團,然后再用彩色的錫箔紙包裝成各種形狀。另外一種是空蛋,稍為大一點,一般比鴨蛋還大一點。里面什么也沒有,只是包著一個巧克力外殼。只需打碎外殼,吃巧克力片。 復活節(jié)臨近時,糖果店的櫥窗里會擺滿比這些更精美的彩蛋。同時還有各種各樣的用來吸引孩子們的小禮物出售。上面裝飾有毛絨絨的羊毛做的小雞,小雞的嘴和腳都粘在卡片上。幸運的孩子可能從親友那兒得到好幾種這樣的禮物。


過去,在多數(shù)西方國家里,復活節(jié)一般要舉行盛大的宗教游行。游行者身穿長袍,手持十字架,赤足前進。他們打扮成基督教歷史人物,唱著頌歌歡慶耶穌復活。如今節(jié)日游行已失去往日濃厚的宗教色彩。節(jié)日游行洋溢著喜慶的氣氛,具有濃烈的民間特色和地方特色。在美國,游行隊伍中即有身穿牛仔服踩高蹺的小丑,也有活潑可愛的卡通人物米老鼠( micky )。在英國,游行多以介紹當?shù)氐臍v史( history )和風土人情為主,游行者化裝成為蘇格蘭風笛樂隊以及皇宮衛(wèi)士,吸引了眾多的游客( tourist )。復活節(jié)的到來還使人們紛紛換上新衣。過去基督教教徒會在節(jié)前去教堂行洗禮,然后穿上自己的新袍,慶祝基督的新生。穿戴一新的習俗保留至今,因為人們認為節(jié)日里不穿新衣是要倒運的。復活節(jié)期間,人們還喜歡徹底打掃自己的住處,表示新生活從此開始。

第6篇 關(guān)于復活節(jié)公眾演講




復活節(jié)的計算看起來簡單,實際上還是有一定的復雜性的,比方說,假如春分的當天既是月圓又是禮拜天,那么春分這天還不能算是復活節(jié);又假如春分后第1次月圓的當天是禮拜天,那也不能算是復活節(jié)。為了準確地把握復活節(jié)的日子,有學者已將本世紀第1個__年中復活節(jié)日期推算出來,摘錄 公元年代 復活節(jié) 公元年代 復活節(jié)

__年 4月13日 __年 4月16日

__年 3月31日 __年 4月8日

__年 4月20日 __年 3月30日

__年 4月11日 __年 4月12日

__年 3月27日 __年 4月4日


復活節(jié)(主日) 復活節(jié)第2主日 復活節(jié)第3主日 復活節(jié)第4主日

復活節(jié)第5主日 復活節(jié)第6主日 復活節(jié)第7主日 五旬節(jié)/圣靈降臨節(jié)(主日)





第7篇 復活節(jié)風俗介紹公眾演講



復活節(jié)中最具代表性的吉祥物就是彩蛋和兔子了,這里面還有一個有趣的傳說:舊時復活節(jié)前40天禁食雞蛋。有一年復活節(jié)來臨時,一位母親為了給孩子們一個驚喜,便將煮好的雞蛋著上顏色藏在門外的草叢里,并告訴孩子們那片草叢中有復活節(jié)的驚喜。孩子們興高采烈地仔細尋找,突然從草叢里躥出一只兔子,而彩蛋也隨即暴露出來。于是孩子們到處叫喊:“復活節(jié)的驚喜是兔子給我們帶來了彩蛋(easter egg)”。





  • 復活節(jié)演講稿(7篇)
  • 復活節(jié)演講稿(7篇)7人關(guān)注

    復活節(jié)《圣經(jīng)》上告訴我們:“在七日的第一日清早,耶穌復活了┄”(可16:9)耶穌雖然在十字架上受死、被埋在陰間,但他卻在七日的第一天復活了!耶穌基督是十字架上得勝的基 ...[更多]


