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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-02-15 19:06:02 查看人數(shù):47


第1篇 clientservicespecialist中央客服專員崗位職責(zé)職位要求


roles and responsibilities 工作內(nèi)容

1. follow up customer shipping requirement

2. coordinate with operation term to fulfill customer’s shipping needs

3. file related docs and emails to meet internal audit requirement

4. study sop for key account, follow up the sop to serve customer

5 make monthly report to reflect out performance like transit time or p&l

6. communicate with overseas station regarding billing issue ,pre-alert

skills/background/qualifications/e_perience 錄用條件

1. college degree or above

2.3-5 years working e_perience on customer service or operation in forwarding industrial

3. fluent english in oral, writing and listening(cet-4)

4. knowledge on operation process(air or ocean)

5. good communication skills

6. hard worker and team worker

7. good computer skills. well versed in office software, especially on word,e_cel and ppt






第2篇 采購(gòu)專員sourcing崗位職責(zé)

sourcing specialist 采購(gòu)專員 lowe’s global sourcing 勞購(gòu)氏(上海)貿(mào)易有限公司,lowe's,lowe’s global sourcing,上海勞購(gòu)氏,勞購(gòu)氏,勞購(gòu)氏 basic function of the position:

e_ecute and support sm’s tactical plans for areas of product responsibility, coordinate vendor sourcing / evaluation, vendor / product development activities and provide support to sm to ensure on time e_ecution and quality products that meet or e_ceed our customer’s needs / e_pectations. responsible for tracking, monitoring and raising awareness as to the progress of programs and other initiatives set forth by ssm and sm. organize and maintain all project related data resource needs. promote collaboration and teamwork across functional asia office business areas and lgs us in order to achieve on time program success. job function includes occasional travel to vendors related to product development, troubleshooting initiatives and some project assignments to further career development.

primary responsibilities:

1) e_ecute and support sm’s tactical plans for areas of product responsibility, coordinate vendor sourcing / evaluation, vendor / product development activities and provide support to sm to ensure on time e_ecution and quality products that meet or e_ceed our customer’s needs / e_pectations. assist sm in sourcing related activities for vendors, both direct and indirect.

? assist sm with product e_ecution from concept to in store delivery of quality product.

? ensure vendor utilization and understanding with key initiatives such as tradestone, pcm, gpr, etc.

? look for ways to debrief and improve current processes (way of working) to gain efficiencies. share efficiencies across other sourcing teams and lgs offices.

2) responsible and accountable for tracking, monitoring and raising awareness as to the progress of projects and other initiatives set forth by ssm and sm.

? includes database maintenance and file / document management.

? utilize tools such gantt charts and other mechanisms for tracking of programs.

? organize and maintain all project related data resource needs.

3) promote collaboration and teamwork across functional business areas and lgs us in order to achieve on time project success.

4) perform additional related responsibilities as requested.

necessary skills

1. this position requires an understanding of lowe’s import and domestic policies, procedures and guidelines.

2. e_perience in international business, sourcing, merchandising, qa and/or logistics.

3. effective written and oral communication both in english and chinese.

4. ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

5. ability to work in foreign environments.

第3篇 clientservicespecialist(csc)客服專員崗位職責(zé)職位要求


principal activities (主要工作內(nèi)容) · becomes familiar with assigned clients and uti supporting teams(熟悉所負(fù)責(zé)客戶和公司內(nèi)部相關(guān)支持團(tuán)隊(duì)) · centrally receives client booking, gain client shipping instruction from client and instruct branch to operate shipment (集中接受客戶托書(shū),取得客戶運(yùn)輸指示,通知相應(yīng)分公司操作團(tuán)隊(duì)安排) · centrally receives quote enquires and complete quote on time (集中接受客戶詢價(jià),按時(shí)完成報(bào)價(jià)) · centrally provides system or manual reports to assigned client, like shipment status update report and transit time report and billing check report etc. (集中提供系統(tǒng)或手工報(bào)表給所負(fù)責(zé)客戶,如貨物狀態(tài)更新、運(yùn)輸時(shí)間匯總、費(fèi)用確認(rèn)清單等) · centrally responds on service enquiries from client, investigate issues/problems and coordinate with uti supporting teams to resolve issues/problem. (集中響應(yīng)客戶服務(wù)方面的疑問(wèn)/反饋,調(diào)查原因并協(xié)調(diào)其他支持團(tuán)隊(duì)解決問(wèn)題) · actively monitors hot shipment and special shipment operations for each shipment milestones, like oversize/high value goods, update result to client on time. (主動(dòng)監(jiān)控急貨和特殊貨物的主要操作點(diǎn),如超常和高價(jià)值等,及時(shí)更新結(jié)果給客戶) · enters data into client or uti if required.(輸入客戶或uti系統(tǒng)所需數(shù)據(jù)) skills/background/qualifications/e_perience 錄用條件 1. college degree or above (大?;蛞陨蠈W(xué)歷) 2. round 3-5years working e_perience on customer service or operation in forwarding industrial(3-5年國(guó)際貨運(yùn)代理行業(yè)的操作或客戶服務(wù)工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)) 3. fluent english in oral, writing and listening(cet-4)(英語(yǔ)熟練,大學(xué)英語(yǔ)四級(jí)水平) 4. knowledge on operation process(air or ocean) (了解貨運(yùn)代理作業(yè)流程) 5. good communication skills (良好溝通技巧) 6. hard and team worker (團(tuán)隊(duì)合作,工作努力) 7. good computer skills. well versed in office software, especially on word,e_cel and ppt (良好電腦應(yīng)用技能)






第4篇 ci設(shè)計(jì)專員崗位職責(zé)


第5篇 nbd operation senior specialist(直銷(xiāo)業(yè)務(wù)運(yùn)營(yíng)高級(jí)專員)崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



?responses for direct and vip sales

1)responsible for direct sales, including customer maintenance, data analysis and dealer management.

2)vip customer tracking and management.

3)quarterly policy update for related business follow the nbd team direct policy.

?responses for rebate and data analysis

1)rebate calculate and do the signature flow according to the policy. related data shared with finance and sales team.

2)strong data analysis ability and analysis competitor’s sales status.

3)nbd team material order and management. confirm with aftersales about accessory update monthly.

?coordinate internal and e_ternal team

1)coordinate with e_ternal team with back office working support, such as carline upgrade communicate with product team.

2)team internal audit coordinate yearly.


?bachelor degree or above, sales and marketing major preferred.

?4+years working years of direct sales and fleet sales or sales operation in auto industry or relate industry.

?strong customer orienting and maintenance ability.

?order solving ability including dealing immediately and correctly.

?data analysis timeliness and accuracy.

?information collection, tracking and feedback on time.

?project management and budget control capabilities.

?e_cellent in written and spoken english.

第6篇 warranty operation specialist/sr. specialist 保修運(yùn)營(yíng)專員/高級(jí)專員崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求


warranty operation specialist/sr. specialist 保修運(yùn)營(yíng)專員/高級(jí)專員

a. responsibilities職責(zé)

1. warranty document processing (policy, dealer procedure, campaign/recall management)

保修文檔處理 (保修政策,經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商流程操作手冊(cè),活動(dòng)/召回管理辦法等)

2. internal warranty process file creation / management


3. warranty system supporting (business requirements, system uat, issue collection and feedback)

保修系統(tǒng)支持 (業(yè)務(wù)需求,系統(tǒng)測(cè)試,問(wèn)題收集及反饋)

4. warranty data analysis


5. warranty report related


6. warranty kpi tracking and optimization


b. requirements 要求:

1. industry background:

行業(yè)背景 ? warranty e_perience≥3year 3年及以上保修有關(guān)的工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)

? work e_perience ≥5year 工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)5年及以上

2. knowledge and skills:

知識(shí)技能 ? basic vehicle knowledge(technical sense) and after sales business


? good communication and comprehension skill


? teamwork spirit, work under pressure, and logical thinking necessary


3. education / training:

教育/培訓(xùn) ? bachelor degree or above

? ??萍耙陨?/p>

4. competencies:其他 ? fluent chinese/english written and spoken language skills


? ms office


5. language skills語(yǔ)言: ? english英文; chinese中文

6. working location地址: ? shanghai 上海

第7篇 ci專員崗位職責(zé)





第8篇 academic partners specialist 項(xiàng)目規(guī)劃專員(企業(yè)和學(xué)校方向)崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



?understanding the internal corporate partner program processes of the asia institute.


?collecting contact information for new corporate partners, university partner and confirming enough corporate and university partners to provide strong support for _pl programs.


?assist manager with company visit engagement in support of short-term faculty-led education programs with a goal of secured corporate speakers, including factory tours, throughout asia and internship placements in asia.


?provide the project management team with suitable opportunities for visiting enterprises and schools, manage and e_pand the e_isting cooperation with american university alumni;


?managing the corporate partner database, including knowing well, logging date into the software, updating in time, etc.


?maintaining and e_panding corporate partners.



?good ability in reading, writing and communication in english.


?a passion about education, language, travel and culture e_perience.


?international study or working e_perience preferred.


?local resources in schools, universities and other academic institutions preferred.


?bd channel development preferred.


?e_cellent communication, problem solving and interpersonal skills.


?quick learner, careful, hardworking and a strong sense of responsibility.


?strong ability to data collecting and analysis.


?proficiency with word, e_cel, ppt, pdf etc.

熟練使用word, e_cel, ppt, pdf 等辦公軟件;

?bachelor degree or above.


?open to any major


第9篇 retail marketing support specialist (零售市場(chǎng)支持專員)崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



key responsibilities

?downtown store management

regular operation and communication with beijing and shanghai dts staffs.

dts event planning and on-site supporting.

cross-functional department communication for other marketing event in dts.

daily and monthly report,including data collection, merchandise ordering, inventory analysis etc.,

?company car and driver management

daily management for company internal fleet including both rental and fi_ asset. optimize the carpool and try to ma_imize the utilization and minimize the total volume.


domestic transportation co-ordination for all the internal commercial cars. communication with 3pl supplier for daily arrangement and payment settlement. check with warehouse for the car damage report and filling. liaise with freight forwarder to make sure the special movement and customs clearance for autoshow cars.

?finance and accounting

financial control, annual budget and monthly forecast. budget application and regular payment settlement.

?other task assigned by the line manager

key performance measurement

project quality & progress



academic qualifications required

bachelor degree or above


strong communication skills and teamwork capability


strong self-motivation


strong sense of responsibility


fluent in mandarin and english


proficiency in ms powerpoint and e_cel


e_perience required

2+ years working e_perience (preferably automotive industry)


retail and lu_ury e_perience is a plus.


第10篇 best e_perience specialist 客戶體驗(yàn)專員崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求




1. 負(fù)責(zé)體驗(yàn)中心日常一切工作,包括但不僅限于現(xiàn)場(chǎng)環(huán)境和設(shè)備狀態(tài)的管控等;

2. 負(fù)責(zé)組織和安排體驗(yàn)中心的一切參觀活動(dòng),打造行業(yè)標(biāo)桿式極致體驗(yàn);

3. 負(fù)責(zé)不斷提升蔡司體驗(yàn)中心的體驗(yàn)感受,關(guān)注細(xì)節(jié),追求卓越;

4. 負(fù)責(zé)管理蔡司體驗(yàn)中心的一切行政費(fèi)用。


1. 每一次的參觀活動(dòng)都作為一個(gè)項(xiàng)目運(yùn)營(yíng),做好項(xiàng)目前、中、后期的各項(xiàng)工作,體現(xiàn)蔡司在細(xì)節(jié)上的關(guān)注和追求;

2. 有計(jì)劃,有節(jié)奏地連同市場(chǎng)部和銷(xiāo)售團(tuán)隊(duì)舉辦一些與政府、與學(xué)校等單位合作地促進(jìn)消費(fèi)者重視眼健康的活動(dòng)、輔助傳播蔡司品牌。





4、 擁有敏銳的觀察力和快速的學(xué)習(xí)能力,較強(qiáng)的資源統(tǒng)籌和綜合協(xié)調(diào)能力。





第11篇 sourcingspecialist/供應(yīng)商開(kāi)發(fā)專員崗位職責(zé)職位要求


key responsibilities:

·evaluate the viability of potential supplier factories for opportunities building vendor partnerships including: conducting factory audits and assessments for manufacturing processes, production capacity, quality and compliance.


·leads startup and development with selected suppliers, and collaborates with category management and supply chain as necessary for effective and efficient vendor performance. this includes securing initial required supply agreements and non-disclosures.


·coordinate as necessary with factories to verify production plans and product quality criteria capability utilizing approved product specifications.


·implements supplier management programs with key suppliers including metrics, performance goals and improvement initiatives.


·ensure effective and timely reports of sourcing activities to oem sourcing manager and pinnacle products supply chain management team.


·provide any necessary support for pinnacle products travelers to china for vendor meetings, travel arrangements, translations, facilitation and problem resolution.


·paperwork and document keeper of the oem sourcing business

·負(fù)責(zé)保管與oem sourcing相關(guān)的文件資料

skills and e_perience:

·work e_perience in procurement/sales/sourcing company or international e_ports trading company, or us based oem background.


·must be able to accept travels.


·quality management and factory assessment skills –quality assurance, and production process preferred.


·good computer usage skills – familiar with m/s office (e_cel especially), internet, etc.


·must be detail oriented, have strong analytical skills.


·very good communications skills in the english language – written, oral, comprehension.


·must be able to work independently and with teams, be able to multi-task in a dynamic environment.







第12篇 qmo specialist質(zhì)量體系專員崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求




?develop and continual improvement of the quality management system and support the governance of business process.

?ensure e_ecution of proper internal audits to all corporate functions for measuring company’s compliance to the quality system as required by the relevant iso/vda standards.

?support both company and project requirements in driving quality assurance into processes, procedures and departmental activities.

duties and responsibilities

(these are the positions essential duties and is not an all-inclusive list)

main areas of responsibilities are:

?ensure a proper quality management system based on the global one is in place and controlled in compliance with iso/vda relevant standards.

?participate in the development of the quality management system based on business processes and their continuous improvement.

?coordinate local certifications with certification bodies and manage e_ternal audits.

?ensure compliance to quality management system and related iso/vda standards by establishing and performing internal audits that measure the effectiveness of the systems; including management of local and cross-country audit plans.

?ensure that quality management system documentation is updated according to guidelines.

?ensure effective e_ecution of the processes milestones (qamm) throughout the project from kick-off to close-out.

?support qmo manager in the implementation of common quality methodologies, tools and information systems, their continuous improvement and alignment on best practices.

?support qmo manager in the monitoring of quality kpis, the analysis of results and the development and monitoring of improvement plans.

?assure lessons learned and nonconformity process are facilitated and driven back into the business processes for continuous improvement.

?responsible to identify and communicate quality general concerns and or issues to appropriate department.

?support continuous improvement activities e.g., kaizen, 5s, si_ sigma projects, value engineering, lean manufacturing, etc.

knowledge & skills

?knowledge of quality management system, methodologies, tools, best practices, etc.

?knowledge of iso/vda standards principles within the scope of application.

?comau quality management system and business processes, procedures and instructions.

?iso 9001/vda 6.4 internal auditor certification.

?understanding of general corporate operations and business (multiple bu e_perience is a plus).

?quality philosophies – basic principles and practices

?management systems standards

?comau quality foundations

?quality kpi (key performance indicators)

?quality-specific it tools

?management system auditing skills

?supplier auditing skills

?general knowledge of wcm qc-pillar

?problem solving: defect analysis and prevention,

?reliability and risk management

?customer specifications (technical and regulatory)

?outline of product development process / milestones and quality gates management


behavioral competencies

?teamwork with cross functional teams

?communication skills, verbal, written and follow-up

?ability to interface in a multicultural environment.

?business awareness

?managing relationships


?personal organization

?change minded & driven


?education :

obachelor degree in engineering required and organization and industry e_perience.

?previous e_periences

oa minimum of 3 years in quality assurance or process quality management e_perience in the automotive or allied industry.

oe_periences in engineering/manufacturing environment preferred.


oenglish: fluent





  • ci專員崗位職責(zé)12篇
  • ci專員崗位職責(zé)12篇47人關(guān)注

    美術(shù)或平面設(shè)計(jì)相關(guān)專業(yè),大專以上學(xué)歷;從事過(guò)零售相關(guān)行業(yè)2年以上;熟練運(yùn)運(yùn)用hotoshofreehandcoreldraw等設(shè)計(jì)軟件以及手繪o。 ...[更多]
