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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-12-27 18:12:04 查看人數(shù):50


篇一 社會(huì)暑假實(shí)踐報(bào)告英文


summer sorching summer, so noisy cicadas, casual freshman time has slipped away, just to check through social practice, this year oneself also come down through the hot conditions honed their toughness, contact the society and found himself, for future study improvement blackboard.

i work in a factory, the localization in the social practice, office would like to take this opportunity to understand the private enterprise and private enterprise employees survival second generation successor.

'the hardships of life, know long talent practice.' after the unit into practice, although my job easier, but through the hands-on at work, to realize their parents for daily necessities 'tea' the hardships sauces, also realized that parents often teach mental and physical labor.

with offices in uncle aunt talk, i found that although they are doing in the eyes of others is a decent job, but often work overtime, the boss of wulitou reprove, colleugues intrigue, and not very superior salary, etc, also let them feel pressured, most people have their own sideline, such as for other companies do zhang, some people even took three and four the accounts of the company, so hard to fight for the hui on tickets. can consider, these mental work for a living, the manual workers even so? they stand for something, i am sure, we cannot imagine more. to this, in college, many students profligacy parents hard-earned money ', the 'internet, hair, dinner, smoking, a girlfriend... try doing something boring, waste precious kiss spring time, too, should not be the parents wish you put the money saved, acquire some books to read, poor parent!

'i understand, to one'. through the social practice, i also found in the school of knowledge, or say, and the theory of social need substantial knowledge of skills vary greatly.

it also makes me think of today's society, the fierce competition, everywhere 'experience preferred' society for us, the bubble in an ivory tower, to experience the aborigine experience, want diploma haven't graduated, have diploma nor the cruel reality has placed hard before, maybe we will suddenly found that many people, life isn't like in han drama, so romantic that 'accidentally, accidentally' tender inviting, life will continue to drop back it was true.

if the university is the hub of social life, life is the big classroom. through the practice, i have found the book of so many things, the rigid flexibly so little, this also no wonder that today's college students employment difficult! no wonder so many ants family! the humble abode in my side, i don't want to complain, just want to say what we really need more gilded ', 'to walk on, please don't misunderstand for shopping, i mean more to the masses to walk from social practice, many people learn knowledge and see what we need the education should be to create this, people's needs.

'he lives unsafely that looks too near on things'. if a person has no ideals, will only waste time, not-mediocre yung, even if there is seat jinshan, also have zuochishankong day.

now what is not rich and new words, so people know they are more or less, some idiot, brain damage, such as in the word stingy rich man of their head, they also suffered public opinion. but we cannot treat as the same, most private dmc2 abroad were outside, yes, this year, you will have their condition is undeniably superior, they indeed what became the turtle and became the foreigners think chinese template. accept education better not wrong, wrong is that kind of their ideas, ugly faces stingy rich man, human beings cannot compliment. don't know our thousands of years civilization of confucianism spirit in their eyes as anything.

'it will be a great responsibility on day, will always first frustrates needs it.' we need to learn many young people should not be afraid of hardship, and should be more to go out for a walk around, the social contact.

maybe we have to sweep avenue, perhaps we had an aunt to the doorkeeper deke cruel word, maybe we have mutually to maintain security of armed soldiers expo fists... but they are the most lovely people, most people deserve our respect from them, we saw a humble but overwhelmingly strong spirit. when the earthquake when facing five metres, without fear, though paratroopers jump! when we again for immediate garbage and nausea, for the city clean aunts adds color! when people for quick female cheered when the police guards, china! when sars to the fight, the nurses in line! upon them, and have a great spirit, let us know how to do yourself, don't be afraid of hardships, dedication, labor is the most glorious, labor is the essence of humans and animals.

time flies, now for us to create learning parents living environment is superior. we look at the school, magnificent library, multimedia classroom, wide stadiums, quiet and beautiful lotus road greening, safety and elegant student apartments, supply timely canteen... we present work is to learn, it can be classified as the world's most comfortable work. ask yourself, you are addicted to the internet in the game? still intoxicated in unrealisticallying compare? also in large and small curl hair wander? in the big points to sesame haggle with classmates? we're not kids, young, the mature subsitute another point.

say to this summer, the social practice has come close, the outside world is wonderful, also is blundering, but we cannot blundering heart, many false things, but we should be filled with presents true, trick might come with lies, but we found them. to to face setbacks, we should not be discouraged, face difficulty, we will put.


篇二 假期保險(xiǎn)公司社會(huì)實(shí)踐報(bào)告(附英文)









holiday social practice report

i am the transportation am the declaration and the international freight transportation 2 class of students ,i am of the view that work is also a practice.,at the metropolitan life insurance company sold nearlyhalf a year of work, holidays and on saturdays and sundays every week i will go to work, i hope to better after i graduated and social contacts,

after all, i was 20 years old, and i think that we should take responsibility for themselves, some said that the

main work is to learn, students do part-time will be wasted effort and time, and it's not worth promoting

university is one of the school and community believe that the bridge after graduation, and we have to be faced

social, part-time is also a train, this is a good opportunity i practice in my eyes, the purpose remains the

same, it depends on your purpose, what is it in order to learn new things? or is it for the sake of earning

money really?

pin is the first job for me to win my life to the life of the first pot of gold, the weight and i know it is not

easy and i learned a lot, at least one conversion from students to professionals. i still unwilling to give up

is because life is to learn, when coming down the phone a reject after another, when my moods affected do not

stable i know how to face to better deal with. this is what we do not do part-time social purpose? this is i

didn't study in school, i think we're learning good theoretical knowledge and use it to practice the main

purpose of this is to go to college and study. i also learning to has how known things, established belonging to

themselves of interpersonal circle, in half work among i make has many friends, almost areis in school students

some even is master, but we of performance are almost, i think as long as kenefforts learning, i future will

over they of! some i didn't adjust mentality have failed, so good is the stepping stone of telemarketing.

a unit organization looks like a motor, each department is the different working space, each staff is the

concrete components, the motor good revolution needs each staff's together cooperation, the cooperation bridge

is the communication.between the member can good gives own opinion and the suggestion expression opposite party,

can cause our motor revolution the order.communication in organization on like human's blood vessels, in life

also same unimportance. if poor communication, such as blood clots, the consequences can be imagined. so learn

to communicate, we should certainly know their way. because it's not just language, but also including movement,

posture, eyes, facial expressions and so on. sometimes a look, one i hug the shoulders, smile ... will have a

great effect, to make you happy, successful career.important purpose of the communication relationships with

others, if your relationships bad, poor communication, the work is not liking. because people will not

understand the communication have a good cooperation.

therefore middle the life and the work the communication is quite important.in the life has not communicated,

does not have the joyful life.in the enterprise has not communicated, has not succeeded.in the work has not

communicated, does not have the efficiency.

through this practice, how let me learn to present as a gift the danger not merely, more was between one kind of

person and human's human relations ability.

class: customs and international freight of two classes student: yang tingtingpractice location: the jiefangbei marriott business fourth floor of ap thai metropolitan life

insurance company

篇三 社會(huì)實(shí)踐報(bào)告英文翻譯







由于這家影像中心新近了兩臺(tái)機(jī)器,一臺(tái)是noritsu牌型號(hào)qsf—v30s 的沖卷機(jī),另一臺(tái)是型號(hào)qss—3301s的沖紙機(jī),而且這兩臺(tái)機(jī)器都是日本進(jìn)口的,使用說明書只有日文和英文版的,所以我的工作很明顯,就是把英文版的說明書翻譯成中文。







3、工作要有耐心和細(xì)心。筆頭翻譯是一項(xiàng)是比較煩瑣的工作,面對(duì)那么多的枯燥無 味的思慕時(shí)常會(huì)心生煩悶,厭倦,以致于錯(cuò)漏百出,而愈錯(cuò)愈煩,愈煩愈錯(cuò)。對(duì)此要調(diào)整好心態(tài),要做到耐心和細(xì)心,這樣差錯(cuò)少了就會(huì)越做越起勁,并會(huì)覺得這項(xiàng)工作也會(huì)使人快樂。





















社會(huì)暑假實(shí)踐報(bào)告英文英文社會(huì)暑假實(shí)踐報(bào)告怎么寫?小編已經(jīng)為你整理好范文了,一起來看看吧!社會(huì)暑假實(shí)踐報(bào)告英文summer sorching summer, so noisy cicadas, casual freshma…


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    社會(huì)暑假實(shí)踐報(bào)告英文英文社會(huì)暑假實(shí)踐報(bào)告怎么寫?小編已經(jīng)為你整理好范文了,一起來看看吧!社會(huì)暑假實(shí)踐報(bào)告英文summer sorching summer, so noisy cicadas, casual ...[更多]
