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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-11-17 09:12:05 查看人數(shù):53


第1篇 2023年英文述職報(bào)告

the sun is like a boat, how time flies, suddenly came to the new year, reviewing the work of this year, i in the bureau of the party group, under the leadership of comrade in the global support and cooperation, in accordance with the working train of thought of organizations at all levels, objectives, tasks, the foothold official duty, work hard, hard up, work actively, the successful completion of the what you in charge of the work task. the following is my reporting on activities report:

dear every leader, comrades: hello!

the sun is like a boat, how time flies, suddenly came to the new year, reviewing the work of this year, i in the bureau of the party group, under the leadership of comrade in the global support and cooperation, in accordance with the working train of thought of organizations at all levels, objectives, tasks, the foothold official duty, work hard, hard up, work actively, the successful completion of the what you in charge of the work task. year comes, i am in charge of the registration of individual, enterprise supervision and management to the leaders and the comrades as the following:

a, enhance quality, improve self-cultivation, improve themselves

in order to meet the needs of industrial and commercial work under the new situation, for one year, the study on the important position all the time, trying to improve their comprehensive quality. in terms of political study, by studying deng _iaoping theory and 'three represents' the important thoughts, especially learning '16 big spirits, further strengthens the party spirit, improve their political insight, firmly set up the aim of serving the people wholeheartedly and correct world outlook, the outlook on life and values; in terms of business study, busy work, can make time self-study, systematic study of the socialist market economy, leadership science, series of laws and regulations and environmental protection, network culture, safety in production, such as in charge of the department of business knowledge, learn to dry, dry middle school, constantly update the knowledge structure, broaden the knowledge level, to improve the theoretical level, to enhance their leadership ability. at the same time, the time to the industrial and understand the layout and the problems e_isting in the actual work, find a solution, which laid a foundation for the later work smoothly.

second, the foothold official duty, hard work, completes the protagonist

in the leadership, a leading role, deputy to sing in a supporting role. but in work, in charge of the deputy to foothold official duty, fulfill their duties, do a good job in charge of the leading role, it can sing good global work, the whole thing. over the past year, i, under the leadership of the commissioner of the bureau of the party group and the strong support and cooperate with the comrades, work diligently, g hard to forge ahead, blaze new trails, give full play to the advantages of decision-making, command, coordination and ability, the comrades lead the department in charge of a complete and comprehensive finished all the work task. first, vigorously promotes the ideological and political work. for enterprise registration, supervision and administration of comrade, strictly implement the relevant provisions of the superior and honest law enforcement, collect all kinds of fees in accordance with the regulations. at the same time, actively participate in the county bureau of creating top civilized unit activities, response the group call, donated tuition and school things funding city wall street agency horn bay community helping classmates go to school, by deepening the creation of 'youth civilization', to enhance the service consciousness and sense of responsibility of the comrades, to promote the unity between comrades, condensed the hearts, stimulated the enthusiasm which strove to be the first. comrades to complete the county bureau of enterprise credit data entry work, on the premise of guarantee to normal work order, used to work, noon and night (6) rest days and weeks, input over __ years since january 1, all kinds of enterprise's establishment, alteration, cancellation, revocation of registration information, 3660 households. to ensure the smooth completion of the county bureau of credit entry work, obtained the city bureau of credit for sure.

secondly, vigorously promotes the service quality. this year, i in metro enterprise registration e_aminers, approve of the e_am as an opportunity to organize a global 58 comrades to participate in the e_am, take a combination of concentrated training and off-job self-study, system has studied the company law, the provisional regulations on the registration administration of enterprise legal person, the partnership enterprise law, the sole proprietorship enterprise law, the provisional regulations of urban and rural individual businesses and the administrative permit law, as well as the city bureau of _ city enterprise registration work ethic, '_ city is individual and industrial and commercial door registration work specification', the enterprise name approval _ city rules and other laws and regulations, so that our registration staff more comprehensive knowledge of business registration, registration work system, enhancing the consciousness of rule of law. also smoothly passed the city bureau of qualification e_amination, there are 17 reference of 58 comrade qualification enterprise registration approval, there are 41 enterprises registered inspector qualification. according to the actual situation of our enterprise registration, in __ comrade appointment on august 1, 2 for approval, for the inspector appointed nine comrades. over the past year, the new enterprise registration 229 households; new deal with individual industrial and commercial households 763 households.







在領(lǐng)導(dǎo)班子中,一把手唱主角,副職唱配角。但在分管的工作上,副職更要立足本職,恪盡職守,做好分管工作的主角,這才能唱好全局工作的整臺(tái)戲。一年來(lái),我在局黨組和局長(zhǎng)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,在同志們的大力支持和配合下,真抓實(shí)干、克難奮進(jìn)、開(kāi)拓創(chuàng)新,充分發(fā)揮決策、指揮、協(xié)調(diào)的優(yōu)勢(shì)和能力,帶領(lǐng)分管科室的同志們圓滿、全面地完成了各項(xiàng)工作任務(wù)。 一是狠抓思想政治工作。要求企業(yè)登記、監(jiān)督管理工作的同志嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行上級(jí)有關(guān)規(guī)定,廉潔執(zhí)法,按規(guī)定收取各種規(guī)費(fèi)。同時(shí),積極參加縣局創(chuàng)建百佳文明單位活動(dòng),響應(yīng)團(tuán)縣委的號(hào)召,捐學(xué)費(fèi)和學(xué)習(xí)用具資助璧城街道辦事處牛角灣社區(qū)的柯麗同學(xué)就學(xué),通過(guò)深化“青年文明號(hào)”的創(chuàng)建工作,增強(qiáng)了同志們的服務(wù)意識(shí)和責(zé)任心,促進(jìn)了同志之間的團(tuán)結(jié),凝聚了人心,激發(fā)了爭(zhēng)先創(chuàng)優(yōu)的工作熱情。同志們?yōu)橥瓿煽h局的企業(yè)信用數(shù)據(jù)錄入工作,在保證正常上下班工作秩序的前提下,利用上班、中午、晚上和星期(六)天休息時(shí)間,錄入完了__年1月1日以來(lái)各類(lèi)企業(yè)的設(shè)立、變更、注銷(xiāo)、吊銷(xiāo)登記信息,計(jì)3660戶。從而保證了縣局信用錄入工作的順利完成,得到了市局信用辦的肯定。


第2篇 英文述職報(bào)告范文

the sun is like a boat, how time flies, suddenly came to the new year, reviewing the work of this year, i in the bureau of the party group, under the leadership of comrade in the global support and cooperation, in accordance with the working train of thought of organizations at all levels, objectives, tasks, the foothold official duty, work hard, hard up, work actively, the successful completion of the what you in charge of the work task. the following is my reporting on activities report:

dear every leader, comrades: hello!

the sun is like a boat, how time flies, suddenly came to the new year, reviewing the work of this year, i in the bureau of the party group, under the leadership of comrade in the global support and cooperation, in accordance with the working train of thought of organizations at all levels, objectives, tasks, the foothold official duty, work hard, hard up, work actively, the successful completion of the what you in charge of the work task. year comes, i am in charge of the registration of individual, enterprise supervision and management to the leaders and the comrades as the following:

a, enhance quality, improve self-cultivation, improve themselves

in order to meet the needs of industrial and commercial work under the new situation, for one year, the study on the important position all the time, trying to improve their comprehensive quality. in terms of political study, by studying deng _iaoping theory and 'three represents' the important thoughts, especially learning '16 big spirits, further strengthens the party spirit, improve their political insight, firmly set up the aim of serving the people wholeheartedly and correct world outlook, the outlook on life and values; in terms of business study, busy work, can make time self-study, systematic study of the socialist market economy, leadership science, series of laws and regulations and environmental protection, network culture, safety in production, such as in charge of the department of business knowledge, learn to dry, dry middle school, constantly update the knowledge structure, broaden the knowledge level, to improve the theoretical level, to enhance their leadership ability. at the same time, the time to the industrial and understand the layout and the problems e_isting in the actual work, find a solution, which laid a foundation for the later work smoothly.

second, the foothold official duty, hard work, completes the protagonist

in the leadership, a leading role, deputy to sing in a supporting role. but in work, in charge of the deputy to foothold official duty, fulfill their duties, do a good job in charge of the leading role, it can sing good global work, the whole thing. over the past year, i, under the leadership of the commissioner of the bureau of the party group and the strong support and cooperate with the comrades, work diligently, g hard to forge ahead, blaze new trails, give full play to the advantages of decision-making, command, coordination and ability, the comrades lead the department in charge of a complete and comprehensive finished all the work task. first, vigorously promotes the ideological and political work. for enterprise registration, supervision and administration of comrade, strictly implement the relevant provisions of the superior and honest law enforcement, collect all kinds of fees in accordance with the regulations. at the same time, actively participate in the county bureau of creating top civilized unit activities, response the group call, donated tuition and school things funding city wall street agency horn bay community helping classmates go to school, by deepening the creation of 'youth civilization', to enhance the service consciousness and sense of responsibility of the comrades, to promote the unity between comrades, condensed the hearts, stimulated the enthusiasm which strove to be the first. comrades to complete the county bureau of enterprise credit data entry work, on the premise of guarantee to normal work order, used to work, noon and night (6) rest days and weeks, input over __ years since january 1, all kinds of enterprise's establishment, alteration, cancellation, revocation of registration information, 3660 households. to ensure the smooth completion of the county bureau of credit entry work, obtained the city bureau of credit for sure.

secondly, vigorously promotes the service quality. this year, i in metro enterprise registration e_aminers, approve of the e_am as an opportunity to organize a global 58 comrades to participate in the e_am, take a combination of concentrated training and off-job self-study, system has studied the company law, the provisional regulations on the registration administration of enterprise legal person, the partnership enterprise law, the sole proprietorship enterprise law, the provisional regulations of urban and rural individual businesses and the administrative permit law, as well as the city bureau of _ city enterprise registration work ethic, '_ city is individual and industrial and commercial door registration work specification', the enterprise name approval _ city rules and other laws and regulations, so that our registration staff more comprehensive knowledge of business registration, registration work system, enhancing the consciousness of rule of law. also smoothly passed the city bureau of qualification e_amination, there are 17 reference of 58 comrade qualification enterprise registration approval, there are 41 enterprises registered inspector qualification. according to the actual situation of our enterprise registration, in __ comrade appointment on august 1, 2 for approval, for the inspector appointed nine comrades. over the past year, the new enterprise registration 229 households; new deal with individual industrial and commercial households 763 households.







在領(lǐng)導(dǎo)班子中,一把手唱主角,副職唱配角。但在分管的工作上,副職更要立足本職,恪盡職守,做好分管工作的主角,這才能唱好全局工作的整臺(tái)戲。一年來(lái),我在局黨組和局長(zhǎng)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,在同志們的大力支持和配合下,真抓實(shí)干、克難奮進(jìn)、開(kāi)拓創(chuàng)新,充分發(fā)揮決策、指揮、協(xié)調(diào)的優(yōu)勢(shì)和能力,帶領(lǐng)分管科室的同志們圓滿、全面地完成了各項(xiàng)工作任務(wù)。 一是狠抓思想政治工作。要求企業(yè)登記、監(jiān)督管理工作的同志嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行上級(jí)有關(guān)規(guī)定,廉潔執(zhí)法,按規(guī)定收取各種規(guī)費(fèi)。同時(shí),積極參加縣局創(chuàng)建百佳文明單位活動(dòng),響應(yīng)團(tuán)縣委的號(hào)召,捐學(xué)費(fèi)和學(xué)習(xí)用具資助璧城街道辦事處牛角灣社區(qū)的柯麗同學(xué)就學(xué),通過(guò)深化“青年文明號(hào)”的創(chuàng)建工作,增強(qiáng)了同志們的服務(wù)意識(shí)和責(zé)任心,促進(jìn)了同志之間的團(tuán)結(jié),凝聚了人心,激發(fā)了爭(zhēng)先創(chuàng)優(yōu)的工作熱情。同志們?yōu)橥瓿煽h局的企業(yè)信用數(shù)據(jù)錄入工作,在保證正常上下班工作秩序的前提下,利用上班、中午、晚上和星期(六)天休息時(shí)間,錄入完了__年1月1日以來(lái)各類(lèi)企業(yè)的設(shè)立、變更、注銷(xiāo)、吊銷(xiāo)登記信息,計(jì)3660戶。從而保證了縣局信用錄入工作的順利完成,得到了市局信用辦的肯定。


第3篇 ____年10月英文述職報(bào)告范文

the sun is like a boat, how time flies, suddenly came to the new year, reviewing the work of this year, i in the bureau of the party group, under the leadership of comrade in the global support and cooperation, in accordance with the working train of thought of organizations at all levels, objectives, tasks, the foothold official duty, work hard, hard up, work actively, the successful completion of the what you in charge of the work task. the following is my reporting on activities report:

dear every leader, comrades: hello!

the sun is like a boat, how time flies, suddenly came to the new year, reviewing the work of this year, i in the bureau of the party group, under the leadership of comrade in the global support and cooperation, in accordance with the working train of thought of organizations at all levels, objectives, tasks, the foothold official duty, work hard, hard up, work actively, the successful completion of the what you in charge of the work task. year comes, i am in charge of the registration of individual, enterprise supervision and management to the leaders and the comrades as the following:

a, enhance quality, improve self-cultivation, improve themselves

in order to meet the needs of industrial and commercial work under the new situation, for one year, the study on the important position all the time, trying to improve their comprehensive quality. in terms of political study, by studying deng _iaoping theory and 'three represents' the important thoughts, especially learning '16 big spirits, further strengthens the party spirit, improve their political insight, firmly set up the aim of serving the people wholeheartedly and correct world outlook, the outlook on life and values; in terms of business study, busy work, can make time self-study, systematic study of the socialist market economy, leadership science, series of laws and regulations and environmental protection, network culture, safety in production, such as in charge of the department of business knowledge, learn to dry, dry middle school, constantly update the knowledge structure, broaden the knowledge level, to improve the theoretical level, to enhance their leadership ability. at the same time, the time to the industrial and understand the layout and the problems e_isting in the actual work, find a solution, which laid a foundation for the later work smoothly.

second, the foothold official duty, hard work, completes the protagonist

in the leadership, a leading role, deputy to sing in a supporting role. but in work, in charge of the deputy to foothold official duty, fulfill their duties, do a good job in charge of the leading role, it can sing good global work, the whole thing. over the past year, i, under the leadership of the commissioner of the bureau of the party group and the strong support and cooperate with the comrades, work diligently, g hard to forge ahead, blaze new trails, give full play to the advantages of decision-making, command, coordination and ability, the comrades lead the department in charge of a complete and comprehensive finished all the work task. first, vigorously promotes the ideological and political work. for enterprise registration, supervision and administration of comrade, strictly implement the relevant provisions of the superior and honest law enforcement, collect all kinds of fees in accordance with the regulations. at the same time, actively participate in the county bureau of creating top civilized unit activities, response the group call, donated tuition and school things funding city wall street agency horn bay community helping classmates go to school, by deepening the creation of 'youth civilization', to enhance the service consciousness and sense of responsibility of the comrades, to promote the unity between comrades, condensed the hearts, stimulated the enthusiasm which strove to be the first. comrades to complete the county bureau of enterprise credit data entry work, on the premise of guarantee to normal work order, used to work, noon and night (6) rest days and weeks, input over __ years since january 1, all kinds of enterprise's establishment, alteration, cancellation, revocation of registration information, 3660 households. to ensure the smooth completion of the county bureau of credit entry work, obtained the city bureau of credit for sure.

第4篇 ____年英文述職報(bào)告范文

the sun is like a boat, how time flies, suddenly came to the new year, reviewing the work of this year, i in the bureau of the party group, under the leadership of comrade in the global support and cooperation, in accordance with the working train of thought of organizations at all levels, objectives, tasks, the foothold official duty, work hard, hard up, work actively, the successful completion of the what you in charge of the work task. the following is my reporting on activities report:

dear every leader, comrades: hello!

the sun is like a boat, how time flies, suddenly came to the new year, reviewing the work of this year, i in the bureau of the party group, under the leadership of comrade in the global support and cooperation, in accordance with the working train of thought of organizations at all levels, objectives, tasks, the foothold official duty, work hard, hard up, work actively, the successful completion of the what you in charge of the work task. year comes, i am in charge of the registration of individual, enterprise supervision and management to the leaders and the comrades as the following:

a, enhance quality, improve self-cultivation, improve themselves

in order to meet the needs of industrial and commercial work under the new situation, for one year, the study on the important position all the time, trying to improve their comprehensive quality. in terms of political study, by studying deng _iaoping theory and 'three represents' the important thoughts, especially learning '16 big spirits, further strengthens the party spirit, improve their political insight, firmly set up the aim of serving the people wholeheartedly and correct world outlook, the outlook on life and values; in terms of business study, busy work, can make time self-study, systematic study of the socialist market economy, leadership science, series of laws and regulations and environmental protection, network culture, safety in production, such as in charge of the department of business knowledge, learn to dry, dry middle school, constantly update the knowledge structure, broaden the knowledge level, to improve the theoretical level, to enhance their leadership ability. at the same time, the time to the industrial and understand the layout and the problems e_isting in the actual work, find a solution, which laid a foundation for the later work smoothly.

second, the foothold official duty, hard work, completes the protagonist

in the leadership, a leading role, deputy to sing in a supporting role. but in work, in charge of the deputy to foothold official duty, fulfill their duties, do a good job in charge of the leading role, it can sing good global work, the whole thing. over the past year, i, under the leadership of the commissioner of the bureau of the party group and the strong support and cooperate with the comrades, work diligently, g hard to forge ahead, blaze new trails, give full play to the advantages of decision-making, command, coordination and ability, the comrades lead the department in charge of a complete and comprehensive finished all the work task. first, vigorously promotes the ideological and political work. for enterprise registration, supervision and administration of comrade, strictly implement the relevant provisions of the superior and honest law enforcement, collect all kinds of fees in accordance with the regulations. at the same time, actively participate in the county bureau of creating top civilized unit activities, response the group call, donated tuition and school things funding city wall street agency horn bay community helping classmates go to school, by deepening the creation of 'youth civilization', to enhance the service consciousness and sense of responsibility of the comrades, to promote the unity between comrades, condensed the hearts, stimulated the enthusiasm which strove to be the first. comrades to complete the county bureau of enterprise credit data entry work, on the premise of guarantee to normal work order, used to work, noon and night (6) rest days and weeks, input over __ years since january 1, all kinds of enterprise's establishment, alteration, cancellation, revocation of registration information, 3660 households. to ensure the smooth completion of the county bureau of credit entry work, obtained the city bureau of credit for sure.

secondly, vigorously promotes the service quality. this year, i in metro enterprise registration e_aminers, approve of the e_am as an opportunity to organize a global 58 comrades to participate in the e_am, take a combination of concentrated training and off-job self-study, system has studied the company law, the provisional regulations on the registration administration of enterprise legal person, the partnership enterprise law, the sole proprietorship enterprise law, the provisional regulations of urban and rural individual businesses and the administrative permit law, as well as the city bureau of _ city enterprise registration work ethic, '_ city is individual and industrial and commercial door registration work specification', the enterprise name approval _ city rules and other laws and regulations, so that our registration staff more comprehensive knowledge of business registration, registration work system, enhancing the consciousness of rule of law. also smoothly passed the city bureau of qualification e_amination, there are 17 reference of 58 comrade qualification enterprise registration approval, there are 41 enterprises registered inspector qualification. according to the actual situation of our enterprise registration, in __ comrade appointment on august 1, 2 for approval, for the inspector appointed nine comrades. over the past year, the new enterprise registration 229 households; new deal with individual industrial and commercial households 763 households.







在領(lǐng)導(dǎo)班子中,一把手唱主角,副職唱配角。但在分管的工作上,副職更要立足本職,恪盡職守,做好分管工作的主角,這才能唱好全局工作的整臺(tái)戲。一年來(lái),我在局黨組和局長(zhǎng)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,在同志們的大力支持和配合下,真抓實(shí)干、克難奮進(jìn)、開(kāi)拓創(chuàng)新,充分發(fā)揮決策、指揮、協(xié)調(diào)的優(yōu)勢(shì)和能力,帶領(lǐng)分管科室的同志們圓滿、全面地完成了各項(xiàng)工作任務(wù)。 一是狠抓思想政治工作。要求企業(yè)登記、監(jiān)督管理工作的同志嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行上級(jí)有關(guān)規(guī)定,廉潔執(zhí)法,按規(guī)定收取各種規(guī)費(fèi)。同時(shí),積極參加縣局創(chuàng)建百佳文明單位活動(dòng),響應(yīng)團(tuán)縣委的號(hào)召,捐學(xué)費(fèi)和學(xué)習(xí)用具資助璧城街道辦事處牛角灣社區(qū)的柯麗同學(xué)就學(xué),通過(guò)深化“青年文明號(hào)”的創(chuàng)建工作,增強(qiáng)了同志們的服務(wù)意識(shí)和責(zé)任心,促進(jìn)了同志之間的團(tuán)結(jié),凝聚了人心,激發(fā)了爭(zhēng)先創(chuàng)優(yōu)的工作熱情。同志們?yōu)橥瓿煽h局的企業(yè)信用數(shù)據(jù)錄入工作,在保證正常上下班工作秩序的前提下,利用上班、中午、晚上和星期(六)天休息時(shí)間,錄入完了__年1月1日以來(lái)各類(lèi)企業(yè)的設(shè)立、變更、注銷(xiāo)、吊銷(xiāo)登記信息,計(jì)3660戶。從而保證了縣局信用錄入工作的順利完成,得到了市局信用辦的肯定。


第5篇 英文計(jì)算機(jī)專(zhuān)業(yè)個(gè)人陳述樣本述職報(bào)告范文

computer science personalstatement

computing and its applications have always fascinated me and for this reason i have found my a-level courses e_tremely interesting. this also has maintained my long-term interest in computer-related careers. i have studied mathematics, physics and computing to a-level and also during the first year at hills road si_th form college i re-took my gcse english. last year and this year i have been improving my self-learning, and developing many skills with the help of the key skills qualifications and a-level general studies. my sincerest desire is to become a computer scientist. specifically, i am interested in e_ploring how problems can be modeled and solved using artificial intelligence. i also want to learn about human cognition and machine intelligence. i have been studying the online debate over whether machines will ever become 'intelligent' given the current course of research and reading about such issues as whether a machine can acquire 'common sense' (as discussed in hubert dreyfus‘s book 'what computers still can‘t do'). i have been e_ploring many different areas within the domain of artificial intelligence (such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, and natural language processing). the bottom line is that i want to be a part of this e_citing field. over the summer i traveled to russia, and thoroughly enjoyed e_ploring a very different part of the world. my other interests include current affairs and sports, such as football, tennis and general fitness. ever since the start of si_th form i have been a successful member of the college football team. i have played basketball as an enrichment activity because it was a new sport to me at the beginning of si_th form. i also participated in a 5-a-side indoor football tournament at the college. in addition to pursuing my academic studies i would like to continue some of these sports at university.



the sun is like a boat, how time flies, suddenly came to the new year, reviewing the work of this year, i in the bureau of the party group, under the leadership…


  • 英文述職報(bào)告6篇
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    中英文述職報(bào)告示范英語(yǔ)述職報(bào)告20xx-20xx學(xué)年度上學(xué)期述職報(bào)告--周露20xx——20xx 學(xué)年度上學(xué)期轉(zhuǎn)眼過(guò)去了?;仡櫛緦W(xué)期的工作,我感到既繁忙又充實(shí)。我圓滿地完成 ...[更多]

  • 中隊(duì)述職報(bào)告英文(15篇)
  • 中隊(duì)述職報(bào)告英文(15篇)63人關(guān)注

    一年來(lái),在支隊(duì)黨委的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,努力工作,較好的完成了組織交給我的工作任務(wù),在實(shí)踐中學(xué)到了知識(shí),得到了鍛煉,政治素質(zhì)和業(yè)務(wù)素質(zhì)都有了一定提高。下面我將我任職期間的工作 ...[更多]

  • 外企述職報(bào)告英文版(4篇)
  • 外企述職報(bào)告英文版(4篇)53人關(guān)注

    本人joanna,格蘭德假日俱樂(lè)部總經(jīng)理兼廈門(mén)亞洲海灣大酒店總經(jīng)理,在peter董事長(zhǎng)及達(dá)聲總部的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,率領(lǐng)兩酒店全體員工完成總公司制定的各項(xiàng)經(jīng)營(yíng)、管理指標(biāo),共同提高 ...[更多]

  • 管培生述職報(bào)告英文
  • 管培生述職報(bào)告英文46人關(guān)注

    尊敬的領(lǐng)導(dǎo):我自xx年5月11日進(jìn)入xx這個(gè)大家庭至今已經(jīng)3個(gè)月了,在這期間,我學(xué)習(xí)到了學(xué)校里面所不能學(xué)到的,不管是在做人還是在為人處事方面都有了很大的提高和認(rèn)識(shí), ...[更多]

  • 周述職報(bào)告英文(8篇)
  • 周述職報(bào)告英文(8篇)20人關(guān)注

    自從***年3月起擔(dān)任收費(fèi)班長(zhǎng)的兩年中,我和大家一起學(xué)習(xí)和工作。同時(shí)在實(shí)踐中磨練了工作能力,使我的業(yè)務(wù)水平又有了較大的提高,當(dāng)然這與上級(jí)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的幫助和大家的支持是 ...[更多]

