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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):66





1. 具備扎實(shí)的安全管理知識(shí),包括但不限于消防安全、信息安全、職業(yè)健康安全等方面。

2. 熟悉相關(guān)法規(guī)政策,如環(huán)保法規(guī)、網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全法等,以確保企業(yè)的合規(guī)運(yùn)營。

3. 擁有良好的分析能力和問題解決技巧,能夠迅速識(shí)別并處理安全風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。

4. 良好的溝通協(xié)調(diào)能力,能有效與各部門協(xié)作,推動(dòng)安全措施的實(shí)施。

5. 強(qiáng)烈的責(zé)任心和敬業(yè)精神,始終以保護(hù)企業(yè)利益和員工安全為首要任務(wù)。



1. 安全政策與程序:建立和完善企業(yè)安全管理體系,制定詳細(xì)的操作規(guī)程和應(yīng)急預(yù)案。

2. 風(fēng)險(xiǎn)管理:定期進(jìn)行風(fēng)險(xiǎn)評(píng)估,識(shí)別潛在的安全隱患,提出改進(jìn)措施并跟蹤整改進(jìn)度。

3. 培訓(xùn)與教育:組織員工進(jìn)行安全培訓(xùn),提高全員的安全意識(shí)和應(yīng)對(duì)能力。

4. 監(jiān)控與審計(jì):監(jiān)督日常安全操作,通過定期審計(jì)確保各項(xiàng)安全規(guī)定得到有效執(zhí)行。

5. 應(yīng)急響應(yīng):在突發(fā)事件中,快速啟動(dòng)應(yīng)急響應(yīng)機(jī)制,協(xié)調(diào)資源,降低損失。


1. 制定安全標(biāo)準(zhǔn):根據(jù)行業(yè)最佳實(shí)踐和法律法規(guī),制定符合企業(yè)需求的安全標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和操作指南。

2. 系統(tǒng)安全:監(jiān)控和保護(hù)企業(yè)的信息技術(shù)系統(tǒng),防止數(shù)據(jù)泄露、病毒攻擊等網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全事件。

3. 環(huán)境合規(guī):確保企業(yè)符合環(huán)保法規(guī)要求,減少環(huán)境污染,推進(jìn)綠色生產(chǎn)。

4. 設(shè)施安全:檢查和維護(hù)企業(yè)設(shè)施,如消防設(shè)備、電氣設(shè)施等,確保其處于良好狀態(tài)。

5. 事故調(diào)查:對(duì)發(fā)生的安全事故進(jìn)行調(diào)查,找出原因,制定預(yù)防措施,防止類似事件再次發(fā)生。

6. 協(xié)調(diào)合作:與各部門協(xié)作,確保安全措施融入日常運(yùn)營中,提升整體安全水平。

7. 供應(yīng)商審核:對(duì)供應(yīng)商進(jìn)行安全評(píng)估,確保供應(yīng)鏈的安全性。

8. 持續(xù)改進(jìn):根據(jù)安全績效指標(biāo),持續(xù)優(yōu)化安全管理流程,提升企業(yè)安全管理水平。



第1篇 安全環(huán)境管理專員崗位職責(zé)











第2篇 安全環(huán)境管理師崗位職責(zé)


















1. 本科及以上學(xué)歷,3年以上hse管理經(jīng)驗(yàn);

2. 通曉常用的hse管理方法、工具,熟悉hse技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn);

3. 熟悉ohsas18001、iso14001、安全生產(chǎn)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化體系規(guī)范;

5. 具有較強(qiáng)的責(zé)任心、主動(dòng)性,良好的服務(wù)意識(shí),較強(qiáng)的人際溝通能力、計(jì)劃與執(zhí)行能力,較強(qiáng)的團(tuán)隊(duì)協(xié)作能力,一定的創(chuàng)新能力、系統(tǒng)策劃和分析能力;

6. 具有注冊安全工程師證書、注冊安全評(píng)價(jià)師證書、ohsas18001、iso14001、安全生產(chǎn)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化外審員證書者優(yōu)先。

第3篇 安全環(huán)境崗位職責(zé)

安全環(huán)境專干 三一集團(tuán) 三一集團(tuán)有限公司,三一重工,三一集團(tuán) 崗位職責(zé):










第4篇 安全環(huán)境管理崗位職責(zé)

環(huán)境健康安全管理員/ehs supervisor 上海蘇爾壽工程機(jī)械制造有限公司 上海蘇爾壽工程機(jī)械制造有限公司,蘇爾壽 職責(zé)描述:

summary概述 (brief summary of job工作職責(zé)簡單概述)

·this position is responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining the policies, programs, and procedures within the environmental, safety and health management system. the esh supervisor will ensure compliance with environmental, health, and safety requirements established by regulatory requirements, and as applicable to the contract and sub-contractor provisions.

scope and impact of job工作范圍

supervisory responsibilities 管理職責(zé)

1 supervise daily activities of esh team.

2 nurture the development of subordinate(s).

primary responsibilities 主要職責(zé)

1 commitment to and implementation of the corporation environmental health, safety mission, principles, and practices.

2 participates actively in the management of the organization to establish policies and directions to achieve leadership in esh program;

3 manages the esh program within the scope of the contract and is responsible for compliance with all applicable esh and corporate management standards;

4 ensures that all applicable internal and e_ternal reporting requirements are performed accurately and in a timely manner;

5 conducts workplace surveys and assessments.

6 advises responsible management of conditions requiring corrective actions;

7 provides esh briefings and training sessions as appropriate

to fulfill regulatory requirements and foster a safe working environment;

8 performs accident investigations to determine probable cause;

9 establishes and maintains necessary contacts with site esh regulatory agencies to ensure the highest level of assistance and service to the customer;

10 maintains required records in accordance with regulatory and requirements;

11 reviews all projects and construction for esh issues;

12 remains current in all applicable proposed esh legislation.

13 represents the companys position as required;

14 responsible for continuing education and professional development.

15 other assignments delegated by supervisor or management team.

required knowledge and e_perience經(jīng)驗(yàn)和知識(shí)要求

related work e_perience相關(guān)工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)

1 5+ years related work e_periences with recent 3 years in manufacturing mnc company’s esh management position

formal education or equivalent教育背景

2 bachelors degree with major in environmental science; environmental, health and safety;

3 industrial safety; or related bachelors degree with a minimum of 3 years related e_perience including supervisory/management e_perience.


1 good pc skills

2 good english communication skill both in written and oral

3 good knowledge of environmental, health and safety regulations and directives

4 good analytical, leadership and organizational skills


1 able to work independent and work under pressure

2 good coaching and motivating skill

3 strong communication and interpersonal skills

safety responsibility 安全職責(zé)

1 to follow strictly the company and esh regulations and operational procedures.

2 to receive safety production education and training activities.

3 to report the incident and risks to manager or esh manager whatever it is serious or not.

4 to stop any unsafe stop dangerous and potentially dangerous processes or behaviors.

第5篇 安全環(huán)境主任崗位職責(zé)

安全主任/環(huán)境專員 大專以上學(xué)歷,辦公軟件熟練使用,5年以上制造業(yè)車間安全及環(huán)保管理經(jīng)驗(yàn),汽車配件行業(yè)優(yōu)先,負(fù)責(zé)擬訂本單位安全生產(chǎn)規(guī)章制度、操作規(guī)程和生產(chǎn)安全事故應(yīng)急救援預(yù)案制止和糾正違章指揮、強(qiáng)令冒險(xiǎn)作業(yè)、違反操作規(guī)程的行為,推進(jìn)ehs/5s管理標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的優(yōu)化和改善和員工教育,熟悉iso14001環(huán)境體系或ohsas18000,熟悉國家和地方有關(guān)健康、安全和環(huán)境的法律和法規(guī),良好的溝通能及執(zhí)行能力,原則性強(qiáng)。 大專以上學(xué)歷,辦公軟件熟練使用,5年以上制造業(yè)車間安全及環(huán)保管理經(jīng)驗(yàn),汽車配件行業(yè)優(yōu)先,負(fù)責(zé)擬訂本單位安全生產(chǎn)規(guī)章制度、操作規(guī)程和生產(chǎn)安全事故應(yīng)急救援預(yù)案制止和糾正違章指揮、強(qiáng)令冒險(xiǎn)作業(yè)、違反操作規(guī)程的行為,推進(jìn)ehs/5s管理標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的優(yōu)化和改善和員工教育,熟悉iso14001環(huán)境體系或ohsas18000,熟悉國家和地方有關(guān)健康、安全和環(huán)境的法律和法規(guī),良好的溝通能及執(zhí)行能力,原則性強(qiáng)。

第6篇 安全環(huán)境擔(dān)當(dāng)崗位職責(zé)

環(huán)境安全與產(chǎn)品法規(guī)事務(wù)擔(dān)當(dāng) 捷時(shí)雅 捷時(shí)雅(上海)商貿(mào)有限公司,jsr 集團(tuán),捷時(shí)雅,捷時(shí)雅 崗位職責(zé):













第7篇 安全環(huán)境管理員崗位職責(zé)

環(huán)境健康安全管理員/ehs supervisor 上海蘇爾壽工程機(jī)械制造有限公司 上海蘇爾壽工程機(jī)械制造有限公司,蘇爾壽 職責(zé)描述:

summary概述 (brief summary of job工作職責(zé)簡單概述)

·this position is responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining the policies, programs, and procedures within the environmental, safety and health management system. the esh supervisor will ensure compliance with environmental, health, and safety requirements established by regulatory requirements, and as applicable to the contract and sub-contractor provisions.

scope and impact of job工作范圍

supervisory responsibilities 管理職責(zé)

1 supervise daily activities of esh team.

2 nurture the development of subordinate(s).

primary responsibilities 主要職責(zé)

1 commitment to and implementation of the corporation environmental health, safety mission, principles, and practices.

2 participates actively in the management of the organization to establish policies and directions to achieve leadership in esh program;

3 manages the esh program within the scope of the contract and is responsible for compliance with all applicable esh and corporate management standards;

4 ensures that all applicable internal and e_ternal reporting requirements are performed accurately and in a timely manner;

5 conducts workplace surveys and assessments.

6 advises responsible management of conditions requiring corrective actions;

7 provides esh briefings and training sessions as appropriate

to fulfill regulatory requirements and foster a safe working environment;

8 performs accident investigations to determine probable cause;

9 establishes and maintains necessary contacts with site esh regulatory agencies to ensure the highest level of assistance and service to the customer;

10 maintains required records in accordance with regulatory and requirements;

11 reviews all projects and construction for esh issues;

12 remains current in all applicable proposed esh legislation.

13 represents the companys position as required;

14 responsible for continuing education and professional development.

15 other assignments delegated by supervisor or management team.

required knowledge and e_perience經(jīng)驗(yàn)和知識(shí)要求

related work e_perience相關(guān)工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)

1 5+ years related work e_periences with recent 3 years in manufacturing mnc company’s esh management position

formal education or equivalent教育背景

2 bachelors degree with major in environmental science; environmental, health and safety;

3 industrial safety; or related bachelors degree with a minimum of 3 years related e_perience including supervisory/management e_perience.


1 good pc skills

2 good english communication skill both in written and oral

3 good knowledge of environmental, health and safety regulations and directives

4 good analytical, leadership and organizational skills


1 able to work independent and work under pressure

2 good coaching and motivating skill

3 strong communication and interpersonal skills

safety responsibility 安全職責(zé)

1 to follow strictly the company and esh regulations and operational procedures.

2 to receive safety production education and training activities.

3 to report the incident and risks to manager or esh manager whatever it is serious or not.

4 to stop any unsafe stop dangerous and potentially dangerous processes or behaviors.

第8篇 健康安全環(huán)境經(jīng)理崗位職責(zé)

qhse/ehs健康環(huán)境安全經(jīng)理 1. support the establishment, implementation and continuous improvement of iso9001,ohsas18001 and iso50001 management system in subsidiaries.

2. join to work out sustainable development policy and related qhs targets and inde_s.

3. create related qhs appraisal inde_s to assess the qhs performance of subsidiaries.

4. assist and support the set-up of qhs management team and function in subsidiaries.

5. create and issue general qhs management procedures and follow up their implementation in subsidiaries.

6. work out related qhs training policy and provide related training to subsidiaries accordting to their requirements.

7. implement periodic supervision and check-up to the qhs management work of subsidiaries and follow up the implementation of related working plan.

8. complete regular ( monthly , annual ) working reporting and summary to meet company’s requirements.

9. organize or support the activities to promote qhs management improvement ;

10. to build and improve awareness of qhse management and ensure site compliance to all qhse and energy related regulations.

1. 支持公司iso9001、ohsas18001 和iso50001管理體系的建立、認(rèn)證和持續(xù)改進(jìn);

2. 參與有關(guān)持續(xù)改進(jìn)政策的起草以及相關(guān)qhs工作目標(biāo)、指標(biāo)的制訂;

3. 制訂相關(guān)考核指標(biāo),對(duì)子公司qhs表現(xiàn)進(jìn)行考評(píng);

4. 協(xié)助、支持公司qhs管理團(tuán)隊(duì)和職能的建立;

5. 制訂、頒布通用的qhs管理程序并監(jiān)督在公司的執(zhí)行;

6. 制定有關(guān)qhs的培訓(xùn)政策并根據(jù)需要向公司提供培訓(xùn);

7. 定期對(duì)各子公司qhs管理工作實(shí)施監(jiān)督、檢查并跟蹤工作計(jì)劃的落實(shí);

8. 按照公司要求,完成定期(月度、年度)工作報(bào)告和總結(jié);

9. 組織或支持有關(guān)促進(jìn)qhs工作的活動(dòng);

10. 建立和提高質(zhì)量、健康、安全和環(huán)境管理意識(shí),確保所有活動(dòng)符合質(zhì)量、健康、安全、環(huán)境和能源管理相關(guān)規(guī)定


1. 外語要求:用英語進(jìn)行工作和交流。

2. 工作經(jīng)驗(yàn):至少5年qhs管理工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)。

3. 教育背景:大專及以上。

4. 專業(yè)知識(shí):技術(shù)、工程、安全管理。

5. 計(jì)算機(jī)技能:常用辦公軟件的應(yīng)用。

1. support the establishment, implementation and continuous improvement of iso9001,ohsas18001 and iso50001 management system in subsidiaries.

2. join to work out sustainable development policy and related qhs targets and inde_s.

3. create related qhs appraisal inde_s to assess the qhs performance of subsidiaries.

4. assist and support the set-up of qhs management team and function in subsidiaries.

5. create and issue general qhs management procedures and follow up their implementation in subsidiaries.

6. work out related qhs training policy and provide related training to subsidiaries accordting to their requirements.

7. implement periodic supervision and check-up to the qhs management work of subsidiaries and follow up the implementation of related working plan.

8. complete regular ( monthly , annual ) working reporting and summary to meet company’s requirements.

9. organize or support the activities to promote qhs management improvement ;

10. to build and improve awareness of qhse management and ensure site compliance to all qhse and energy related regulations.

1. 支持公司iso9001、ohsas18001 和iso50001管理體系的建立、認(rèn)證和持續(xù)改進(jìn);

2. 參與有關(guān)持續(xù)改進(jìn)政策的起草以及相關(guān)qhs工作目標(biāo)、指標(biāo)的制訂;

3. 制訂相關(guān)考核指標(biāo),對(duì)子公司qhs表現(xiàn)進(jìn)行考評(píng);

4. 協(xié)助、支持公司qhs管理團(tuán)隊(duì)和職能的建立;

5. 制訂、頒布通用的qhs管理程序并監(jiān)督在公司的執(zhí)行;

6. 制定有關(guān)qhs的培訓(xùn)政策并根據(jù)需要向公司提供培訓(xùn);

7. 定期對(duì)各子公司qhs管理工作實(shí)施監(jiān)督、檢查并跟蹤工作計(jì)劃的落實(shí);

8. 按照公司要求,完成定期(月度、年度)工作報(bào)告和總結(jié);

9. 組織或支持有關(guān)促進(jìn)qhs工作的活動(dòng);

10. 建立和提高質(zhì)量、健康、安全和環(huán)境管理意識(shí),確保所有活動(dòng)符合質(zhì)量、健康、安全、環(huán)境和能源管理相關(guān)規(guī)定


1. 外語要求:用英語進(jìn)行工作和交流。

2. 工作經(jīng)驗(yàn):至少5年qhs管理工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)。

3. 教育背景:大專及以上。

4. 專業(yè)知識(shí):技術(shù)、工程、安全管理。

5. 計(jì)算機(jī)技能:常用辦公軟件的應(yīng)用。

第9篇 健康安全環(huán)境崗位職責(zé)

ehs 環(huán)境健康安全 planning and budgeting

develop and implement ehs plan and budget in order to comply with plants annual plan and budget requirements.

policies and procedures

localize __ global ehs related policies and procedures, develop, implement and monitor ehs control plan in order to ensure the business is compliance with these standards. evalute gap between factory compliance to latest environemntal regulation regularly, work with __ segment and global ehs resource to make proposal and ensure timely e_ection. communication window with epb and other governmnet agencies. work with cross functional team to ensure latest policies from __ and local regulations are followed

people management and development

balance the allocation of work across direct reports, review and provide feedback to direct reports regarding their performance; mentor, develop and motivate them; and help resolve staff issues in the team in order to achieve department performance.

environment health & safety

1.coordinate the internal/e_ternal ehs audit activities, develop and monitor the implementation of ehs audit plan and summarize the corrective action report in order to compliance with ehs requirements.

2.participate the investigation of ehs accidents/incidents and provide technical suggestions in order to find out the root causation to avoid occuring again, follow up the implementation of the corrective actions to audit findings in order to make sure the corrective action will be conducted strictly.

3.supervise ehs related operational processes and activities, organize the drill of emergency plan in order to enhance the ability of emergency response.

4.supervise ehs files is compliance with the requirements of ehs management system.

5.supervise ehs training activities in order to enhance the ehs consciousness of employees.

6. on time e_ecution on various ehs related program such as back to basics, environmental footprint reduction, etc. and report result on a regular basis

environmental facilities

1. ensure proper operation and maintenance of environmental facilities

2. conduct regular audit and 3rd parties measurement to ensure environmental facilities met __ and local standards

3. contingency plan due to equipment failure while maintaining compliance

note: the responsibilities listed above are only a description of the key responsibilities for this position. this does not e_empt the job holder from fulfilling other responsibilities assigned by the managers.

minimum requirements

education, technical qualification & e_perience

bachelor degree in environment or safety engineering, 5 years ehs & rohs work e_perience

personal attributes & competencies

integrity, accountability, sensitiveness, regulation knowledge, communication and coordination skill, problem solving skill, fluent english planning and budgeting

develop and implement ehs plan and budget in order to comply with plants annual plan and budget requirements.

policies and procedures

localize __ global ehs related policies and procedures, develop, implement and monitor ehs control plan in order to ensure the business is compliance with these standards. evalute gap between factory compliance to latest environemntal regulation regularly, work with __ segment and global ehs resource to make proposal and ensure timely e_ection. communication window with epb and other governmnet agencies. work with cross functional team to ensure latest policies from __ and local regulations are followed

people management and development

balance the allocation of work across direct reports, review and provide feedback to direct reports regarding their performance; mentor, develop and motivate them; and help resolve staff issues in the team in order to achieve department performance.

environment health & safety

1.coordinate the internal/e_ternal ehs audit activities, develop and monitor the implementation of ehs audit plan and summarize the corrective action report in order to compliance with ehs requirements.

2.participate the investigation of ehs accidents/incidents and provide technical suggestions in order to find out the root causation to avoid occuring again, follow up the implementation of the corrective actions to audit findings in order to make sure the corrective action will be conducted strictly.

3.supervise ehs related operational processes and activities, organize the drill of emergency plan in order to enhance the ability of emergency response.

4.supervise ehs files is compliance with the requirements of ehs management system.

5.supervise ehs training activities in order to enhance the ehs consciousness of employees.

6. on time e_ecution on various ehs related program such as back to basics, environmental footprint reduction, etc. and report result on a regular basis

environmental facilities

1. ensure proper operation and maintenance of environmental facilities

2. conduct regular audit and 3rd parties measurement to ensure environmental facilities met __ and local standards

3. contingency plan due to equipment failure while maintaining compliance

note: the responsibilities listed above are only a description of the key responsibilities for this position. this does not e_empt the job holder from fulfilling other responsibilities assigned by the managers.

minimum requirements

education, technical qualification & e_perience

bachelor degree in environment or safety engineering, 5 years ehs & rohs work e_perience

personal attributes & competencies

integrity, accountability, sensitiveness, regulation knowledge, communication and coordination skill, problem solving skill, fluent english

第10篇 安全環(huán)境助理崗位職責(zé)

研發(fā)總監(jiān)助理(研發(fā)崗)--環(huán)境安全事業(yè)部 聚光科技 聚光科技(杭州)股份有限公司,杭州聚光,聚光,聚光科技,聚光科技股份有限公司 職責(zé)描述:

1. 全面把握產(chǎn)品的研發(fā)和功能設(shè)計(jì);熟悉產(chǎn)品研發(fā)中硬件/測試/質(zhì)量/管理;

2. 參與產(chǎn)品系統(tǒng)架構(gòu)建設(shè)和規(guī)劃,進(jìn)行風(fēng)險(xiǎn)評(píng)估,解決研發(fā)產(chǎn)品系統(tǒng)的穩(wěn)定性;

3. 改善研發(fā)管理工具和流程,對(duì)開發(fā)工具、測試平臺(tái)等熟悉,提升研發(fā)效率;

4. 協(xié)助研發(fā)總監(jiān)進(jìn)行部門管理。





第11篇 安全環(huán)境工程師崗位職責(zé)

環(huán)境安全工程師 蕪湖禾田汽車工業(yè)有限公司 蕪湖禾田汽車工業(yè)有限公司,禾田 職責(zé)描述:














  • 安全環(huán)境崗位職責(zé)匯編(11篇)
  • 安全環(huán)境崗位職責(zé)匯編(11篇)66人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么安全環(huán)境崗位,是一個(gè)專注于維護(hù)企業(yè)運(yùn)營環(huán)境安全的職位,其核心任務(wù)是確保企業(yè)的物理設(shè)施、信息系統(tǒng)和員工安全,預(yù)防和應(yīng)對(duì)各類潛在風(fēng)險(xiǎn),以保障企業(yè)業(yè)務(wù) ...[更多]

  • 健康安全環(huán)境崗位職責(zé)4篇
  • 健康安全環(huán)境崗位職責(zé)4篇32人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么健康安全環(huán)境(hse)崗位,全稱health,safety,andenvironment,是一個(gè)專注于維護(hù)工作場所及周邊環(huán)境的安全、健康與環(huán)保的職位。此角色的核心目標(biāo)是確保公 ...[更多]

  • 安全環(huán)境崗位職責(zé)20篇
  • 安全環(huán)境崗位職責(zé)20篇22人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么安全環(huán)境崗位,是一個(gè)專注于維護(hù)企業(yè)運(yùn)營環(huán)境安全的職位,其核心任務(wù)是確保企業(yè)的物理設(shè)施、信息系統(tǒng)和員工安全,預(yù)防和應(yīng)對(duì)各類潛在風(fēng)險(xiǎn),以保障企業(yè)業(yè)務(wù) ...[更多]
