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更新時間:2024-05-18 查看人數(shù):31





1. 擁有電氣工程或相關(guān)領(lǐng)域的學(xué)士或碩士學(xué)位,具備扎實的理論基礎(chǔ)。

2. 至少5年的驅(qū)動電源設(shè)計經(jīng)驗,熟悉開關(guān)電源、線性電源、電池管理系統(tǒng)等相關(guān)技術(shù)。

3. 熟練掌握電路分析、電磁場理論、功率電子學(xué)等專業(yè)知識。

4. 掌握相關(guān)軟件工具,如仿真軟件、電路設(shè)計軟件等,進行電源設(shè)計和優(yōu)化。

5. 具備良好的問題解決能力,能夠在遇到技術(shù)挑戰(zhàn)時迅速找到解決方案。

6. 對質(zhì)量管理體系有深入理解,能夠確保產(chǎn)品符合國際和行業(yè)標準。



1. 設(shè)計高效、可靠的驅(qū)動電源方案,滿足設(shè)備的性能需求和能效指標。

2. 進行電源系統(tǒng)的模擬和計算,優(yōu)化電路布局,減少損耗和提高效率。

3. 協(xié)同跨部門團隊,如機械工程師、軟件工程師等,確保電源系統(tǒng)與整機的兼容性。

4. 制定并執(zhí)行嚴格的測試程序,驗證電源系統(tǒng)的安全性和穩(wěn)定性。

5. 參與產(chǎn)品的生命周期管理,包括故障分析、改進措施和維護更新。

6. 持續(xù)關(guān)注行業(yè)動態(tài)和技術(shù)發(fā)展,推動電源技術(shù)的創(chuàng)新和升級。


1. 技術(shù)研發(fā):深入研究新型電源技術(shù),開發(fā)更高效、小型化、智能化的驅(qū)動電源。

2. 項目管理:協(xié)調(diào)資源,確保項目按時完成,滿足預(yù)算和性能目標。

3. 文檔編寫:編寫技術(shù)報告、用戶手冊和設(shè)計規(guī)格書,清晰記錄工作流程和成果。

4. 培訓(xùn)指導(dǎo):為新員工或團隊成員提供技術(shù)培訓(xùn),分享專業(yè)知識和實踐經(jīng)驗。

5. 客戶支持:與客戶保持良好溝通,解決他們在電源使用過程中遇到的問題。

6. 質(zhì)量控制:確保電源產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量和一致性,通過iso或其他質(zhì)量認證。



第1篇 led驅(qū)動電源項目經(jīng)理崗位職責


第2篇 驅(qū)動電源開發(fā)工程師崗位職責

led驅(qū)動電源開發(fā)工程師 馬衡達信息技術(shù) 馬衡達信息技術(shù)(上海)有限公司,上海馬衡達,馬衡達信息上海,馬衡達信息技術(shù),馬衡達 responsibility:

- electronics design for led driver products

- electrical design activities in rigorous stage-tollgate product development environment

- accountable for product design to specification

- conduct simulation/testing and evaluation of the electronics design

- work with quality, manufacturing and sourcing teams in interfacing with suppliers

- demonstrating technical depth in dynamic led industry environment is key

- optimize the design for cost competitiveness and manufacturability

- collaborate with pmqe on the manufacture process review and improvement


- bs on power electronics from accredited university as min requirement

- at least 2 years power electronics product design e_perience

- good switching power supply design e_perience

- well understanding on the subsystem interaction of lamp power supply

- well understanding of the regulatory requirement

- well understanding of reliability of electronics and able to use the tools for the reliability analysis

- able to use english as working language

- able to use at least one of the software to do electronics design (protel, orcad or cadence)

- knowledge of industrial products design and manufacturing

- work well with team members in shared resource multi-tasking environment


- ownership of the design work

- e_cellent interpersonal/facilitation skills; strong verbal and written communications skills

- si_ sigma green belt certification is preferred

第3篇 led驅(qū)動電源崗位職責

led驅(qū)動電源開發(fā)工程師 馬衡達信息技術(shù) 馬衡達信息技術(shù)(上海)有限公司,上海馬衡達,馬衡達信息上海,馬衡達信息技術(shù),馬衡達 responsibility:

- electronics design for led driver products

- electrical design activities in rigorous stage-tollgate product development environment

- accountable for product design to specification

- conduct simulation/testing and evaluation of the electronics design

- work with quality, manufacturing and sourcing teams in interfacing with suppliers

- demonstrating technical depth in dynamic led industry environment is key

- optimize the design for cost competitiveness and manufacturability

- collaborate with pmqe on the manufacture process review and improvement


- bs on power electronics from accredited university as min requirement

- at least 2 years power electronics product design e_perience

- good switching power supply design e_perience

- well understanding on the subsystem interaction of lamp power supply

- well understanding of the regulatory requirement

- well understanding of reliability of electronics and able to use the tools for the reliability analysis

- able to use english as working language

- able to use at least one of the software to do electronics design (protel, orcad or cadence)

- knowledge of industrial products design and manufacturing

- work well with team members in shared resource multi-tasking environment


- ownership of the design work

- e_cellent interpersonal/facilitation skills; strong verbal and written communications skills

- si_ sigma green belt certification is preferred

第4篇 led驅(qū)動電源開發(fā)崗位職責

led驅(qū)動電源開發(fā)工程師 馬衡達信息技術(shù) 馬衡達信息技術(shù)(上海)有限公司,上海馬衡達,馬衡達信息上海,馬衡達信息技術(shù),馬衡達 responsibility:

- electronics design for led driver products

- electrical design activities in rigorous stage-tollgate product development environment

- accountable for product design to specification

- conduct simulation/testing and evaluation of the electronics design

- work with quality, manufacturing and sourcing teams in interfacing with suppliers

- demonstrating technical depth in dynamic led industry environment is key

- optimize the design for cost competitiveness and manufacturability

- collaborate with pmqe on the manufacture process review and improvement


- bs on power electronics from accredited university as min requirement

- at least 2 years power electronics product design e_perience

- good switching power supply design e_perience

- well understanding on the subsystem interaction of lamp power supply

- well understanding of the regulatory requirement

- well understanding of reliability of electronics and able to use the tools for the reliability analysis

- able to use english as working language

- able to use at least one of the software to do electronics design (protel, orcad or cadence)

- knowledge of industrial products design and manufacturing

- work well with team members in shared resource multi-tasking environment


- ownership of the design work

- e_cellent interpersonal/facilitation skills; strong verbal and written communications skills

- si_ sigma green belt certification is preferred

第5篇 驅(qū)動電源工程師崗位職責

led驅(qū)動電源電子工程師 1、統(tǒng)招本科以上學(xué)歷,電子等相關(guān)專業(yè)。




5、有一定有項目能力。 1、統(tǒng)招本科以上學(xué)歷,電子等相關(guān)專業(yè)。





第6篇 led驅(qū)動電源開發(fā)工程師崗位職責

led驅(qū)動電源開發(fā)工程師 馬衡達信息技術(shù) 馬衡達信息技術(shù)(上海)有限公司,上海馬衡達,馬衡達信息上海,馬衡達信息技術(shù),馬衡達 responsibility:

- electronics design for led driver products

- electrical design activities in rigorous stage-tollgate product development environment

- accountable for product design to specification

- conduct simulation/testing and evaluation of the electronics design

- work with quality, manufacturing and sourcing teams in interfacing with suppliers

- demonstrating technical depth in dynamic led industry environment is key

- optimize the design for cost competitiveness and manufacturability

- collaborate with pmqe on the manufacture process review and improvement


- bs on power electronics from accredited university as min requirement

- at least 2 years power electronics product design e_perience

- good switching power supply design e_perience

- well understanding on the subsystem interaction of lamp power supply

- well understanding of the regulatory requirement

- well understanding of reliability of electronics and able to use the tools for the reliability analysis

- able to use english as working language

- able to use at least one of the software to do electronics design (protel, orcad or cadence)

- knowledge of industrial products design and manufacturing

- work well with team members in shared resource multi-tasking environment


- ownership of the design work

- e_cellent interpersonal/facilitation skills; strong verbal and written communications skills

- si_ sigma green belt certification is preferred

第7篇 驅(qū)動電源工程崗位職責

led驅(qū)動電源開發(fā)工程師 馬衡達信息技術(shù) 馬衡達信息技術(shù)(上海)有限公司,上海馬衡達,馬衡達信息上海,馬衡達信息技術(shù),馬衡達 responsibility:

- electronics design for led driver products

- electrical design activities in rigorous stage-tollgate product development environment

- accountable for product design to specification

- conduct simulation/testing and evaluation of the electronics design

- work with quality, manufacturing and sourcing teams in interfacing with suppliers

- demonstrating technical depth in dynamic led industry environment is key

- optimize the design for cost competitiveness and manufacturability

- collaborate with pmqe on the manufacture process review and improvement


- bs on power electronics from accredited university as min requirement

- at least 2 years power electronics product design e_perience

- good switching power supply design e_perience

- well understanding on the subsystem interaction of lamp power supply

- well understanding of the regulatory requirement

- well understanding of reliability of electronics and able to use the tools for the reliability analysis

- able to use english as working language

- able to use at least one of the software to do electronics design (protel, orcad or cadence)

- knowledge of industrial products design and manufacturing

- work well with team members in shared resource multi-tasking environment


- ownership of the design work

- e_cellent interpersonal/facilitation skills; strong verbal and written communications skills

- si_ sigma green belt certification is preferred

第8篇 led驅(qū)動電源工程師崗位職責

led驅(qū)動電源電子工程師 1、統(tǒng)招本科以上學(xué)歷,電子等相關(guān)專業(yè)。




5、有一定有項目能力。 1、統(tǒng)招本科以上學(xué)歷,電子等相關(guān)專業(yè)。








  • 驅(qū)動電源崗位職責匯編(8篇)
  • 驅(qū)動電源崗位職責匯編(8篇)31人關(guān)注

    崗位職責是什么驅(qū)動電源崗位是電子設(shè)備制造領(lǐng)域中的關(guān)鍵職位,主要負責設(shè)計、研發(fā)、測試和維護為各種設(shè)備提供動力的電源系統(tǒng)。這個角色需要深入理解電力電子技術(shù),以 ...[更多]
