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更新時間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):87





1. 具備良好的市場洞察力,能準(zhǔn)確把握物料價格走勢和供應(yīng)商動態(tài)。

2. 熟悉供應(yīng)鏈管理,了解采購流程及合同法規(guī)。

3. 擁有優(yōu)秀的談判技巧和溝通能力,能夠建立并維護(hù)穩(wěn)定的供應(yīng)商關(guān)系。

4. 強(qiáng)烈的責(zé)任心和職業(yè)道德,確保采購行為的公正透明。

5. 具備一定的財務(wù)知識,能進(jìn)行成本效益分析。

6. 能夠靈活應(yīng)對市場變化,快速做出決策。



1. 制定和執(zhí)行采購計劃,確保滿足公司生產(chǎn)或運營需求。

2. 對潛在供應(yīng)商進(jìn)行評估,篩選出符合質(zhì)量、價格和服務(wù)要求的合作伙伴。

3. 參與合同談判,確保合同條款有利于公司利益。

4. 監(jiān)控供應(yīng)商的績效,及時處理合同執(zhí)行過程中的問題。

5. 與內(nèi)部各部門協(xié)調(diào),確保采購流程順暢,減少庫存積壓和供應(yīng)中斷的風(fēng)險。

6. 分析采購數(shù)據(jù),識別成本節(jié)省機(jī)會,并提出改進(jìn)措施。

7. 定期報告采購項目的進(jìn)度和成果,為管理層提供決策依據(jù)。


1. 市場研究:持續(xù)關(guān)注市場動態(tài),收集供應(yīng)商信息,對比分析價格和性能。

2. 供應(yīng)商管理:建立供應(yīng)商數(shù)據(jù)庫,定期評估供應(yīng)商的信譽、質(zhì)量保證能力和服務(wù)水平。

3. 合同管理:起草、修訂和執(zhí)行采購合同,確保合同合規(guī)性。

4. 內(nèi)部溝通:與生產(chǎn)、財務(wù)等部門緊密協(xié)作,確保采購活動與公司整體戰(zhàn)略一致。

5. 風(fēng)險管理:識別并預(yù)防采購過程中的潛在風(fēng)險,如供應(yīng)中斷、價格波動等。

6. 成本優(yōu)化:通過批量采購、長期合作等方式降低采購成本,提高公司利潤。

7. 技術(shù)支持:理解和應(yīng)用新技術(shù),如電子采購平臺,提升采購效率。



第1篇 國際采購項目崗位職責(zé)

國際采購項目經(jīng)理 七二四(北京)科技有限公司 七二四(北京)科技有限公司,健康724 崗位職責(zé):
















7. 良好抗壓能力及應(yīng)變能力。

第2篇 采購項目管理崗位職責(zé)

采購項目管理經(jīng)理 聯(lián)寶 聯(lián)寶(合肥)電子科技有限公司,合肥聯(lián)寶,聯(lián)寶,聯(lián)寶合肥,聯(lián)寶電子科技,聯(lián)寶 工作職責(zé):

1- nb product cost management;

2- nb project schedule management;

3- lead cost communication among cross team as supply chain focal and drive design for cost.


1- bachelor degree or above;

2- 7-8 years supply chain work e_perience in pc industry with pm skills;

3- good communication skills;

4- good english speaking and writing.

5- be proficient in ms tools.

第3篇 采購項目崗位職責(zé)

項目采購 擁有比較豐富的項目經(jīng)驗,之前做過項目采購,較好的溝通協(xié)商能力,英語能作為工作語言 擁有比較豐富的項目經(jīng)驗,之前做過項目采購,較好的溝通協(xié)商能力,英語能作為工作語言

第4篇 采購項目管理工程師崗位職責(zé)

物料項目管理工程師(采購部) byd 比亞迪股份有限公司,byd,比亞迪,比亞迪 職責(zé)描述:









4、有較強(qiáng)的執(zhí)行力和工作責(zé)任心,溝通能力強(qiáng),能承受較大的工作壓力 ;

第5篇 采購項目主管崗位職責(zé)

項目采購主管 major responsibilities

1.project control

1)monitor issues and give early warning of any major hazards to projects

2)present product launch to commodity team

3)issue capacity statement from supplier based on known volume

4)confirm capacity capability through joint meetings with sde

5)establish component level e_pected ppm target based on customer e_pected target

6)arrange regular supplier reviews and visit key suppliers to ensure project is on track

7)monitor drawing & bom releases from engineering to ensure timely transition and 2.planning

1)issue regular updates on project status to commodity team

2)identify long lead times to commodity team & agree a management plan

3)organize regular commodity team reviews

4)ensure commodity purchasing/procurement are aware of build demands and customer e_pectations

5)support dv/pv builds

6)represent purchasing in the gdpim process

7)represent purchasing tin the cqa process

8)represent purchasing in the vave process and coordinate purchasing input with commodity teams and core development npi

3.cost control

1)issue boms to commodity team

2)track changes in bom & record

3)identify target costs & track

4)monitor scrap/liability costs where applicable and ensure charges go back to project team

5)ensure product cost is achieving commercial & business case e_pectations

6)identify to engineering opportunities to take cost out to the product

7)track tool costs & amortization

8)confirm with estimating the business case born can be supported with identified quotations & pricing agreements

9)liaise with commodity purchasing to obtain initial pricing based on known volume profile

4.component selection/control

1)supply technology roadmaps to engineering

2)identify ppap/aqpq requirements & manage process with sde

3)monitor apqp progress and regularly review with suppliers & sde

4)confirm that parts selected are acceptable for automotive applications & are suitable for manufacturing processes

5)guide and influence engineering component selections to meet strategic supply list

6)confirm life cycle of parts

7)review with engineering design phases & component change requirements

8)liaise with commodity purchasing to ensure loi/purchase orders are issued in a timely manner.

education&working e_perience

1.degree in engineering/ technology or business commercial subject.

2.fluency in the english language

3.typically 3-4 years in a purchasing role.

4.working in and preferable leading multi-functional project teams.

5.familiarity with industrial processes with an automotive background preferred. major responsibilities

1.project control

1)monitor issues and give early warning of any major hazards to projects

2)present product launch to commodity team

3)issue capacity statement from supplier based on known volume

4)confirm capacity capability through joint meetings with sde

5)establish component level e_pected ppm target based on customer e_pected target

6)arrange regular supplier reviews and visit key suppliers to ensure project is on track

7)monitor drawing & bom releases from engineering to ensure timely transition and 2.planning

1)issue regular updates on project status to commodity team

2)identify long lead times to commodity team & agree a management plan

3)organize regular commodity team reviews

4)ensure commodity purchasing/procurement are aware of build demands and customer e_pectations

5)support dv/pv builds

6)represent purchasing in the gdpim process

7)represent purchasing tin the cqa process

8)represent purchasing in the vave process and coordinate purchasing input with commodity teams and core development npi

3.cost control

1)issue boms to commodity team

2)track changes in bom & record

3)identify target costs & track

4)monitor scrap/liability costs where applicable and ensure charges go back to project team

5)ensure product cost is achieving commercial & business case e_pectations

6)identify to engineering opportunities to take cost out to the product

7)track tool costs & amortization

8)confirm with estimating the business case born can be supported with identified quotations & pricing agreements

9)liaise with commodity purchasing to obtain initial pricing based on known volume profile

4.component selection/control

1)supply technology roadmaps to engineering

2)identify ppap/aqpq requirements & manage process with sde

3)monitor apqp progress and regularly review with suppliers & sde

4)confirm that parts selected are acceptable for automotive applications & are suitable for manufacturing processes

5)guide and influence engineering component selections to meet strategic supply list

6)confirm life cycle of parts

7)review with engineering design phases & component change requirements

8)liaise with commodity purchasing to ensure loi/purchase orders are issued in a timely manner.

education&working e_perience

1.degree in engineering/ technology or business commercial subject.

2.fluency in the english language

3.typically 3-4 years in a purchasing role.

4.working in and preferable leading multi-functional project teams.

5.familiarity with industrial processes with an automotive background preferred.

第6篇 采購項目助理崗位職責(zé)

采購助理(項目型,應(yīng)屆生優(yōu)先) 上海優(yōu)景智能科技股份有限公司 上海優(yōu)景智能科技股份有限公司,優(yōu)景智能,優(yōu)景科技,優(yōu)景 1、具備成本意識,成本管理、分析及核算,積極尋找降低成本的方案;










第7篇 采購項目經(jīng)理助理崗位職責(zé)






第8篇 產(chǎn)品采購項目經(jīng)理崗位職責(zé)

產(chǎn)品經(jīng)理/采購經(jīng)理/項目經(jīng)理 project manager - 定制化家具


basic function

accountable for e_ecuting the new product schedule utilizing cross-functional resources and the npd process. develop overall npd strategy and objectives to ensure the company achieves its overall business goals.

specific responsibilities

? have full responsibilities for ensuring high quality products are developed, manufactured and shipped on time as defined by the commitments documented in the new product schedule.

? analyze and advise on manufacturing location for all new and e_isting products. own yearly manufacturing location cost savings goals.

? develop and maintain product council. lead product council meetings and report decisions and direction.

? anticipates and manages tasks/risks within each phase of a project. determine probability and impact of risks. develop strategic plans to reduce impact of risks.

? autonomously manage the development process and communicate to senior management on a variety of processes and technical issues. has respected knowledge of major system components.

? establish and maintain relationships with senior management for the purpose of aligning nps objectives and removing obstacles for project completion.

? defines decision-making process for project teams. coaches project team personnel to develop and implement cross-functional solutions to comple_ issues.

? makes informed decisions in the event that the project team cannot. decisions made are critical and have significant financial and schedule impact to the program/company.

? manages multiple projects simultaneously.

? prioritize cross-functional human resources.

? provide performance e_pectations and evaluation for cross-functional resources on project teams. this input will be provided to the appropriate supervisor and will have equal weight with that of functional performance e_pectations and evaluations.

? work with senior management too continually improve the npd process and organization.

supervisory relationships:

1. direct report to gm – kitchen cabinetry, k&b china

organization relationships:

1. frequent collaborative associations with senior management in marketing, purchasing, industrial design and manufacturing.

2. collaborative associations with legal and accounting.

e_ternal business relationships:

1. collaborative associations with suppliers.


-bachelor’s degree

- 8 years of related work e_perience, with at least 3 years as project leader or group leader.

- plant work e_perience.

- can handle new product project independently.

- have cross-functional work e_perience, such as account leader, planner, sourcing, quality and project manager.

- e_cellent communication skill and interpersonal skill.

- good fle_ibility and can work under high pressure.

- strong leadership and analytical skill.

- good english speaking and writing skill, good pc skill.

- domestic travel required

- ms project software skill project manager - 定制化家具


basic function

accountable for e_ecuting the new product schedule utilizing cross-functional resources and the npd process. develop overall npd strategy and objectives to ensure the company achieves its overall business goals.

specific responsibilities

? have full responsibilities for ensuring high quality products are developed, manufactured and shipped on time as defined by the commitments documented in the new product schedule.

? analyze and advise on manufacturing location for all new and e_isting products. own yearly manufacturing location cost savings goals.

? develop and maintain product council. lead product council meetings and report decisions and direction.

? anticipates and manages tasks/risks within each phase of a project. determine probability and impact of risks. develop strategic plans to reduce impact of risks.

? autonomously manage the development process and communicate to senior management on a variety of processes and technical issues. has respected knowledge of major system components.

? establish and maintain relationships with senior management for the purpose of aligning nps objectives and removing obstacles for project completion.

? defines decision-making process for project teams. coaches project team personnel to develop and implement cross-functional solutions to comple_ issues.

? makes informed decisions in the event that the project team cannot. decisions made are critical and have significant financial and schedule impact to the program/company.

? manages multiple projects simultaneously.

? prioritize cross-functional human resources.

? provide performance e_pectations and evaluation for cross-functional resources on project teams. this input will be provided to the appropriate supervisor and will have equal weight with that of functional performance e_pectations and evaluations.

? work with senior management too continually improve the npd process and organization.

supervisory relationships:

1. direct report to gm – kitchen cabinetry, k&b china

organization relationships:

1. frequent collaborative associations with senior management in marketing, purchasing, industrial design and manufacturing.

2. collaborative associations with legal and accounting.

e_ternal business relationships:

1. collaborative associations with suppliers.


-bachelor’s degree

- 8 years of related work e_perience, with at least 3 years as project leader or group leader.

- plant work e_perience.

- can handle new product project independently.

- have cross-functional work e_perience, such as account leader, planner, sourcing, quality and project manager.

- e_cellent communication skill and interpersonal skill.

- good fle_ibility and can work under high pressure.

- strong leadership and analytical skill.

- good english speaking and writing skill, good pc skill.

- domestic travel required

- ms project software skill

第9篇 產(chǎn)品采購項目崗位職責(zé)

產(chǎn)品經(jīng)理/采購經(jīng)理/項目經(jīng)理 project manager - 定制化家具


basic function

accountable for e_ecuting the new product schedule utilizing cross-functional resources and the npd process. develop overall npd strategy and objectives to ensure the company achieves its overall business goals.

specific responsibilities

? have full responsibilities for ensuring high quality products are developed, manufactured and shipped on time as defined by the commitments documented in the new product schedule.

? analyze and advise on manufacturing location for all new and e_isting products. own yearly manufacturing location cost savings goals.

? develop and maintain product council. lead product council meetings and report decisions and direction.

? anticipates and manages tasks/risks within each phase of a project. determine probability and impact of risks. develop strategic plans to reduce impact of risks.

? autonomously manage the development process and communicate to senior management on a variety of processes and technical issues. has respected knowledge of major system components.

? establish and maintain relationships with senior management for the purpose of aligning nps objectives and removing obstacles for project completion.

? defines decision-making process for project teams. coaches project team personnel to develop and implement cross-functional solutions to comple_ issues.

? makes informed decisions in the event that the project team cannot. decisions made are critical and have significant financial and schedule impact to the program/company.

? manages multiple projects simultaneously.

? prioritize cross-functional human resources.

? provide performance e_pectations and evaluation for cross-functional resources on project teams. this input will be provided to the appropriate supervisor and will have equal weight with that of functional performance e_pectations and evaluations.

? work with senior management too continually improve the npd process and organization.

supervisory relationships:

1. direct report to gm – kitchen cabinetry, k&b china

organization relationships:

1. frequent collaborative associations with senior management in marketing, purchasing, industrial design and manufacturing.

2. collaborative associations with legal and accounting.

e_ternal business relationships:

1. collaborative associations with suppliers.


-bachelor’s degree

- 8 years of related work e_perience, with at least 3 years as project leader or group leader.

- plant work e_perience.

- can handle new product project independently.

- have cross-functional work e_perience, such as account leader, planner, sourcing, quality and project manager.

- e_cellent communication skill and interpersonal skill.

- good fle_ibility and can work under high pressure.

- strong leadership and analytical skill.

- good english speaking and writing skill, good pc skill.

- domestic travel required

- ms project software skill project manager - 定制化家具


basic function

accountable for e_ecuting the new product schedule utilizing cross-functional resources and the npd process. develop overall npd strategy and objectives to ensure the company achieves its overall business goals.

specific responsibilities

? have full responsibilities for ensuring high quality products are developed, manufactured and shipped on time as defined by the commitments documented in the new product schedule.

? analyze and advise on manufacturing location for all new and e_isting products. own yearly manufacturing location cost savings goals.

? develop and maintain product council. lead product council meetings and report decisions and direction.

? anticipates and manages tasks/risks within each phase of a project. determine probability and impact of risks. develop strategic plans to reduce impact of risks.

? autonomously manage the development process and communicate to senior management on a variety of processes and technical issues. has respected knowledge of major system components.

? establish and maintain relationships with senior management for the purpose of aligning nps objectives and removing obstacles for project completion.

? defines decision-making process for project teams. coaches project team personnel to develop and implement cross-functional solutions to comple_ issues.

? makes informed decisions in the event that the project team cannot. decisions made are critical and have significant financial and schedule impact to the program/company.

? manages multiple projects simultaneously.

? prioritize cross-functional human resources.

? provide performance e_pectations and evaluation for cross-functional resources on project teams. this input will be provided to the appropriate supervisor and will have equal weight with that of functional performance e_pectations and evaluations.

? work with senior management too continually improve the npd process and organization.

supervisory relationships:

1. direct report to gm – kitchen cabinetry, k&b china

organization relationships:

1. frequent collaborative associations with senior management in marketing, purchasing, industrial design and manufacturing.

2. collaborative associations with legal and accounting.

e_ternal business relationships:

1. collaborative associations with suppliers.


-bachelor’s degree

- 8 years of related work e_perience, with at least 3 years as project leader or group leader.

- plant work e_perience.

- can handle new product project independently.

- have cross-functional work e_perience, such as account leader, planner, sourcing, quality and project manager.

- e_cellent communication skill and interpersonal skill.

- good fle_ibility and can work under high pressure.

- strong leadership and analytical skill.

- good english speaking and writing skill, good pc skill.

- domestic travel required

- ms project software skill

第10篇 采購項目負(fù)責(zé)人崗位職責(zé)

招標(biāo)采購負(fù)責(zé)人(常德安鄉(xiāng)項目) 深圳市山湖海房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)有限公司 深圳市山湖海房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)有限公司,山湖海地產(chǎn)集團(tuán),山湖海 職責(zé)描述:







7、參與項目工程的成本分解、執(zhí)行管控和反饋調(diào)整;監(jiān)控工程中發(fā)生的異常采購成本; 項目歷史成本數(shù)據(jù)中采購信息的收集及統(tǒng)計分析;在滿足功能和設(shè)計效果的前提下,提出合理的控制采購成本的建議和意見;

8、定期參與進(jìn)行采購成本合理性分析,優(yōu)化采購資源及相關(guān)操作流程,合理降低采購成本; 9、參與部門建立供方資源庫的具體工作,并組織對分供方進(jìn)行評估。







第11篇 政府采購項目經(jīng)理崗位職責(zé)




第12篇 政府采購項目崗位職責(zé)

大客戶及政府項目采購(海外發(fā)展公司) 淮??毓杉瘓F(tuán) 弘安新能源汽車有限公司,淮海控股集團(tuán),弘安 職責(zé)描述:



3、做好大客戶的咨詢和相關(guān)服務(wù),并及時處理大客戶投訴等相關(guān)問題; 4、負(fù)責(zé)建立大客戶信息檔案和管理工作,并進(jìn)行科學(xué)的客戶關(guān)系管理,及時高效的為大客戶提供高品質(zhì)服務(wù)以提高客戶滿意度。





第13篇 采購項目工程師崗位職責(zé)

項目采購工程師 崗位職責(zé):









4、良好的英語說寫能力, 崗位職責(zé):













  • 采購項目崗位職責(zé)匯編(13篇)
  • 采購項目崗位職責(zé)匯編(13篇)87人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么采購項目崗位,是企業(yè)運營中的關(guān)鍵角色,主要負(fù)責(zé)策劃、執(zhí)行和管理企業(yè)的采購活動,確保公司的物資和服務(wù)供應(yīng)得以有效、經(jīng)濟(jì)地進(jìn)行。這個職位的核心在于 ...[更多]

  • 采購項目崗位職責(zé)14篇
  • 采購項目崗位職責(zé)14篇55人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么采購項目崗位,是企業(yè)運營中的關(guān)鍵角色,主要負(fù)責(zé)策劃、執(zhí)行和管理企業(yè)的采購活動,確保公司的物資和服務(wù)供應(yīng)得以有效、經(jīng)濟(jì)地進(jìn)行。這個職位的核心在于 ...[更多]

  • 采購項目崗位職責(zé)16篇
  • 采購項目崗位職責(zé)16篇25人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么采購項目崗位,是企業(yè)運營中的關(guān)鍵角色,主要負(fù)責(zé)策劃、執(zhí)行和管理企業(yè)的采購活動,確保公司的物資和服務(wù)供應(yīng)得以有效、經(jīng)濟(jì)地進(jìn)行。這個職位的核心在于 ...[更多]
