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更新時間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):53





1. 熟練掌握各種焊接技術(shù),如smt(表面貼裝技術(shù))、tht(通孔插件技術(shù))等。

2. 具備良好的視力和手眼協(xié)調(diào)能力,能準確無誤地完成微小元件的焊接。

3. 精通電子元器件識別,了解電子電路基本知識。

4. 遵守安全操作規(guī)程,保證工作環(huán)境整潔有序。

5. 能夠閱讀和理解工程圖紙和工藝文件。




1. 日常焊接作業(yè):執(zhí)行生產(chǎn)計劃,高效、高質(zhì)量地完成批量電子元件的焊接。

2. 質(zhì)量控制:進行自檢和互檢,確保焊接質(zhì)量符合標準,記錄焊接過程中的異常情況。

3. 設(shè)備維護:定期保養(yǎng)和清潔焊接設(shè)備,報告設(shè)備故障并協(xié)助維修。

4. 技術(shù)改進:參與工藝改進活動,提高焊接效率和產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量,減少不良品率。

5. 培訓(xùn)新員工:分享焊接技巧和經(jīng)驗,幫助新員工快速適應(yīng)崗位要求。

6. 文檔記錄:填寫生產(chǎn)記錄表、質(zhì)量檢查表等相關(guān)文檔,確保信息準確無誤。

7. 安全操作:遵守ehs(環(huán)境、健康、安全)規(guī)定,確保個人和他人安全。



第1篇 電子焊接工程師崗位職責(zé)

sqe 供應(yīng)商質(zhì)量工程師 (注塑 焊接 鋁鐵鑄件 電子 沖壓 ) 上海福邁迪工程技術(shù)有限公司 上海福邁迪工程技術(shù)有限公司,福邁迪工程技術(shù)有限公司,福邁迪 sqe

rubber and plastics / aluminum casting / iron casting / welding / electric electronic / hot forging cold forming / stamping / lubricants

beijing / shanghai / changchun / shenyang / chengdu


? communication with customers in china / asia pacific by phone or e-mail; visit customer on demand to understand customer issue and work out solutions.

? collaboration with customer’s product development, quality, purchasing or other departments for continuous improvement customer’s processes and products.

? coordinate and support analysis of customer complaints, support evaluation of 8d reports, do root cause analysis and support corrective action implementation.

? coordinate and support apqp process of customer.

? support lean supplier development.


? bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or above.

? at least 5 years of relevant professional e_perience in supplier development. relevant professional technical skills in project management is preferred.

? relevant methodical skills of 8d; spc; msa; iso9001; 7 quality tools and ms office are required. skills of iso ts 16949, vda 6.3, vda standard, oem requirements (e.g. daimler, vw, bmw, etc.) are preferred.

? good communication skill; presentation skill; willingness to travel; open for resident engineering tasks.

? project leadership skills; cost awareness.

? frequency of business travel >; 50%.

? business fluent english & chinese.

? german language skill is a plus.

第2篇 電子焊接崗位職責(zé)

sqe 供應(yīng)商質(zhì)量工程師 (注塑 焊接 鋁鐵鑄件 電子 沖壓 ) 上海福邁迪工程技術(shù)有限公司 上海福邁迪工程技術(shù)有限公司,福邁迪工程技術(shù)有限公司,福邁迪 sqe

rubber and plastics / aluminum casting / iron casting / welding / electric electronic / hot forging cold forming / stamping / lubricants

beijing / shanghai / changchun / shenyang / chengdu


? communication with customers in china / asia pacific by phone or e-mail; visit customer on demand to understand customer issue and work out solutions.

? collaboration with customer’s product development, quality, purchasing or other departments for continuous improvement customer’s processes and products.

? coordinate and support analysis of customer complaints, support evaluation of 8d reports, do root cause analysis and support corrective action implementation.

? coordinate and support apqp process of customer.

? support lean supplier development.


? bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or above.

? at least 5 years of relevant professional e_perience in supplier development. relevant professional technical skills in project management is preferred.

? relevant methodical skills of 8d; spc; msa; iso9001; 7 quality tools and ms office are required. skills of iso ts 16949, vda 6.3, vda standard, oem requirements (e.g. daimler, vw, bmw, etc.) are preferred.

? good communication skill; presentation skill; willingness to travel; open for resident engineering tasks.

? project leadership skills; cost awareness.

? frequency of business travel >; 50%.

? business fluent english & chinese.

? german language skill is a plus.




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  • 電子焊接崗位職責(zé)匯編(2篇)
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    崗位職責(zé)是什么電子焊接崗位是電子產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)流程中的關(guān)鍵環(huán)節(jié),主要負責(zé)將電子元件精確地連接到電路板上,以確保設(shè)備的正常運行和性能。崗位職責(zé)要求1.熟練掌握各種焊 ...[更多]

  • 電子焊接崗位職責(zé)3篇
  • 電子焊接崗位職責(zé)3篇29人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么電子焊接崗位是電子產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)流程中的關(guān)鍵環(huán)節(jié),主要負責(zé)將電子元件精確地連接到電路板上,以確保設(shè)備的正常運行和性能。崗位職責(zé)要求1.熟練掌握各種焊 ...[更多]
