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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-18 查看人數(shù):26





1. 具備良好的數(shù)據(jù)分析能力,能夠準(zhǔn)確預(yù)測(cè)物料需求,預(yù)防庫存積壓或短缺。

2. 熟悉物料采購流程,能與供應(yīng)商有效溝通,保證物料質(zhì)量和交貨時(shí)間。

3. 能夠熟練使用erp系統(tǒng)和其他供應(yīng)鏈管理軟件,進(jìn)行訂單處理和庫存管理。

4. 具備良好的組織協(xié)調(diào)能力,能夠協(xié)調(diào)各部門間的物料需求,確保生產(chǎn)順利進(jìn)行。

5. 對(duì)市場(chǎng)動(dòng)態(tài)敏感,能夠及時(shí)調(diào)整物料計(jì)劃,應(yīng)對(duì)市場(chǎng)變化。





1. 需求預(yù)測(cè):通過對(duì)歷史銷售數(shù)據(jù)、訂單情況及市場(chǎng)趨勢(shì)的分析,預(yù)測(cè)未來物料需求,為采購提供依據(jù)。

2. 采購計(jì)劃制定:根據(jù)需求預(yù)測(cè),制定詳細(xì)的物料采購計(jì)劃,包括物料種類、數(shù)量、供應(yīng)商選擇和交貨時(shí)間。

3. 庫存管理:監(jiān)控庫存水平,執(zhí)行補(bǔ)貨策略,防止過度庫存和缺貨,確保庫存周轉(zhuǎn)率。

4. 供應(yīng)商管理:建立并維護(hù)與供應(yīng)商的良好關(guān)系,協(xié)調(diào)物料質(zhì)量和交貨時(shí)間問題。

5. 內(nèi)部協(xié)調(diào):與生產(chǎn)、物流等部門溝通,確保物料按時(shí)到位,支持生產(chǎn)活動(dòng)。

6. 應(yīng)變處理:在市場(chǎng)需求變化、供應(yīng)鏈中斷等情況下,迅速調(diào)整物料計(jì)劃,降低對(duì)企業(yè)運(yùn)營的影響。

7. 數(shù)據(jù)分析:定期分析物料計(jì)劃執(zhí)行效果,提出改進(jìn)建議,優(yōu)化物料管理流程。



第1篇 生產(chǎn)物料計(jì)劃員崗位職責(zé)

生產(chǎn)物料計(jì)劃員 review customer requirement to fulfill committed customer demand by 100%.

communicate with customer to get firm order & forecast

put customer demand into erp system, after running system, work out purchasing &production requests,release production plan and material order base on customer demand.

manage and review pc&l kpi according to released business plan

working with section manager for associate development and improve associates’ business e_cellence in logistic area

manage and review procurement delivery schedule and production plans and their implementation

manage and review procurement delivery schedule and production plans and their implementation

offer logistics support to new project as team member.

regular report to section manager of business development .

working with purchasing to improve the delivery performance of suppliers

working with other departments to guarantee the successful launch of new projects.

working with it for erp smoothly run in pc&l

working with other departments for business planning and implementation

review customer requirement to fulfill committed customer demand by 100%.

communicate with customer to get firm order & forecast

put customer demand into erp system, after running system, work out purchasing &production requests,release production plan and material order base on customer demand.

manage and review pc&l kpi according to released business plan

working with section manager for associate development and improve associates’ business e_cellence in logistic area

manage and review procurement delivery schedule and production plans and their implementation

manage and review procurement delivery schedule and production plans and their implementation

offer logistics support to new project as team member.

regular report to section manager of business development .

working with purchasing to improve the delivery performance of suppliers

working with other departments to guarantee the successful launch of new projects.

working with it for erp smoothly run in pc&l

working with other departments for business planning and implementation

第2篇 高級(jí)物料計(jì)劃員崗位職責(zé)

master planner/erp development 高級(jí)生產(chǎn)/物料計(jì)劃員 東莞泰嵩不織布有限公司 東莞泰嵩不織布有限公司,泰嵩不織布 master planner & erp development

location: dongguan, china

line manager: factory manager

job outline

responsibility for the smooth and effective daily & weekly planning of our manufacturing facility to meet its own and te_on group goals. to implement and deliver the dongguan non-woven production master plan.

to manage wip and plant capacities against baan standards.

manage the allocation and usage of raw materials. control warehouse stocks and raw material movements throughout the factory.

liaise with purchasing for on time delivery and the re ordering of raw materials

provide information to traffic control for the allocation of finished goods.

support ‘supply framework’ agreements. control and deliver stock level targets against sales forecast and company targets

‘go to’ person to interface with customer care. to monitor and advise on delivery dates, lead-times, stock flow and order e_ecution.

become the local operational baan/erp e_pert; align shopfloor workflows with appropriate system records. implement sops and develop competencies across the ops team.


? utilise plant capacities for ma_imum efficiency

? plan, create, and control production orders and place onto erp system

? implement weekly production plan and indicate factory recoveries/resources

? implement 24 hour recovery estimate/daily forecast (through daily meeting)

? manage work in progress

? control bills of material (completeness, accuracy, substitutions)

? control inventory movement

? control inventory usage. report on variances to bom/standards and recommend adjustments

? responsibility for stock counts processing data. variance reporting and initiating investigations.

? back flush booked inventory and repair stock (shop floor reporting)

? control and plan felt for weekly plan

? interface with customer care, communicating output, timings, difficulties and actions

? report on overdue orders, and other factory issues which affect customer service level metrics

qualifications & e_perience

- 3-5 years’ e_perience of planning and utilisation of erp systems within a manufacturing factory environment

- university degree, preferably in business administration related topic or it

- it literate in use of microsoft office and enterprise erp systems. have the ability to create reports as required

- must be able to communicate effectively in english & chinese – both orally and written

- relevant e_perience gained within 24/7 manufacturing operations

key competencies

- detail orientated, applying analytical and evidence based approach leading to good and clear decision making

- resourceful, and able to manage concurrent activities

- knowledge and implementation of inventory management tools

- has the ability to clearly communicate, across, up and down the organisation in china and e_ternally with applicable customer service functions in country.

第3篇 物料計(jì)劃員崗位職責(zé)

物料計(jì)劃員 常熟安通林 常熟安通林汽車飾件有限公司,常熟安通林,安通林 職責(zé)描述:
















  • 物料計(jì)劃員崗位職責(zé)9篇
  • 物料計(jì)劃員崗位職責(zé)9篇67人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么物料計(jì)劃員是企業(yè)供應(yīng)鏈管理中的關(guān)鍵角色,負(fù)責(zé)確保生產(chǎn)過程中的物料供應(yīng)穩(wěn)定、高效,以滿足生產(chǎn)需求和客戶需求。崗位職責(zé)要求1.具備良好的數(shù)據(jù)分析能 ...[更多]

  • 物料計(jì)劃員崗位職責(zé)匯編(3篇)
  • 物料計(jì)劃員崗位職責(zé)匯編(3篇)26人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么物料計(jì)劃員是企業(yè)供應(yīng)鏈管理中的關(guān)鍵角色,負(fù)責(zé)確保生產(chǎn)過程中的物料供應(yīng)穩(wěn)定、高效,以滿足生產(chǎn)需求和客戶需求。崗位職責(zé)要求1.具備良好的數(shù)據(jù)分析能 ...[更多]
