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更新時間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):21



rv崗位,即recreation vehicle(休閑車)專員,主要負責公司休閑車產(chǎn)品線的運營管理和客戶服務工作。這個角色在汽車行業(yè)中扮演著連接制造商、經(jīng)銷商與消費者的橋梁,確保休閑車產(chǎn)品的市場推廣、銷售和服務環(huán)節(jié)順暢進行。


1. 專業(yè)知識:具備深厚的休閑車行業(yè)知識,了解各類車型的特點、性能和市場需求。

2. 溝通技巧:擅長與客戶、經(jīng)銷商和內(nèi)部團隊建立良好的溝通,處理各種業(yè)務問題。

3. 項目管理:能夠有效地組織和協(xié)調(diào)資源,確保項目的順利實施。

4. 市場洞察:對市場動態(tài)敏感,能及時捕捉消費者需求變化,為產(chǎn)品改進提供建議。

5. 客戶服務:提供卓越的客戶服務,解決售后問題,提升客戶滿意度。

6. 商業(yè)意識:理解公司的商業(yè)目標,制定并執(zhí)行符合市場策略的銷售計劃。



1. 產(chǎn)品推廣:策劃和執(zhí)行有效的市場推廣活動,提高品牌知名度和產(chǎn)品銷量。

2. 銷售支持:與經(jīng)銷商合作,提供銷售培訓和市場分析,協(xié)助他們提升業(yè)績。

3. 客戶服務:處理客戶咨詢和投訴,建立和完善客戶服務流程,確保客戶體驗優(yōu)質(zhì)。

4. 數(shù)據(jù)分析:收集和分析銷售數(shù)據(jù),為決策提供依據(jù),優(yōu)化產(chǎn)品定價和市場定位。

5. 供應鏈協(xié)調(diào):與生產(chǎn)部門緊密協(xié)作,確保庫存管理及訂單履行的高效運行。

6. 危機管理:應對突發(fā)事件,制定應急方案,減少對公司聲譽的影響。


1. 市場研究:定期進行市場調(diào)研,了解競品動態(tài),為產(chǎn)品開發(fā)和改進提供參考。

2. 合作伙伴管理:維護與經(jīng)銷商的關系,解決合作中的問題,推動雙方共贏。

3. 銷售報告:編制銷售報告,匯報銷售業(yè)績,提出改進建議。

4. 客戶滿意度調(diào)查:定期進行客戶滿意度調(diào)查,持續(xù)優(yōu)化服務質(zhì)量和產(chǎn)品體驗。

5. 團隊協(xié)作:與銷售、市場、售后等部門密切配合,共同推動業(yè)務發(fā)展。

6. 政策法規(guī)遵守:確保業(yè)務運營符合相關法規(guī)要求,避免法律風險。



第1篇 assistant - professional service (mc c&o)崗位職責描述崗位要求



assist advisory c&o function to complete engagement relevant and administration works, including but not limited to:

- public info research and further analysis including industry info, governance strategy, etc;

- commercial bidding support works;

- take part in c&o marketing campaigns and write public news on media platforms like wechat subscription, weibo, relevant websites, etc.



- 搜集調(diào)查行業(yè)、政策等公開信息資料,并進行必要的數(shù)據(jù)分析

- 協(xié)助完成項目招投標相關工作

- 參與c&o團隊市場推廣工作,負責撰寫對外宣傳文章,維護微信公眾號等新媒體平臺。

basic requirements

- cet-6; good english reading and writing skills

- e_perience on internet media operation

- bachelor +

- 1 year+ working e_perience

- strong personal initiative, accountability, and creativity

- good team player, willing to learn

- good communication and interpersonal skills

- ability to thrive in a challenging environment


- 大學英語六級或以上,具備較強的英語讀寫能力

- 有新媒體運營經(jīng)驗優(yōu)先

- 本科學歷及以上

- 1年以上工作經(jīng)驗

- 富有主動性、責任感和創(chuàng)造力

- 擁有良好的團隊精神、樂于學習

- 具有良好的溝通和人際交往能力

- 樂于在具有挑戰(zhàn)性的環(huán)境下成長

第2篇 aftersales training operation supervisor售后培訓運營主管崗位職責描述崗位要求


aftersales training operation supervisor售后培訓運營主管

a. responsibilities職責

1. aftersales training system and policy optimization


2. dealer training process creation and optimization


3. training course structure construction and implementation


4. aftersales cross function communication and coordination


5. dealer training coordination


6. training effectiveness evaluation and optimization


7. training knowledge base setting up and maintenance


b. requirements 要求:

1. industry background:

行業(yè)背景 ? training e_perience≥5years 5年及以上培訓有關的工作經(jīng)驗

? work e_perience ≥8years 工作經(jīng)驗8年及以上

2. knowledge and skills:

知識技能 ? strong training structure and process related


? understanding aftersales business


? good communication and comprehension skill


? teamwork spirit, work under pressure, and logical thinking necessary


3. education / training:

教育/培訓 ? bachelor degree or above

? ??萍耙陨?/p>

4. competencies:其他 ? fluent chinese/english written and spoken language skills


? ms office


5. language skills語言: ? english英文; chinese中文

6. working location地址: ? shanghai 上海

第3篇 parts order management and customer service manager崗位職責描述崗位要求


parts order management and customer service manager

as manager for parts order management and customer service you will be responsible for developing consistently improving order management process and customer service sop by coordinating with supplier and each dealer, acting as entry point contact of escalation for customer complaints and issue resolution




china, shanghai


- order management sop development and integration -stk, eme and vor for repair order

- backorder follow up and solution especially for critical bo

- recall champion lead to insure all recall parts availability and distribution on time

- vor and critical order case initiation and escalation

- claim management process enhancement

- closely working with other function in parts including but not limited to inventory planning, logistics and warehouse to increase service level to dealer

- training dealer for order process

qualifications (key words only)

must have

- knowledge of supply chain and operation flow, minimum of 5 years of e_perience.

- strong problem identified and resolving skill, based on deep know-how to the complicated logistic flow

- must be able to track daily performance and develop corrective actions if performance level is not being achieved at a satisfactory level

- english fluent


other oem / cross industry: no preference. knowledge of auto parts catalog systems preferred

第4篇 客戶服務工程師 service engineer崗位職責描述崗位要求



1. 新設備現(xiàn)場指導安裝和調(diào)試。

2. 老設備現(xiàn)場維修及維護服務。

3. 用戶現(xiàn)場無法修復設備發(fā)回公司維修服務。

4. 及時反饋現(xiàn)場遇到的問題并出具書面報告。

5. 與客戶溝通解決技術問題,如果需要書面溝通。

6. 認真填寫現(xiàn)場服務報告及出差報銷單。

7. 迅速地學習與產(chǎn)品相關的新技能以實現(xiàn)更好的服務客戶。

8. 積極配合部門其他人員做好服務工作,發(fā)揚團隊精神。

9. 完成部門領導分配的其他任務。


1. 大專及以上學歷;

2. 3年機械設備售后維修相關工作經(jīng)驗;

3. 機械或電氣部分維修經(jīng)驗;

4. 英文書寫流利,能夠用英文總結(jié)問題;

5. 熟練操作office軟件;

6. 誠實,積極性,責任心,善于分析和談判,勤奮工作,能夠適應經(jīng)常出差和時間不定的現(xiàn)場工作;

job description:

1. installation and commission of new equipment on-site.

2. old equipment repair and maintenance on site.

3. maintain equipment which is back to the company.

4. feedback problems and submit service report in time.

5. communicate with client for technical issues, prepare written report if necessary.

6. fill in service report and reimbursement report in time seriously.

7. learn new knowledge on products quickly in order to achieve better levels ofcustomer service.

8. cooperate actively with other colleagues from sas and other departments to develop team-work spirit.

9. other works assigned by dept. leader.

positon requirements:

1. junior college or above.

2. 3 years related working e_periences.

3. mechanical or electrical integration is preferred.

4. be able to read and write in english.

5. be familiar with ms office.

6.to be honest, active, responsible, good at analysis and negotiation, hard work while adapt to frequent business trips and time indeterminate of on-site work;

第5篇 fabrication supervisor鋁合金船體裝配主管崗位職責描述崗位要求


position: fabrication supervisor


department: production dept.


report chain: directly report to production manager

匯報鏈: 直接匯報給生產(chǎn)經(jīng)理





responsibility: lead the fabricators & welders and oversee outsourced team to complete hull and other fabrication work otif, assist production manager in daily work.


key tasks:


1)promote compliance with the workplace health and safety.


2)work with local r&d and australian team, digest and keep up-to-date of fabrication technical material, drawing, process procedure and quality standard.


3)delegate work responsibilities in fabrication section.


-follow production plan to ensure fabrication plan to be achieved.


-ensure company policies and procedures, including quality assurance are promoted and adhere to.


-monitor daily work to ensure it meets the silver yachts standard and customer e_pectations.


-ensuring that jobs are fabricated correctly, cost effectively and delivered on time in accordance to customer build specification and quality requirements.


-plan, implement technical and workmanship training, tools handling for workers.


-hold continuous improving activity for equipment, work methods etc.


-work with planning team to improve work hour and process improvement.


-planning, scheduling and reviewing workload to ensure production output and on time delivery targets are achieved cost effectively.


-planning and budget preparation for new projects – estimating materials and labour.


4)production improvement.


-indirect materials consumption.


-5s follow up on site.


-lean manufacture practice.


-improving productivity, product and process quality.


-reducing rework and waste of resources.




-good team work and coordination with quality, material, and facility.


-good communication with silver yachts australia on design changes or other technical issue.


-trouble shooting with r&d team on technical and quality issue encounter in fabrication.




1)fabrication trade certification, college diploma or above major in ship building or material fabrication related subject.


2)5 years’ above related e_perience in hull design or fabrication management.


3)good knowledge of aluminium alloy welding / fabrication tools know-how is an advantage;


4)familiar with lloyds, gl/dnv, bv, ccs、nk、abs classification society and standard;

熟系lloyds, gl/dnv, bv, ccs、nk、abs 等船級社及相關標準;

5)2/3 d autocad/solid works/catia software application skills.

熟練使用autocad/solid works/catia 等2/3維設計軟件

6)good oral and written english skills.


7)good communication skills and team cooperation attitude.


第6篇 translator/analyst-forensic advisory services崗位職責描述崗位要求


duties and responsibilities

1.conduct integrity (“reputational”) due diligence reports for clients in different industries;

2.perform all kinds of research projects using the information obtained from the public domain and other sources;

3.initiate reviews for various purposes such as aml / kyc compliance and third party management;

4.participate into any other tasks as required, including investigation, risk assessment, anti-bribery & corruption compliance and fcpa review, with tasks in performing analysis, conducting interviews, electronic data review, identifying issues, drafting reports, and communicating with team management and clients;

5.assist partners/managers with the creation and development of proposals;

6.confident in working independently on own tasks and creating quality work products.

skills and specifications

1 e_cellent research & analytical skills;

2 detail oriented and the ability to detect and analyze comple_ risks;

3 tenacity and ingenuity in the pursuit of sources;

4 ability to handle large volumes of information;

5 ability to work to deadlines;

6 ability to work as part of a team;

7 ability to accept feedback as a learning opportunity;

8 ability to build and maintain good working relationships;

9 positive outlook on change, self-motivated, fle_ible and adaptable;

10 education to bachelor’s degree level;

11 fluency in chinese and english; knowledge of other languages is an advantage.


第7篇 service consultant 服務顧問 上海 id-30973崗位職責描述崗位要求





1. ? ?你不愿意每天只面對電腦工作;

2. ? ?你不愿意墨守成規(guī),循規(guī)蹈矩;

3. ? ?你希望在廣闊的平臺找到很多的機會可以提高自己的能力;

4. ? ?你享受多元文化的工作環(huán)境;

5. ? ?你陽光開朗,希望在工作中結(jié)交各行各業(yè)的朋友;

6. ? ?你熱情善良,為人誠信,愿意幫助他人更好的學習英語;

7. ? ?你具備良好的溝通能力和技巧;

8. ? ?你擁有本科以上學歷;英語專業(yè)者優(yōu)先;

9. ? ?你擁有1年以上的服務行業(yè)或相關崗位經(jīng)驗。

第8篇 hrsupervisor人事主管崗位職責


contribute to the business strategy by helping leaders to identify, prioritize, and build organizational capabilities, behaviors, structures, and processes.

support the performance and talent management cycle through objective and development plan setting, performance calibration and talent development.

maintain effective win-win working relationships with managers, employees and their representatives.

educate the business to ensure line managers and employess understand the hr model and can quickly and efficiently access solutions.

other task assigned by line manager (commercial hrbp).


2-3 years work e_perience e_perience in one of coe/cos functions.

good english, e_cel and ppt skills.

e_perience working in a large, matri_ organization is preferred.

knowledge of organisational design, development, structures & function/roles under scope.

very good understanding of the business conte_t and business key deliverables/ initiatives.

familiarity with hr processes.

第9篇 productionsupervisor生產(chǎn)主管崗位職責


monitor operator’s daily work in workshop; managing the discipline and 7s in production section.


arrange the production according to production plan, and monitor the progress.


follow the daily output and quality to meet the production plan.


troubleshooting and promptly feedback to superior.


monitor operators’ work according to wi requirement strictly, and ensure operator be qualified.


coordinate with pie and other departments to analyze the root cause of defective products, and take corrective and preventive actions to avoid the same problem happened repeatedly.


responsible for the allocation of resource for production lines, including manpower, equipment, materials.


provide positive suggestion, optimizing production line, improving efficiency, reduce scrap and costs.


deal with other assignments assigned by superior.



college degree or above.


3-5 years work e_perience.


good in written and oral english.

第10篇 serviceengineer崗位職責serviceengineer職責任職要求


key account sales - b2b service key account sales - for a global b2b service group (catering service)


- proactively searching / attracting / meeting with potential clients to drive the new business development

- support and act as local daily entry point for clients

- leads generation responsible

- study & understand compass/eurest solution

- build up / timely update the sales funnel accurately based on efficient communication

- use crm to manage the clients / potential clients

- understand the client needs, identify wity, set up effective sales strategy on any potential client

- call for and responsible for the meetings (blackhat, opening debriefing) to ensure the streamline communication

- proposal profit and loss analysis responsible, monitor and manage the financial result positively impact our growth

- data quality responsible

- well preparation before any sales activities to ensure professional approach which includes but not limited to site demo, client meeting, etc.

- coordinate and facilitate the contract negotiation and signing

- client relationship maintain for the long-term growth

- promote the company image positively in the market

- share best practice

- other responsibilities reserved

- achieve yearly sales target per agreed

- funnel report update and submission on weekly basis

- other objectives reserved


- 5+ b2b service industry sales e_perience, hotel & catering service e_perience is preference.

- solid project sales or key client sales e_perience.

- e_cellent interpersonal and communication skills

- analytical skills

- negotiation skills

- basic p/l knowledge

- bidding e_perience

- mature, passionate and self-motivated

- college degree and above

- 5 year + sales btb e_perience in service industry

- fluent written & oral english key account sales - for a global b2b service group (catering service)


- proactively searching / attracting / meeting with potential clients to drive the new business development

- support and act as local daily entry point for clients

- leads generation responsible

- study & understand compass/eurest solution

- build up / timely update the sales funnel accurately based on efficient communication

- use crm to manage the clients / potential clients

- understand the client needs, identify wity, set up effective sales strategy on any potential client

- call for and responsible for the meetings (blackhat, opening debriefing) to ensure the streamline communication

- proposal profit and loss analysis responsible, monitor and manage the financial result positively impact our growth

- data quality responsible

- well preparation before any sales activities to ensure professional approach which includes but not limited to site demo, client meeting, etc.

- coordinate and facilitate the contract negotiation and signing

- client relationship maintain for the long-term growth

- promote the company image positively in the market

- share best practice

- other responsibilities reserved

- achieve yearly sales target per agreed

- funnel report update and submission on weekly basis

- other objectives reserved


- 5+ b2b service industry sales e_perience, hotel & catering service e_perience is preference.

- solid project sales or key client sales e_perience.

- e_cellent interpersonal and communication skills

- analytical skills

- negotiation skills

- basic p/l knowledge

- bidding e_perience

- mature, passionate and self-motivated

- college degree and above

- 5 year + sales btb e_perience in service industry

- fluent written & oral english

第11篇 senior business analyst-financial service崗位職責要求


1, responsible for the fulfillment of all assigned consulting project and manage the schedule for the completion of the project;

2, to build & strengthen client relationships with the objective of long-term account penetration;

3, work in a team for project design, supervise data collection & introduce market models for direct strategic analysis & recommendations;

4, review the project status, interact with analysts, survey team & clients during project implementation;

5, develop and present project analysis and report to clients;

6, support ongoing market monitoring activities through discussions with industry participants;

7, contributing in and summarizing investment conference calls;

8, miscellaneous equity projects including writing parts of research reports

9, analysing companies based on their published financial statements, annual reports and other public source

1, at least 3 years of e_perience in a consulting firm, preferably in banking & finance firm;

2, superior analytical & conceptual ability with proven consulting skills;

3. motivated self starter & able to work under pressure with tight deadlines;

4, broad understanding /desire to learn of the current market/ technology trends

5, e_cellent presentation skill;

6, should possess sound analytical thinking and an ability to handle projects independently.

7. e_perience in any industries

8. analytical skills and an interest in learning about the investment process

9. e_cellent computer skills including spreadsheets, word processing and graphics

10. e_cellent verbal and written communication skills

第12篇 facility supervisor 設施主管 id44989崗位職責描述崗位要求


job summary:

? 運用店鋪形象評分工具,有計劃執(zhí)行門市改造、翻新專案,提升門市業(yè)績與形象

? 執(zhí)行門店維護專案,分析叫修系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù),提升效益

? 執(zhí)行設備設施更換專案,固定資產(chǎn)盤點

? 執(zhí)行門市伙伴相關設備設施培訓內(nèi)容,提升門市伙伴設備設施專業(yè)度

崗位職責/job responsibility:

? 門市形象提升,運用店鋪形象評分工具,有計劃執(zhí)行門市改造、翻新專案,提升門市業(yè)績與形象。

? 維修、保養(yǎng)作業(yè),執(zhí)行門店維護專案,分析叫修系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù),提升效益。

? 設備設施專案,執(zhí)行設備設施更換專案,固定資產(chǎn)盤點。

? 提供廠商、門市教育訓練、進行有效的設備技術支援,執(zhí)行門市伙伴相關設備設施培訓內(nèi)容。

第13篇 supervisor崗位職責內(nèi)容及任職資格




role & responsibilities? co-operate with area operation where operations required.? check & validate the correctness of data entered in control? check profitability, unbilled jobs, accrual, etc.? supervise a team of staff to ensure the job is completed on time to ensure the service standards are met and initiate suggestions on services/operations improvement.? monitor team performance, help team in e_ecuting the goals assigned & provide recognition to team members.? allocate and adjust the workload within the team.? monitor the operation process to ensure the compliance with company guideline, e_port regulations, duties, and tariffs in some markets.? act as super-user for available system.? review the operation procedure and propose suggestion for improvement.? perform any other task assigned by management from time to time.education & knowledge, e_perience & skills required? degree qualified, logistics related major.? minimum of 5 years of e_perience in freight forwarding company, of which minimum 2 years in a supervisory level.? sound knowledge on ocean e_port, transshipment cargo and operations handling procedure.? strong in ms application.? fluency in english speaking, reading and writing.specific targets for this position (such like kpis, sales targets or any other measurable goals)hbl print >;=99%mbl receipt >;=99%j2j, confirm departure >;=99%job financial e_ception management <=1%

第14篇 一線奢侈品牌店鋪銷售主管salessupervisor崗位職責























第15篇 logisticsupervisor崗位職責logisticsupervisor職責任職要求


deputy qa manager 質(zhì)量保證副經(jīng)理 responsibilities:

? support departmental and functional managers to optimize their processes.

? manage and improve key metrics including coq, copq, that include in their sub sets: customer complaints, rework & scrap costs [both e_ternal & internal].

? implement and sustain a system of smart product quality checklists for npi’s and evolve e_isting quality value add by removing and reviewing criteria for iqc, ipqc & fqc.

? provide dfm input as part of p-fmea relating to engineering specifications such as dimensional tolerances and cosmetic finish requirements as well as the robustness of the factory manufacturing processes to remove risk of non-conformance.

? responsible for customers quality requirements such as qp’s, ctq’s, ppap’s thru to psw including parts and deliverable documentation needs as well as related records of iterations and full product traceability.

? deep understanding and ability to use and teach key quality tools including spc, r@r, gauge r&r, run charts, yields data processing, rca, 8d to implement robust tangible improvements.

? support sqe by identifying part for them to monitor and key ‘a(chǎn)t risk’ to quality criteria.

? maintain and sustain departments ‘capability & functional capacity tables and training matrices. demonstrating cross departmental cross and e_cellence.


? candidate form automobile industry is highly preferred.

? bachelor’s degree or above, minimum 7 years of cable and wire harnessing manufacturing e_perience with automotive and / or medical compliance requirements.

? have established managerial e_perience [>; 5 years] in an international manufacturing company and be well versed in working with international customers in conference calls and face to face.

? highly pc literate in microsoft office suite of packages and other quality s/w packages that are spc and metric based.

? possess a high level of emotional intelligence as a customer facing link, manager of a team and pier to pier collaborative relationship management.

? self-motivated, can do attitude possessing strong planning, problem solving and analytical skills.

? able to be p&l [coq] intelligent producing budgets for equipment, people, training, and e_ternal qualifications services.

? good communication and writing skills in both english and mandarin are essential.

interfaces with

? r&d, npi, production and engineering teams.

? sqa / sqe team.

? customers. responsibilities:

? support departmental and functional managers to optimize their processes.

? manage and improve key metrics including coq, copq, that include in their sub sets: customer complaints, rework & scrap costs [both e_ternal & internal].

? implement and sustain a system of smart product quality checklists for npi’s and evolve e_isting quality value add by removing and reviewing criteria for iqc, ipqc & fqc.

? provide dfm input as part of p-fmea relating to engineering specifications such as dimensional tolerances and cosmetic finish requirements as well as the robustness of the factory manufacturing processes to remove risk of non-conformance.

? responsible for customers quality requirements such as qp’s, ctq’s, ppap’s thru to psw including parts and deliverable documentation needs as well as related records of iterations and full product traceability.

? deep understanding and ability to use and teach key quality tools including spc, r@r, gauge r&r, run charts, yields data processing, rca, 8d to implement robust tangible improvements.

? support sqe by identifying part for them to monitor and key ‘a(chǎn)t risk’ to quality criteria.

? maintain and sustain departments ‘capability & functional capacity tables and training matrices. demonstrating cross departmental cross and e_cellence.


? candidate form automobile industry is highly preferred.

? bachelor’s degree or above, minimum 7 years of cable and wire harnessing manufacturing e_perience with automotive and / or medical compliance requirements.

? have established managerial e_perience [>; 5 years] in an international manufacturing company and be well versed in working with international customers in conference calls and face to face.

? highly pc literate in microsoft office suite of packages and other quality s/w packages that are spc and metric based.

? possess a high level of emotional intelligence as a customer facing link, manager of a team and pier to pier collaborative relationship management.

? self-motivated, can do attitude possessing strong planning, problem solving and analytical skills.

? able to be p&l [coq] intelligent producing budgets for equipment, people, training, and e_ternal qualifications services.

? good communication and writing skills in both english and mandarin are essential.

interfaces with

? r&d, npi, production and engineering teams.

? sqa / sqe team.

? customers.

第16篇 supervisorofqm崗位職責

sourcing director as business development representative, youll leverage your e_perience and network by sourcing the best factories that china has to offer to join our e-commerce platform. you will identify opportunities for the team, and combine your warm personality with our strong value proposition to convince e_cellent suppliers to become new sellers in the company.

the company is a startup environment, and things move quickly — while fast-paced, this means you will be an important part of how our culture develops and your career can scale. for this role, we are e_pecting long-term dedication from someone who will grow with us for many years to come.


? source products and suppliers throughout china according to our supplier framework

? articulate companys value proposition and selection process to prospects

? qualify, score, and pass opportunities to senior business development managers to close the suppliers

? reach out to and follow up with suppliers through email and wechat to coordinate visits

? attend sourcing fairs to identify and meet with potential suppliers to add to our platform

? work with our merchandising team to identify cost-effective options to hit our merchandising goals

? prepare monthly reports to keep bd team and keep the team well informed of status of all current opportunities

? qualify opportunities - especially with respect to pricing and available products


? at least 1 year e_perience in sourcing, business development, or working for a brand or supplier, and knowledge around a specific vertical (accessories, electronics, apparel)

? ambition with high sense of urgency and self-direction自 - entrepreneurial e_perience a big plus

? team player with ability to work with associates from different cultures

? integrity — absolutely no bad actors, inappropriate behavior, or under-the-table actions will be tolerated

? fluent in english and mandarin

? e_cellent ability to use technology for work (wechat, slack, microsoft office)

? an eye for quality. quickly identify the quality of a supplier and their capabilities from a factory visit

? the ability to always be able to confidently pick up the phone and ask critical questions charismatically

? a passion for commerce and e_citement about our platform and vision

as business development representative, youll leverage your e_perience and network by sourcing the best factories that china has to offer to join our e-commerce platform. you will identify opportunities for the team, and combine your warm personality with our strong value proposition to convince e_cellent suppliers to become new sellers in the company.

the company is a startup environment, and things move quickly — while fast-paced, this means you will be an important part of how our culture develops and your career can scale. for this role, we are e_pecting long-term dedication from someone who will grow with us for many years to come.


? source products and suppliers throughout china according to our supplier framework

? articulate companys value proposition and selection process to prospects

? qualify, score, and pass opportunities to senior business development managers to close the suppliers

? reach out to and follow up with suppliers through email and wechat to coordinate visits

? attend sourcing fairs to identify and meet with potential suppliers to add to our platform

? work with our merchandising team to identify cost-effective options to hit our merchandising goals

? prepare monthly reports to keep bd team and keep the team well informed of status of all current opportunities

? qualify opportunities - especially with respect to pricing and available products


? at least 1 year e_perience in sourcing, business development, or working for a brand or supplier, and knowledge around a specific vertical (accessories, electronics, apparel)

? ambition with high sense of urgency and self-direction自 - entrepreneurial e_perience a big plus

? team player with ability to work with associates from different cultures

? integrity — absolutely no bad actors, inappropriate behavior, or under-the-table actions will be tolerated

? fluent in english and mandarin

? e_cellent ability to use technology for work (wechat, slack, microsoft office)

? an eye for quality. quickly identify the quality of a supplier and their capabilities from a factory visit

? the ability to always be able to confidently pick up the phone and ask critical questions charismatically

? a passion for commerce and e_citement about our platform and vision

第17篇 customerservice客服專員崗位職責














1. bachelors degree

2. more than 3 year’s business e_periences in customer service area or dealing with customer

3. e_cellent computer skills (ms office suite especially e_cel/ power point).

4. fluent in english reading and writing.good oral engilish is preferred.

5. strong customer orientation and committed to service e_cellence

6. pleasant personality & high integrity. proactive, good planning and e_ecution ability

7. good interpersonal and communication skills with colleagues and customers

8. strong team- player, yet able to work independently

1. mps and customer order delivery handling

2. statement and payment follow up, reports creating

3. customer complaint dealing together with qa team

4. other assignment by cs manager

第18篇 salessupervisor銷售主管崗位職責







6.負責客戶日常商務談判(工程變更, 增量等)



1. 本科及以上學歷,汽車相關專業(yè)優(yōu)先;

2. 具有3-4年的汽車行業(yè)零部件oem銷售經(jīng)驗;

3. 具有一定的質(zhì)量體系方面的知識

4. 熟練使用office等相關軟件

5. 良好的英語聽說讀寫能力

第19篇 service consultant 服務顧問 ef成人 上海 id-30973崗位職責描述崗位要求





1. ? ?你不愿意每天只面對電腦工作;

2. ? ?你不愿意墨守成規(guī),循規(guī)蹈矩;

3. ? ?你希望在廣闊的平臺找到很多的機會可以提高自己的能力;

4. ? ?你享受多元文化的工作環(huán)境;

5. ? ?你陽光開朗,希望在工作中結(jié)交各行各業(yè)的朋友;

6. ? ?你熱情善良,為人誠信,愿意幫助他人更好的學習英語;

7. ? ?你具備良好的溝通能力和技巧;

8. ? ?你擁有本科以上學歷;英語專業(yè)者優(yōu)先;

9. ? ?你擁有1年以上的服務行業(yè)或相關崗位經(jīng)驗。

第20篇 productmarketingsupervisor崗位職責職位要求


primary duties 主要職責:

? perform market research to understand the customer needs and pain points. deliver strong and clear value proposition of magnaflu_ products targeted at different markets;

? coordinate and participate in on-going innovation/voc e_ercises. combine this information with business case analysis to define and e_ecute product development plans for the local market;

? competitor product research and analysis, monitoring changes within target markets;

? develop product analysis, product life cycles, new product roadmap, pricing strategy and positioning for local market;

? coordinate with global and local teams for new product development and launch in the local market;

? support on marketing communication (collateral, technical documents and training tools/courses);

? active participation in sales project, including pre-sales and after sales;

? active participation in customer training, marketing tradeshow and seminar etc.

education and/or equivalent e_perience 教育及相關資歷

? must possess e_cellent communication, interpersonal, and leadership skills;

? at least 2-3 years working e_perience as part of a product marketing team, preferably in ndt (non-destructive testing), chemical industry or other manufacturing industry;

? must have a passion for technology and innovation;

? must have a good working understanding of selling and marketing in a global environment companies;

? bachelor’s degree in chemical or relative, ndt background is highly preferred;









  • rv崗位職責20篇
  • rv崗位職責20篇21人關注

    崗位職責是什么rv崗位,即recreationvehicle(休閑車)專員,主要負責公司休閑車產(chǎn)品線的運營管理和客戶服務工作。這個角色在汽車行業(yè)中扮演著連接制造商、經(jīng)銷商與消費 ...[更多]
