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更新時間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):29



rams(reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety)工程師是一個專注于產(chǎn)品或系統(tǒng)可靠性的專業(yè)角色,他們在設計、開發(fā)和維護過程中確保產(chǎn)品的安全性和可用性。rams工程師的工作核心在于通過分析和預測,減少潛在故障,提高系統(tǒng)的穩(wěn)定性和安全性。


1. 深入理解rams相關法規(guī)和標準,如iec 61508、en 50126/8/9等。

2. 具備扎實的工程背景,熟悉至少一種具體行業(yè)(如軌道交通、航空、醫(yī)療設備等)的運作原理。

3. 熟練運用故障模式及效應分析(fmea)、故障樹分析(fta)等風險評估工具。

4. 能夠進行復雜的數(shù)據(jù)分析,包括故障率計算、可靠性預測和維修性評估。

5. 具備良好的溝通技巧,能有效協(xié)調跨部門合作,推動rams改進措施的實施。



1. 在項目初期參與需求定義,評估系統(tǒng)可能的風險,并提出改進建議。

2. 分析系統(tǒng)組件的性能,識別潛在的故障模式,并預測其影響。

3. 制定和執(zhí)行測試計劃,驗證系統(tǒng)的可靠性和安全性。

4. 與工程團隊緊密合作,確保設計方案符合rams要求。

5. 定期審查和更新rams報告,以反映最新的系統(tǒng)狀態(tài)和改進措施。

6. 參與故障調查,提供解決方案,持續(xù)優(yōu)化產(chǎn)品的可靠性和安全性。


1. rams文檔編制:包括rams計劃、rams評估報告、風險評估報告等。

2. 數(shù)據(jù)收集與分析:收集產(chǎn)品使用數(shù)據(jù),進行統(tǒng)計分析,為決策提供依據(jù)。

3. 技術支持:為設計、生產(chǎn)、服務等部門提供rams相關的技術支持和咨詢服務。

4. 培訓與教育:組織rams知識的內部培訓,提升團隊的整體理解與應用能力。

5. 標準與法規(guī)跟蹤:關注相關行業(yè)的rams標準動態(tài),確保產(chǎn)品始終符合最新要求。

6. 供應商管理:與供應商合作,確保其提供的組件或服務滿足rams標準。



第1篇 rams工程師崗位職責任職要求


rams/lcc engineer/可靠性分析工程師 克諾爾 克諾爾車輛設備(蘇州)有限公司,克諾爾車輛 responsibilities:

1. review, analyze and coordinate with kb munich on rams/lcc related customer requirements according to the information from sales/project manager/(electronic) system engineer according to procedure re_ sp4.

2. perform rams&lcc analysis (e.g. system fmea) for chinese customers in cooperation with kb suzhou system engineering and kb munich rams/lcc team.

3. evaluate statistical field failure data (mtbf) in cooperate with kb suzhou project quality engineering and kb munich.

4. involved in customer rams/lcc related meetings in china and coordinate rams/lcc issues raised from customer between kb munich rams/lcc team and kb suzhou.

5. analysis and apply rams/lcc related international/national and railway industry standards/norms.

6. other tasks assigned by department manager.


1. e_perience in reliability/safety analysis or e_periences with railway industry or automobile/automation industry or mechanical industry

2. knowledge of pneumatic, mechanic and electronic control

3. university degree or equivalent in reliability or safety engineering or mechanical engineering or electrical/automation engineering


第2篇 西門子交通-rams engineer可靠性工程師(株洲)崗位職責描述崗位要求


what are my responsibilities

guide sw engineer to develop railway application software according to relevant standards;

create sw assurance plan; sw management plan; guideline and documents for software audit by third party.

take lead to negotiate and defense to e_ternal audit and independent 3rd party.

what do i need to qualify for this job

- knows rams & software developing standards of en50126, en50128 and en50129 well.

- e_perience on editing or checking software planning document according to en50128, e.g. software quality assurance plan, software verification plan, software validation plan, software maintenance plan.

- e_perience on editing or checking software developing documents and software testing documents according to en50128, e.g. software requirement document, software functional speciation, test validation document.

第3篇 rams工程師崗位職責

rams 工程師 1. the primary task of the rams/lcc engineer is to plan and carry out the necessary activities within the bid and project to ensure that the ram/lcc requirements and data are communicated and incorporated into the design.

2. define and transmit rams/lcc requirements to sub-supplier when applicable. review sub-supplier rams/lcc performance.

3. studying customer requirements.

4. define rams/lcc requirements on products.

5. collect and analyze field data and give feedback to relevant functions. if necessary update generic rams data based on specific field data.

6. review and approve rams/lcc reports.

? master of science in engineering or equivalent qualifications

it′s advantageous if you have prior e_perience in some of the following areas:

? product development & design

? rams/lcc

? risk analysis, for e_ample fmea/fmeca

? requirements management

? systems engineering

1. the primary task of the rams/lcc engineer is to plan and carry out the necessary activities within the bid and project to ensure that the ram/lcc requirements and data are communicated and incorporated into the design.

2. define and transmit rams/lcc requirements to sub-supplier when applicable. review sub-supplier rams/lcc performance.

3. studying customer requirements.

4. define rams/lcc requirements on products.

5. collect and analyze field data and give feedback to relevant functions. if necessary update generic rams data based on specific field data.

6. review and approve rams/lcc reports.

? master of science in engineering or equivalent qualifications

it′s advantageous if you have prior e_perience in some of the following areas:

? product development & design

? rams/lcc

? risk analysis, for e_ample fmea/fmeca

? requirements management

? systems engineering




  • rams崗位職責3篇
  • rams崗位職責3篇29人關注

    崗位職責是什么rams(reliability,availability,maintainability,andsafety)工程師是一個專注于產(chǎn)品或系統(tǒng)可靠性的專業(yè)角色,他們在設計、開發(fā)和維護過程中確保產(chǎn)品的 ...[更多]
