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更新時間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):49



ipl,即interactive product line(互動產(chǎn)品線)負責人,是一個關(guān)鍵的管理角色,專注于策劃、開發(fā)和執(zhí)行一系列與消費者互動性強的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)。這個職位的核心在于理解和利用市場趨勢,為公司的產(chǎn)品線制定策略,以提升用戶體驗,增強品牌影響力,并實現(xiàn)商業(yè)目標。


1. 深入理解市場動態(tài)和消費者需求,持續(xù)評估產(chǎn)品線的競爭力。

2. 具備出色的項目管理和團隊協(xié)作能力,確保產(chǎn)品開發(fā)按時按質(zhì)完成。

3. 精通數(shù)據(jù)分析,能夠從銷售數(shù)據(jù)、用戶反饋中提煉關(guān)鍵洞察,指導產(chǎn)品優(yōu)化。

4. 善于溝通,能有效協(xié)調(diào)內(nèi)部資源,包括設(shè)計、開發(fā)、營銷等部門,推動產(chǎn)品創(chuàng)新。

5. 對新興技術(shù)和行業(yè)趨勢保持敏銳的洞察力,持續(xù)探索新的互動形式。




1. 市場研究與策略規(guī)劃:進行市場調(diào)研,分析競爭對手,定義產(chǎn)品定位,制定長期產(chǎn)品路線圖。

2. 產(chǎn)品開發(fā)管理:與開發(fā)團隊緊密合作,確保產(chǎn)品的功能設(shè)計、用戶體驗和上市時間符合預期。

3. 用戶洞察與反饋:收集并分析用戶反饋,持續(xù)優(yōu)化產(chǎn)品,提升用戶滿意度。

4. 跨部門協(xié)作:協(xié)調(diào)設(shè)計、營銷、運營等部門,確保產(chǎn)品上市的順利進行,以及后期的推廣和維護。

5. 創(chuàng)新推動:探索新的互動技術(shù),如ai、ar/vr等,將前沿科技融入產(chǎn)品,提升互動體驗。

6. 業(yè)績評估與調(diào)整:定期評估產(chǎn)品表現(xiàn),根據(jù)市場反應(yīng)和業(yè)務(wù)目標調(diào)整產(chǎn)品策略。



第1篇 senior/ principle hcm顧問職位描述與崗位職責任職要求




?study, analyze and create simple and effective solutions for implementation of human capital management (hcm) cloud for sizeable customers.

?effectively guide projects and manage customers e_pectations.

?ability to provide vision and business solution to customers and project team.

?analyze and resolve issues independently.

relevant e_perience:

?degree holder in related discipline

?subject matter e_pertise in the area of oracle hcm cloud

?7 years of hcm application implementation e_perience

?e_perience in the development of client-specific solutions, including design of business process flows and of application e_tensions.

?e_cellent communication and facilitation skills required to lead client stakeholders and consulting team in the development of solutions.

?e_posure or e_perience in global delivery and offshore outsourcing is desired

?mature, confident, presentable, good team spirit and willing to take up challenges

?strong communication skill in english

第2篇 disciplinefieldsuperintendent崗位職責

financial analyst responsibilities:

1. work closely with subsidiaries and teams for finance analyses &planning.

2. build analyses reports under management requirement.

3. consolidate different financial reports which need to be submitted to hq on the quarterly/monthly/weekly basis.

4. identify variance driven factors &improvements suggestion, write comments and provide e_planations to those figures showing large variances.

5. financial data management and development, annual planning &processing, monitoring.

6. related reports that be required by marketing departments.

7. other responsibilities assigned.


1.bachelor degree or above, cpa or acca preferred.

2. 3+ years e_periences in fp&a area.

3.good e_cel &ppt skills.

4. e_cellent interpersonal communication skills.

5. working precisely, good reconciliation skill. strong sense of urgency, ensure on time delivery.

5. good command of both spoken and written english.

6. familiar with erp system, sap/jed preferred. responsibilities:

1. work closely with subsidiaries and teams for finance analyses &planning.

2. build analyses reports under management requirement.

3. consolidate different financial reports which need to be submitted to hq on the quarterly/monthly/weekly basis.

4. identify variance driven factors &improvements suggestion, write comments and provide e_planations to those figures showing large variances.

5. financial data management and development, annual planning &processing, monitoring.

6. related reports that be required by marketing departments.

7. other responsibilities assigned.


1.bachelor degree or above, cpa or acca preferred.

2. 3+ years e_periences in fp&a area.

3.good e_cel &ppt skills.

4. e_cellent interpersonal communication skills.

5. working precisely, good reconciliation skill. strong sense of urgency, ensure on time delivery.

5. good command of both spoken and written english.

6. familiar with erp system, sap/jed preferred.

第3篇 senior/ principle hcm顧問崗位職責描述崗位要求




?study, analyze and create simple and effective solutions for implementation of human capital management (hcm) cloud for sizeable customers.

?effectively guide projects and manage customers e_pectations.

?ability to provide vision and business solution to customers and project team.

?analyze and resolve issues independently.

relevant e_perience:

?degree holder in related discipline

?subject matter e_pertise in the area of oracle hcm cloud

?7 years of hcm application implementation e_perience

?e_perience in the development of client-specific solutions, including design of business process flows and of application e_tensions.

?e_cellent communication and facilitation skills required to lead client stakeholders and consulting team in the development of solutions.

?e_posure or e_perience in global delivery and offshore outsourcing is desired

?mature, confident, presentable, good team spirit and willing to take up challenges

?strong communication skill in english

第4篇 disciplinefieldsuperintendent崗位職責disciplinefieldsuperintendent職責任職要求


office manager our client is global top tier multinational company in financial service industry. currently we are looking for an office manager for shanghai office.

job responsibility:

- organize travel for employees in and out of the shanghai office, where necessary, including car transportation, flights and accommodations fully responsible for office renovation, relocation and other facility management

- purchasing, invoicing, and allocation of office supplies, mail services, pantry snacks, etc.

- manage all office-related invoices and payments

- liaise with third-party accounting firm to help manage corporate accounting and ta_ for the business

- assist general manager with invoice approval, e_pense tracking, and budgeting processes


- bachelor degree and above

- over 6 years of e_periences in office management/ admin function, with previous e_periences in financial service/professional service industry

- fluent english and mandarin

- good communication skills and interpersonal skills

our client is global top tier multinational company in financial service industry. currently we are looking for an office manager for shanghai office.

job responsibility:

- organize travel for employees in and out of the shanghai office, where necessary, including car transportation, flights and accommodations fully responsible for office renovation, relocation and other facility management

- purchasing, invoicing, and allocation of office supplies, mail services, pantry snacks, etc.

- manage all office-related invoices and payments

- liaise with third-party accounting firm to help manage corporate accounting and ta_ for the business

- assist general manager with invoice approval, e_pense tracking, and budgeting processes


- bachelor degree and above

- over 6 years of e_periences in office management/ admin function, with previous e_periences in financial service/professional service industry

- fluent english and mandarin

- good communication skills and interpersonal skills




  • ipl崗位職責4篇
  • ipl崗位職責4篇49人關(guān)注

    崗位職責是什么ipl,即interactiveproductline(互動產(chǎn)品線)負責人,是一個關(guān)鍵的管理角色,專注于策劃、開發(fā)和執(zhí)行一系列與消費者互動性強的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)。這個職位的核心 ...[更多]
