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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):20





1. 具備良好的溝通技巧,能清晰、準(zhǔn)確地傳達(dá)信息,理解客戶的需要和期望。

2. 熟悉公司產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)的詳細(xì)信息,能夠迅速、準(zhǔn)確地提供解決方案。

3. 擁有耐心和同理心,能在面對(duì)各種客戶問(wèn)題時(shí)保持專業(yè)和友好態(tài)度。

4. 能夠獨(dú)立解決問(wèn)題,同時(shí)懂得何時(shí)尋求團(tuán)隊(duì)支持,協(xié)同處理復(fù)雜情況。

5. 具備良好的記錄和報(bào)告能力,及時(shí)記錄客戶反饋,為決策提供依據(jù)。




1. 客戶接待:接待來(lái)電、來(lái)訪客戶,解答產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)相關(guān)問(wèn)題,提供購(gòu)買建議。

2. 技術(shù)支持:針對(duì)技術(shù)性問(wèn)題,提供操作指導(dǎo),協(xié)助客戶解決使用中遇到的困難。

3. 投訴處理:傾聽客戶投訴,記錄問(wèn)題詳情,協(xié)調(diào)內(nèi)部資源,確保問(wèn)題得到妥善解決。

4. 市場(chǎng)反饋:收集和整理客戶意見,分析市場(chǎng)趨勢(shì),為產(chǎn)品改進(jìn)和市場(chǎng)策略提供參考。

5. 客戶關(guān)系維護(hù):通過(guò)定期跟進(jìn),建立并保持良好的客戶關(guān)系,提升客戶滿意度和忠誠(chéng)度。

6. 內(nèi)部協(xié)作:與銷售、技術(shù)等部門緊密合作,共享客戶信息,確??绮块T服務(wù)的一致性。

7. 數(shù)據(jù)分析:整理和分析客戶服務(wù)數(shù)據(jù),識(shí)別客戶需求模式,優(yōu)化服務(wù)流程。



第1篇 客戶服務(wù)咨詢崗位職責(zé)任職要求


客戶服務(wù)專員(網(wǎng)絡(luò)咨詢方向) 上海美迪亞醫(yī)院投資集團(tuán)有限公司 上海美迪亞醫(yī)院投資集團(tuán)有限公司,美迪亞 我們集團(tuán)旗下的昆山綜合醫(yī)院招聘客服專員(網(wǎng)絡(luò)咨詢方向)3名:












第2篇 服務(wù)咨詢顧問(wèn)崗位職責(zé)任職要求


咨詢服務(wù)顧問(wèn) 北京安信天行科技有限公司 北京安信天行科技有限公司,安信天行任職要求:















第3篇 服務(wù)咨詢師崗位職責(zé)

成人英語(yǔ) 服務(wù)咨詢師 id-30973 英孚教育(中國(guó)) 英域成語(yǔ)言培訓(xùn)(上海)有限公司,ef,ef教育,上海英孚,英孚,英孚教育(中國(guó)),英孚教育(中國(guó)),英域成 職責(zé)描述:



1. 你不愿意每天只面對(duì)電腦工作;

2. 你不愿意墨守成規(guī),循規(guī)蹈矩;

3. 你希望在廣闊的平臺(tái)找到很多的機(jī)會(huì)可以提高自己的能力;

4. 你享受多元文化的工作環(huán)境;

5. 你陽(yáng)光開朗,希望在工作中結(jié)交各行各業(yè)的朋友;

6. 你熱情善良,為人誠(chéng)信,愿意幫助他人更好的學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ);

7. 你具備良好的溝通能力和技巧;

8. 你擁有本科以上學(xué)歷;英語(yǔ)專業(yè)者優(yōu)先;

9. 你擁有1年以上的服務(wù)行業(yè)或相關(guān)崗位經(jīng)驗(yàn)。

第4篇 客戶服務(wù)咨詢崗位職責(zé)

客戶服務(wù)部醫(yī)療咨詢官 瑞華健康保險(xiǎn)股份有限公司 瑞華健康保險(xiǎn)股份有限公司,瑞華 職責(zé)描述:











5、microsoft office操作熟練。

第5篇 服務(wù)咨詢主管崗位職責(zé)任職要求





3、計(jì)算機(jī)相關(guān)專業(yè),本科及以上學(xué)歷,具備iso 27001 la、cissp、pmp、cisa、itil等信息安全證書優(yōu)先;



第6篇 服務(wù)咨詢主管崗位職責(zé)

國(guó)際服務(wù)咨詢案例主管 the qualified individual is responsible to support the development, implementation and evaluation of global solutions services at the jiahui hospital.

this position will work effectively as part of patient care team to connect and facilitate a seamless jiahui health care e_perience together with e_ternal health care teams and organizations. this role will also help with build and improve the policies and workflows to enhance patient e_perience of global solution services.

the responsible individual will have organizational and communication skills and be able to use the information systems needed to support the patient care e_perience. they will be able to assess client needs and will engage patients and partners in order to ma_imize effective use of health care resources at jiahui and overseas.

essential tasks:

1. monitor the patient journey in their jiahui and international e_perience from beginning to completion, and facilitate coordination with internal clinical and operation team, as well as international partners to ensure timely and satisfied service delivery to patient;

2. handle disputes and customer complains when escalated from front-line team members;

3. handle comple_ / vip case from beginning to end in person;

4. maintain close communicate with international partners and communicated actively when needed;

5. review patient feedback with global solution service consultant regularly to improve service policies and workflows for better quality of care and patient e_perience;

6. provide internal process and practice training to relevant functions of global solution services;

7. perform other duties as assigned;

knowledge and skills:

1. knowledge of each patient’s diagnosis and its treatment-related specifics;

2. skillful in patient assessment and education;

3. demonstrate maturity and professionalism when interacting with patient, co-workers and visitors in the practice setting;

4. ability to use the information systems needed to support information management and the patient care e_perience

5. understand products and patient flow process in the section of global solutions;

6. culture sensitive when working with international collaborators

7. ability to deal with comple_ situations and manage customer complains to ensure a good client e_perience by navigating through different functions in a timely manner

8. lead or participate in quality improvement initiatives or projects

9. promote the development of collaborative relationships with colleagues

required qualifications and e_periences:

1. minimal bachelor degree, with major in medicine, nursing, public health, life science or other related area;

2. general medical knowledge of oncology treatment is required;

3. a minimum of 5 years e_periences in customer service in a healthcare organization, customer service e_perience for high-end client is preferred, administration e_perience in hospital is preferred, nurse background is preferred;

4. e_cellent communication ability with strong service consciousness, able to build trust with patients, families and other high-end clients;

5. independent, detail-oriented, able to handle multiple tasks and complete tasks on time, strong teamwork spirit;

6. self-starter, goal-getter, problem solver, strong willingness to learn new things;

7. strong work ethics and conduct him/herself in a professional manner at all times;

8. compassionate and patience;

9. fluent in spoken and written chinese and english, medical english skill is preferred; the qualified individual is responsible to support the development, implementation and evaluation of global solutions services at the jiahui hospital.

this position will work effectively as part of patient care team to connect and facilitate a seamless jiahui health care e_perience together with e_ternal health care teams and organizations. this role will also help with build and improve the policies and workflows to enhance patient e_perience of global solution services.

the responsible individual will have organizational and communication skills and be able to use the information systems needed to support the patient care e_perience. they will be able to assess client needs and will engage patients and partners in order to ma_imize effective use of health care resources at jiahui and overseas.

essential tasks:

1. monitor the patient journey in their jiahui and international e_perience from beginning to completion, and facilitate coordination with internal clinical and operation team, as well as international partners to ensure timely and satisfied service delivery to patient;

2. handle disputes and customer complains when escalated from front-line team members;

3. handle comple_ / vip case from beginning to end in person;

4. maintain close communicate with international partners and communicated actively when needed;

5. review patient feedback with global solution service consultant regularly to improve service policies and workflows for better quality of care and patient e_perience;

6. provide internal process and practice training to relevant functions of global solution services;

7. perform other duties as assigned;

knowledge and skills:

1. knowledge of each patient’s diagnosis and its treatment-related specifics;

2. skillful in patient assessment and education;

3. demonstrate maturity and professionalism when interacting with patient, co-workers and visitors in the practice setting;

4. ability to use the information systems needed to support information management and the patient care e_perience

5. understand products and patient flow process in the section of global solutions;

6. culture sensitive when working with international collaborators

7. ability to deal with comple_ situations and manage customer complains to ensure a good client e_perience by navigating through different functions in a timely manner

8. lead or participate in quality improvement initiatives or projects

9. promote the development of collaborative relationships with colleagues

required qualifications and e_periences:

1. minimal bachelor degree, with major in medicine, nursing, public health, life science or other related area;

2. general medical knowledge of oncology treatment is required;

3. a minimum of 5 years e_periences in customer service in a healthcare organization, customer service e_perience for high-end client is preferred, administration e_perience in hospital is preferred, nurse background is preferred;

4. e_cellent communication ability with strong service consciousness, able to build trust with patients, families and other high-end clients;

5. independent, detail-oriented, able to handle multiple tasks and complete tasks on time, strong teamwork spirit;

6. self-starter, goal-getter, problem solver, strong willingness to learn new things;

7. strong work ethics and conduct him/herself in a professional manner at all times;

8. compassionate and patience;

9. fluent in spoken and written chinese and english, medical english skill is preferred;

第7篇 it服務(wù)咨詢顧問(wèn)崗位職責(zé)

it服務(wù)管理咨詢顧問(wèn) 趨勢(shì)引領(lǐng)信息咨詢北京 北京趨勢(shì)引領(lǐng)信息咨詢有限公司,趨勢(shì)引領(lǐng),趨勢(shì)引領(lǐng)信息咨詢北京,趨勢(shì)引領(lǐng) 崗位職責(zé):

1. 協(xié)助客戶完成it運(yùn)維管理流程的規(guī)劃、設(shè)計(jì)、運(yùn)維與質(zhì)量控制,包括:

a) 制定it運(yùn)營(yíng)管理規(guī)劃;

b) 變更、發(fā)布、容量性能管理等流程優(yōu)化需求管理及電子化實(shí)施過(guò)程的管控,持續(xù)改進(jìn);

c) 事件、問(wèn)題、變更、配置、業(yè)務(wù)連續(xù)性等領(lǐng)域的制度、辦法、流程規(guī)范的制定;

d) it運(yùn)維管理流程的日常運(yùn)維管理和質(zhì)量控制;

e) 推動(dòng)it運(yùn)營(yíng)管理體系的落地執(zhí)行,定期對(duì)運(yùn)營(yíng)管理數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行分析,及協(xié)助組織定期的檢查和審計(jì),發(fā)現(xiàn)潛在風(fēng)險(xiǎn)推動(dòng)改進(jìn)提升。

2. 相關(guān)it運(yùn)營(yíng)重要工作任務(wù)的實(shí)施。

? 任職要求:

1. 大學(xué)本科以上學(xué)歷,計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)、it治理、信息管理、信息安全、通信、軟件工程、項(xiàng)目管理、自動(dòng)控制等相關(guān)專業(yè);

2. 工作年限5-8年,3年以上it相關(guān)工作經(jīng)驗(yàn);

3. 年齡35歲以下。

? 能力要求:

1. 熟悉大型企業(yè)it運(yùn)營(yíng)戰(zhàn)略管理模式,在大型企業(yè)itil管理和項(xiàng)目管理3年以上工作經(jīng)驗(yàn),主持過(guò)3個(gè)及以上的it管理咨詢類項(xiàng)目或擔(dān)任過(guò)itil流程經(jīng)理至少2年;

2. 熟悉itsm/itil/iso20000/devops等體系標(biāo)準(zhǔn),有大型企業(yè)it運(yùn)營(yíng)管理經(jīng)驗(yàn)者優(yōu)先,對(duì)于主流it技術(shù)有一定了解,有itil/devops證書優(yōu)先;

3. 具備清晰的邏輯思維和推理能力,良好的系統(tǒng)分析、解決問(wèn)題能力,較強(qiáng)的工作推動(dòng)力;

4. 有良好的領(lǐng)悟力,能夠主動(dòng)、及時(shí)的與客戶進(jìn)行溝通,了解客戶需求;

5. 富有創(chuàng)新精神,性格開朗,善于溝通。

第8篇 服務(wù)咨詢顧問(wèn)崗位職責(zé)

國(guó)際服務(wù)咨詢顧問(wèn) summary:

the qualified individual is responsible to act as the point of first contact to for patients, families and friends seeking global solution services at the jiahui hospital, including telemedicine or transfer of care to international locations.

this position will work effectively as service consultant to provide client with solutions that meets their need, and connect and facilitate a seamless jiahui health care e_perience together with jiahui’s medical and administrative team.

the responsible individual will have a customer service or clinical background, have strong organizational and communication skills in both english and chinese.

essential tasks:

serve as the first point of contact to respond to e_ternal and internal inquiries from about jiahui global solution services (international consultation, telemedicine, and global concierge services);

serve the customer by understanding their needs and recommending the appropriate services that best meet their needs, support patient and family understanding and decision making through clear and thoughtful guidance and direction on services and the process;

communicate and coordinate with internal clinical and administrative team for case preparation, monitor and facilitate the patient journey in their jiahui and international e_perience and provide communication points as needed, work with team to discuss cases and escalate concerns to the ne_t level of responsibilities when indicated;

collect clients e_perience and satisfaction feedback, discuss with relevant dept. for product and service enhancement to improve satisfaction level and build client loyalty;

maintain relationships with clients regularly, and introduce up & cross-sell opportunities where medical appropriate;

develop sales kit and marketing material content, designing as per requirements and at same time work with marketing team to identify articles or marketing materials that can impact our customers;

perform other duties as assigned;

knowledge and skills:

knowledge of each patient’s diagnosis and its treatment-related specifics;

skillful in patient assessment and education;

demonstrate maturity and professionalism when interacting with patient, co-workers and visitors in the practice setting;

coordinate activities with client, internal clinical and operational team to ensure patient receive services in a timely manner;

understand products and patient flow process in the section of global solutions;

lead or participate in quality improvement initiatives or projects

required qualifications and e_periences:

minimal bachelor degree, with major in medicine, nursing, public health, life science or other related area;

general medical knowledge of oncology treatment is required;

a minimum of 5 years e_periences in a diversified environment with strong e_ternal relation building, 2+ years e_periences in high-end health management organization is preferred, physician or nurse background is preferred;

e_cellent communication ability with strong service consciousness, able to build trust and maintain long-term relation with patients, families and other high-end clients;

independent, detail-oriented, able to handle multiple tasks and complete tasks on time, strong teamwork spirit;

self-starter, goal-getter, problem solver, strong willingness to learn new things;

strong work ethics and conduct him/herself in a professional manner at all times;

compassionate and patience;

fluent in spoken and written chinese and english, medical english skill is preferred; summary:

the qualified individual is responsible to act as the point of first contact to for patients, families and friends seeking global solution services at the jiahui hospital, including telemedicine or transfer of care to international locations.

this position will work effectively as service consultant to provide client with solutions that meets their need, and connect and facilitate a seamless jiahui health care e_perience together with jiahui’s medical and administrative team.

the responsible individual will have a customer service or clinical background, have strong organizational and communication skills in both english and chinese.

essential tasks:

serve as the first point of contact to respond to e_ternal and internal inquiries from about jiahui global solution services (international consultation, telemedicine, and global concierge services);

serve the customer by understanding their needs and recommending the appropriate services that best meet their needs, support patient and family understanding and decision making through clear and thoughtful guidance and direction on services and the process;

communicate and coordinate with internal clinical and administrative team for case preparation, monitor and facilitate the patient journey in their jiahui and international e_perience and provide communication points as needed, work with team to discuss cases and escalate concerns to the ne_t level of responsibilities when indicated;

collect clients e_perience and satisfaction feedback, discuss with relevant dept. for product and service enhancement to improve satisfaction level and build client loyalty;

maintain relationships with clients regularly, and introduce up & cross-sell opportunities where medical appropriate;

develop sales kit and marketing material content, designing as per requirements and at same time work with marketing team to identify articles or marketing materials that can impact our customers;

perform other duties as assigned;

knowledge and skills:

knowledge of each patient’s diagnosis and its treatment-related specifics;

skillful in patient assessment and education;

demonstrate maturity and professionalism when interacting with patient, co-workers and visitors in the practice setting;

coordinate activities with client, internal clinical and operational team to ensure patient receive services in a timely manner;

understand products and patient flow process in the section of global solutions;

lead or participate in quality improvement initiatives or projects

required qualifications and e_periences:

minimal bachelor degree, with major in medicine, nursing, public health, life science or other related area;

general medical knowledge of oncology treatment is required;

a minimum of 5 years e_periences in a diversified environment with strong e_ternal relation building, 2+ years e_periences in high-end health management organization is preferred, physician or nurse background is preferred;

e_cellent communication ability with strong service consciousness, able to build trust and maintain long-term relation with patients, families and other high-end clients;

independent, detail-oriented, able to handle multiple tasks and complete tasks on time, strong teamwork spirit;

self-starter, goal-getter, problem solver, strong willingness to learn new things;

strong work ethics and conduct him/herself in a professional manner at all times;

compassionate and patience;

fluent in spoken and written chinese and english, medical english skill is preferred;




  • 服務(wù)咨詢崗位職責(zé)8篇
  • 服務(wù)咨詢崗位職責(zé)8篇20人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么服務(wù)咨詢崗位是企業(yè)與客戶之間的重要橋梁,負(fù)責(zé)解答客戶疑問(wèn),提供專業(yè)的產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)信息,以協(xié)助客戶做出明智的決策,同時(shí)收集和反饋客戶需求,促進(jìn)企業(yè)產(chǎn)品 ...[更多]
